
  • 网络China's tax system;chinese tax system;Tax System of China;Taxation System of China
  1. 新世纪中国税制改革探讨

    Discussion on Chinese Tax System Reform in New century

  2. 中国税制改革若干问题探析

    Some Problems to Analyze for Chinese Tax System Reform

  3. WTO规则与中国税制改革及保护

    The WTO Regulations and the Reform and Protection of Taxation System in China

  4. 1994年中国税制改革深析

    Discussion on the Reform of China 's Taxation in 1994

  5. 新一轮中国税制改革特点探析

    Probe in the Characteristic of the New Tax System Reform

  6. 论国际税收竞争与竞争性的中国税制

    On International Tax Competition and the Competitiveness of China 's Tax System

  7. 中国税制改革的制度供求分析

    The Analysis of Institutional Economics on the Chinese Tax Reform

  8. 中国税制绿色化与生态税

    Green Taxation in China and the Introduction of Ecological-tax

  9. 改革中国税制与西部地区发展

    On the Reform of China 's Tax System and the Development of West Areas

  10. 结构性减税:东北试点与中国税制改革

    Structural Tax Reduction : " Northeast Pilot Project " and Tax System Reform in China

  11. 论适应WTO原则的中国所得税制改革

    On China 's Income Tax Reform in Accordance with WTO Principles

  12. 最后一个部分,首先提出银行税改的基本原则和思路,并针对加入WTO后如何完善中国银行税制的问题,提出相应的建议:①统一税制。

    Directing against the question that how to perfect tax system of Bank of China after accession to the WTO , put forward the corresponding suggestion : ① Unify the tax system .

  13. 构建中国绿色税制体系应遵循的原则

    The Principles Should Be Obeyed in Constructing China 's Green Taxation System

  14. 中国近代税制改革思想研究(1900-1949)

    On the Thoughts of Taxation System Reform in China ( 1900-1949 );

  15. 本论文研究的是中国环境税制的完善。

    The dissertation studies on the improvement of environmental taxation system in China .

  16. 中国现行税制存在的问题及改革的基本思路

    On Problems about Chinese Present Tax System and Basic Thinking on Its Reform

  17. 传统逃税理论模型的进一步修正:以中国现行税制为框架

    Further Correction on Traditional Escape Model : in Configuration of Current Tax System

  18. 中国能源税制改革的趋势分析

    Tendency Analysis of Energy Taxes Reforms in China

  19. 中国农业税制改革探析

    An Analysis of Agriculture Tax Reforms

  20. 改善证券税收的征管等方面进行改革,从而完善中国证券税制。

    Tax collection and management and improve securities reform , thus improving the China securities tax system .

  21. 本文就完善中国金融税制提出了政策建议。

    In this article , we bring forward our suggestion of consummating Chinese tax system for the finance industry .

  22. 如何有效的避免国际双重征税,是中国涉外税制必须面对的挑战。

    How to effectively avoid international double taxation , is the challenge that Chinas foreign tax system have to face .

  23. 在中国的税制变迁中,不断变化的目标背后相同的变迁理念是强制和权宜。

    The goals of the vicissitudes of tax system of China gradually change , but its immovability is coercion and expediency .

  24. 在对财产税体系进行界定和说明的基础上,系统梳理出中国现行税制中的财产税体系。

    I think , the research of the reform must based on the boundary and comprehension of current property tax system .

  25. 分析西方国家税制改革的主要内容及特征,可以为中国的税制改革提供有益的借鉴和启示。

    To analyze the main contents and features of tax reform can offer beneficial reference and revelation to China 's reform of tax .

  26. 近代中国的税制改革思想,是我国财政制度现代化过程中的一个重要组成部分。

    The thought of taxation system reform in modern China is an important part of modernization of the fiscal institution in our country .

  27. 中国现行税制存在着对落后地区经济的不利影响,也即所谓的“回波效应”。

    The present tax system has an unfavourable influence on the economic development in the backward areas , that is the so-called " backward effect " .

  28. 1994年中国实行税制改革,曾计划统一内外资企业所得税,但是由于东南亚金融危机所产生的负面影响,搁置了这一计划。

    In 1994 China reformed its tax system , which would change the different tax policies between the local enterprise and the foreign enterprise into the same .

  29. 上述问题的解决最终取决于中国合伙税制的选择,而非民商法中合伙制度的发展。

    Ultimately , the resolution of the issue depends on the choice of Chinese system of partnership taxation , rather than the development of partnership system provided in civil and commercial laws .

  30. 中国当前税制变迁中存在许多非和谐性因素,需要通过对税制衍生规则的重构推动其和谐演化。

    At present , there are some inharmonious factors exist in the changing process of the tax system , which needs to be improved by reconstructing the derivation rules of the tax system .