
yī tiáo biān fǎ
  • One whip method;rule of taxation reform(in the Ming Dynasty)by combining all miscellaneous duties into one collected in silver coins instead of real goods
  1. 一条鞭法的颁行堪称中国赋役制度变迁历程中的一次重大变革。

    The implementation of One Lash Method was a great reform in Chinas tax system reform .

  2. 与州县相同,在辽东卫所,均徭改革的方向也指向一条鞭法。

    State and County , in Liao dong are kept taxes the direction of reform also point to a whip .

  3. 第二节,论述了明清时期山东地区的赋役改革,即一条鞭法和地丁银的实施推广情况。

    Second section , elaborates the reform of taxes and service systems , in Ming and Qing Dynasties time in Shandong area .