
  • 网络Instrumental rationality;instrumental reason
  1. 中国视域下的工具理性批判&来自制度构建视角的分析

    Critique of Instrumental Rationality in View of Chinese Reality & Analysis Viewed from the Construction of System

  2. 进一步通过对阿多诺文化工业批判理论中启蒙概念和工具理性概念的星丛式认知的揭示,本文提出在文化工业批判中实际也蕴涵着其星丛式的思维方式。

    Furthermore , the author reveals that the concepts of ' Enlightenment ' and ' Instrumental Rationality ' in Adorno 's culture industry critique theory should be constellation-style ones , and thus that the constellation-style thought should be implied in the theory .

  3. Blog教育应用的技术探微及其工具理性

    Technologies Disquisition about the Application Blog to Education and its Implemental Rationality

  4. 工具理性与制度选择&论国民经济核算(SNA)方法的制度特性

    Instrumental Rationality and Institutional Choice & Institutional Characteristic of SNA

  5. 工具理性背景下的情感形态与生存境遇&以英国作家马丁·艾米斯为例胎儿NRBC具有鲜明的形态学、免疫学特征。

    On the Emotional Situation Influenced by Instrumental Rationality & A Study of Martin Amis ' Work Fetal NRBCs show unique morphological characteristics and haemoglobin phenotype .

  6. 对《启蒙辩证法》中工具理性批判思想的批判

    Critique of the Critique of Instrumental Reason in Dialectics of Enlightenment

  7. 三是因道德救国论与国家目的论的影响下导致道德的工具理性压倒价值理性。

    And a crisis of value rationality overwhelmed by instrumental rationality .

  8. 论工具理性对人的全面发展的制约

    On the Restriction of the Tool Rationality to Human Comprehensive Development

  9. 关于工具理性之价值意象虚构的批判

    A Critical Study of Fictitious Value Image Based on Instrumental Rationality

  10. 科学技术是工具理性;

    Science and technology is " reason of the tool ";

  11. 量化课程评价是目标取向的,它追求工具理性。

    Quantitative evaluation embodied objective orientation and pursued instrumental rationality .

  12. 文化工业中的工具理性和价值理性

    The Rational of Instrument and the Rationale of Value in Culture Industry

  13. 霍克海默工具理性批判解析

    An Analysis of Horkheimer 's Critical Theory on Instrumental Reason

  14. 这一理论引发了法兰克福学派对工具理性和文化工业的批判。

    This theory made Frankfurt School criticize tool reason and culture industry .

  15. 政治妥协蕴含着工具理性与价值理性的统一。

    Political compromise contains the unity of instrumental rationality and valuable rationality .

  16. 中国现代文学中的工具理性与科学理性

    Implement Rational and the Scientific Rational in Chinese Modern Literature

  17. 当代大学生工具理性行为及对策分析

    Analysis of Instrumentally-Rationalized Behaviour of Contemporary College Students and Countermeasures to It

  18. 工具理性与中国的法治传统

    Tool-rational and the tradition of " rule of law " in China

  19. 价值理性与工具理性:从历史分离到现实整合

    Value Reason and Instrumental Reason : from Separation to Conformity

  20. 工具理性和价值理性作为人的意识的两个不同方面。

    Instrument-rationality and value-rationality are the two aspects of people ' consciousness .

  21. 心理学的价值理性与工具理性的分裂与整合

    The Breaking and Rebuilding between Value Reason and Instrumental Reason of Psychology

  22. 综观理性发展的历史,正是工具理性独大、价值理性无法找到自身位置的历史。

    In the historical development of reason , implement reason alone prevails .

  23. 确立价值理性与工具理性相契合的生态价值观。

    Establishing the concept of the correspondence between value reason and tool reason .

  24. 科学主义追求工具理性;人文主义则更多的关心价值理性。

    Scientism pursues instrumental reason , while humanism concerns about value reason more .

  25. 研究证明,工具理性关系与社会距离负相关。

    The research tells us social distance has negative correlation with utilitarian relationship .

  26. 工具理性扩张及其社会根源探析

    A Discussion of the Expansion of the Scientific Rationality and its Social Origin

  27. 社会资本具有工具理性的特征和功能。

    Instrumental return is one of the characteristics and functions of social capital .

  28. 儒家文化的工具理性及其与现代社会的亲合性分析

    On the Instrumental Rationality of Confucian Culture and Its Affinity with Modern Society

  29. 工具理性与价值追求视角下的中国法治化分析

    Analysis of Chinese legalization from the perspective of instrumental rationality and value quest

  30. 从工具理性的角度探讨石版画的制作技术和媒材特性;

    From tool rational angle discussion lithograph manufacture technology and intermediary material characteristic ;