
zhènɡ shì tán pàn
  • formal negotiation;official negotiation
  1. 讨论旨在为两国进行正式谈判铺平道路。

    The discussions are aimed at paving the way for formal negotiations between the two countries .

  2. 她表示,作为与G8国家在联合国(UnitedNations)或世界贸易组织(WorldTradeOrganisation)等多边机构进行正式谈判的补充方式,这种对话很有用。

    This was useful as a supplement to formal negotiations with G8 countries in multilateral bodies such as the United Nations or World Trade Organisation , she said .

  3. 环球影视(NBCUniversal)正在与微软公司(Microsoft)进行正式谈判,拟回购微软全国有线广播电视公司(MSNBC.com)。

    Nbcuniversal is in serious negotiations with Microsoft to buy back MSNBC .

  4. 英国首相特里萨.梅(TheresaMay)迄今拒绝在启动正式谈判之前保证欧盟公民的权利。

    So far , Theresa May , UK prime minister , has refused to guarantee the rights of citizens from the EU before formal negotiations begin .

  5. 昨日在巴塞罗那举行了哥本哈根会议前的最后一轮正式谈判,其间联合国(un)及主要发达国家指出,谈判有可能拖到2010年年中。

    In Barcelona yesterday , at the last round of formal talks before Copenhagen , the UN and leading developed countries raised the prospect of negotiations dragging into mid-2010 .

  6. 正式谈判将于6月1日在波恩正式启动,此后还会有三次或更多次会议,最后的峰会将于12月在哥本哈根举行,以缔结《京都议定书》(kyotoprotocol)的后续协定。

    Formal negotiations begin officially on June 1 in Bonn , with three or more meetings to follow before the final summit in Copenhagen in December to forge a successor to the Kyoto protocol .

  7. 布朗宣布辞职的同时,还宣布了工党已经与自由民主党及其领袖克莱格(NickClegg)就分权联盟进入正式谈判。

    Mr. Brown 's move to step aside was packaged with his announcement that Labour has entered formal talks on a power-sharing coalition with the Liberal Democrats and their leader , Nick Clegg .

  8. “然而,几乎没有证据表明通过NWP取得的关于适应技术的进展进入了UNFCCC的正式谈判。”这些机构说。

    " There is little evidence , however , that progress made on adaptation technologies through the NWP is filtering back into formal negotiations within the UNFCCC ," say the agencies .

  9. 今天上午九点,他们来到大发服装公司进行正式谈判。

    At 00 this morning , they come to Dafa Garments for formal negotiations .

  10. 关于新条约的正式谈判在2015年前不太可能启动。

    Formal negotiations on a new treaty are unlikely to get under way until 2015 .

  11. 必要时,接收方应在正式谈判场合和会议上提供翻译。

    If necessary the receiving side will ensure an interpreter for official negotiations and meetings .

  12. 正式谈判的启动比原计划晚了一星期。

    The formal start came exactly one week after they were originally scheduled to begin .

  13. 正式谈判正在进行。

    Formal negotiations are under way .

  14. 至少一个这种会议将会在正式谈判开始前举行。

    One or more of those meetings still could take place before the formal negotiations begin .

  15. 里根先生说他是根据正式谈判即将举行这一设想行事的。

    Mr Reagan said he was working on the assumption that formal negotiations would shortly take place .

  16. 另外有消息称,新闻集团正在与微软就联合竞购雅虎公司进行正式谈判。

    Inside source also said that News Corporation had initiated formal negotiations with Microsoft , joining in its bid for Yahoo .

  17. 据知情人士称,双方已有过对话,但没有就价格进行任何正式谈判。

    The two sides have talked , though haven 't had any formal negotiations around price , say people familiar with the matter .

  18. 这个举动是因为编剧们开始和制作方进行沟通,为了结束长达11周的争论给双方正式谈判铺路。

    The move comes as writers begin talks with studios aimed at paving the way for formal negotiations to end the11-week long dispute .

  19. 今年已举行8轮正式谈判,文本和清单谈判取得良好进展。

    Eight rounds of formal negotiations have been held this year , and good progress has been made on text and list negotiations .

  20. 台湾官员表示,正式谈判最早将于下月初开始,届时将批准目前非正式会谈中达成的谅解。

    Taiwanese officials said formal negotiations that would rubberstamp the understanding reached in the current informal talks could come as early as next month .

  21. 雷普索尔拒绝对中海油直接置评,但谈到了另一方面的接洽:我们目前未与中国石油天然气集团公司进行任何正式谈判。

    Repsol declined to comment directly on CNOOC , but said of the other approach : We 're not in any formal discussions with CNPC .

  22. 此次会面将为以后更多的正式谈判奠定基础,以色列官员表示,谈判可能会持续约九个月的时间。

    These meetings are intended to lay the ground work for more formal negotiations , which Israeli officials say would likely last about nine months .

  23. 中国已同意就一项条约与日本启动正式谈判,这项条约将让这两个经常不和的东亚强国在有争议的海域共同开发天然气资源。

    China has agreed to start formal talks with Japan on a treaty that would allow joint development of gas resources in contested waters between the often-fractious East Asian powers .

  24. 布朗表示:克莱格刚刚向我表示,目前他希望与工党展开正式谈判。按照宪法惯例,布朗仍将作为过渡角色担任首相,直至组建新政府。

    Mr Clegg has just informed me that he now wishes to take forward formal discussions with the Labour party , said Mr Brown , who remains as prime minister in a caretaker role according to constitutional convention until a new government is formed .

  25. 尽管日内瓦会议的目的只是为巴黎协议形成一份正式谈判文本,会议期间的非正式会谈却表明,各国对最终协议的内容还存在大量分歧。

    While the Geneva meeting was only supposed to come up with an official negotiating text for the Paris pact , informal talks during the week revealed that a vast array of differences remain between countries over what the final agreement should look like .

  26. 在WTO乌拉圭回合中,服务贸易作为商品贸易的重要补充被正式纳入谈判体系,同时金融服务附件的产生也将金融服务贸易自由化推上了历史舞台。

    In the WTO Uruguay Round , trade in services has been formally incorporated into the negotiation system , and the liberalization of financial service trade emerges on the historical stage .

  27. 搁置了10多年的正式双边谈判已重新启动。

    Formal bilateral talks , which had stalled for more than a decade , were resumed .

  28. 在2004年开始正式入盟谈判之前,有很多的弯路。

    There were plenty of detours on the way to the start of formal accession talks in 2004 .

  29. 双方已悄然结束了长达数月之久的非正式谈判,台湾经济部“部长”尹启明说,他希望10月能开始正式的谈判工作。

    The two sides have quietly concluded months of unofficial negotiations and Taiwan 's economy minister , Yiin Chii-ming , says he wants formal negotiations to start in October .

  30. 土耳其1997年被宣布有资格加入拥有28个成员国的欧盟,2005年正式开始入盟谈判。

    Turkey was declared eligible to join the 28-member bloc in 1997 and officially began the process in 2005 .