
  1. 布什说,他准备与北韩打交道,通过集体谈判而不是一对一谈判。

    Bush says he intends to deal with North Korea through group talks rather than one-on-one negotiations .

  2. 当电子商务变得越来越复杂,一对一谈判已经不能满足当前的需求,一对多谈判应运而生。

    When e-commerce becomes more and more complex , one-to-one negotiation is not accordant with the current business demands , and one-to-many negotiation comes into being .

  3. 在报道说奥巴马政府可能很快与伊朗进入一对一谈判,试图阻止其想方设法制造核武器的行为时,最后一场奥巴马与罗姆尼的争战开始了。

    The last Obama-Romney battle takes place amid reports that the Obama administration may soon enter into one-on-one talks with Iran , seeking to dissuade it from pursuing the means to make nuclear weapons .

  4. 他说,北京不希望被排斥在北韩和美国任何一对一谈判之外,因此派遣特使提醒金正日,中国对北韩经济具有至关重要的作用。

    He says Beijing also does not want to be isolated from any one-on-one diplomatic arrangement between North Korea and the United States . So , China sent its envoy , says Hong , to remind Kim Jong Il how crucial it is to the North 's economic fate .

  5. 退出跨太平洋贸易伙伴协议,因此我们可以一对一的谈判达成保护美国员工的协议。

    The withdrawal from the Trans-Pacific Partnership so that we can negotiate one-on-one deals that protect Americans workers .

  6. 奥巴马政府表示愿意与北韩进行一对一的谈判,但条件是这种谈判必须直接相关六方会谈。

    President Obama 's administration has expressed willingness to talk to North Korea one-on-one , but only in a context that is directly connected to the six-party talks .

  7. 研究了敏捷供应链管理中企业间合作的一对一协商与谈判对策以及一对多拍卖机制,并分别给出了相应的算法与模型。

    The one-to-one coordinative negotiation models were established and the one-to-many auction theoretical model for coordination using a game-theoretical approach was also proposed .

  8. 通过一对一的协商谈判机制选择第三方物流服务商是企业物流外包的重要方式。

    Selecting the third party logistics outsourcing provider through " one to one " negotiation mechanism is a major way for logistics outsourcing .