
  • 网络tool crib
  1. 鲍伯和他父亲在后院建了一间放工具的仓库。

    Bob ad his father constructed a tool shed in the backyard .

  2. JLM是关于此工具的资料仓库。

    JLM is a repository of information about the tool .

  3. CWM的主要目的是在分布式的、异构的环境当中,使数据仓库和商业智能的元数据交换在数据仓库工具、数据仓库平台和数据仓库元数据存储库中变得简单。

    The main purpose of CWM is to enable easy interchange of warehouse and business intelli - gence metadata between warehouse tools , warehouse platforms and ware - house metadata repositories in distributed heterogeneous environment .

  4. 论述了数据仓库技术的基本概念,讨论了元数据、多维模型和非规范化、OLAP工具等数据仓库的核心技术,以及数据仓库技术在质量管理信息系统中的应用。

    This paper is to introduce the basic concepts of Data Warehouse , and discuss the core techniqes of Data Warehouse , including Metadata , Multi - dimensional Model , Unstandardizing , OLAP tools . We also discussed the application in the Quality Management Information System .

  5. 一听到火警,所有的工人都放下工具,向仓库跑去。

    On hearing the fire alarm , all the workers laid down their tools and rushed to the warehouse .

  6. 地点:作为土向星座,摩羯座象征着农田,耕作工具,木材仓库以及放牧家畜的地点。

    Sparta : Places : As an earth sign Capricorn signifies farms , farming equipment , wood stores and places where farm animals roam .

  7. 数据仓库是管理决策分析的基础,要有效地利用数据仓库的信息资源,必须有强大的工具对数据仓库中的信息进行分析决策。

    Data warehouse is the foundation of management decision analysis . In order to make use of information resource of data warehouse , powerful tools must be used on information analysis and decision in data warehouse .

  8. 针对SOA治理,软件业提供了两类不同的工具:注册和仓库。

    The software industry responded with two different categories of tools to the demand for SOA governance support : registries and repositories .

  9. 应用统一建模语言(UML)技术和RationalROSE建模工具对自动化立体仓库智能调度系统进行了UML建模,从而形成了自动化立体仓库智能调度软件的软件体系结构模型;

    The architecture of AS / RS intelligence scheduling system software has been designed with Unified Modeling Language ( UML ) modeling technique and Rational Rose .

  10. IETF策略管理框架中主要包括策略管理工具、策略存储仓库、策略决策点、策略执行点几个部件。

    IETF policy management frame includes policy management tool ( PMT ), policy repository ( PR ), policy decision point ( PDP ) and policy enforcement point ( PEP ) .

  11. 例如,协作工具包括源代码仓库,代码走查工具和wike页面。

    Collaboration tools include for example source code repositories , code review tools and wiki pages .

  12. 数据仓库前端工具则是数据仓库中直接面对用户的部分。

    Among the data Warehouse system , the front tool faces users directly .

  13. 我们需要创建被新工具、引擎和仓库支持的端到端视图。

    We need to create an end-to-end view supported by new tools , engines and repository .

  14. 联机分析OLAP作为数据仓库操作工具和数据表现工具,为数据仓库的查询和分析带来了很大的便利。

    As operating tool and data presenting tool , OLAP bring convenience to data warehouse query and analysis .

  15. 基于ERP建模体系,应用面向对象程序设计工具和关系数据库工具,研究数据仓库元数据实现和管理。

    Based on ERP , we apply object oriented programming tool and relation database tool to research the realization and management of the metadata of data warehouse .