
gōng zī
  • wages;salary;pay;earnings;remuneration;wage packet
工资 [gōng zī]
  • [salary;wages;pay] 作为劳动报酬付给劳动者的货币或实物

  • 以较低的工资按日工作

  • 工资冻结

  • 工资等级

工资[gōng zī]
  1. 这份工作唯一的可取之处就是它的工资。

    The only redeeming feature of the job is the salary .

  2. 我的工资养不起汽车。

    I can 't afford to run a car on my salary .

  3. 如果你迟到了,就要扣你的工资。

    If you 're late , your wages will be docked .

  4. 最低工资定为每小时3.20英镑。

    The minimum wage was set at £ 3.20 an hour .

  5. 董事们刚刚投票同意给他们自己大幅度提高工资。

    The directors have just voted themselves a huge pay increase .

  6. 他们挣的工资与其能力不相称。

    They earn salaries out of all proportion to their ability .

  7. 罚款将从你的工资中扣除。

    The fine will be taken out of your wages .

  8. 他一天工作16个小时,工资仅够勉强维持生计。

    He worked a 16-hour day for a subsistence wage .

  9. 制服费将从你的工资中扣除。

    The cost of your uniform will be deducted from your wages .

  10. 到目前为止,工资的增长与通货膨胀始终保持同步。

    Until now , wage increases have always kept pace with inflation .

  11. 当时公司付不起和他现在相同的工资。

    The company was unable to match his current salary .

  12. 本周他们扣掉了我15%的工资。

    They 've docked 15 % off my pay for this week .

  13. 物价上涨了,但是工资并没有相应增加。

    Prices have risen but wages have not risen proportionately .

  14. 这儿只有一半的人有拿工资的工作。

    Only half the people here are in paid employment .

  15. 我的工资大多支付房租和各种日常费用了。

    Most of my salary gets swallowed by the rent and bills .

  16. 以后,工资的增加将和业绩挂钩。

    In the future , pay increases will be related to productivity .

  17. 工会不大可能接受任何形式的工资限制。

    The unions are unlikely to accept any sort of wage restraint .

  18. 他们坚持要求更大幅度地提高工资。

    They are sticking out for a higher pay rise .

  19. 全体员工已经同意自愿冻结工资。

    The staff have agreed to a voluntary wage freeze .

  20. 这么少的工资让人怎么活呀?

    How can anyone live on such a miserable wage ?

  21. 我的部分工资花在买激光唱片机上。

    Part of my pay cheque went towards buying a CD player .

  22. 我要求提高工资,她答应了。

    I asked for a pay rise and she agreed .

  23. 由于计算机出错,他们的工资晚发了。

    Their pay was late because of a computer bungle .

  24. 最近这次加薪目的是使工资与通货膨胀保持相同的水平。

    This latest rise is intended to keep wages level with inflation .

  25. 报告提议工资增加10%。

    The report recommended a 10 % pay increase .

  26. 政府支持这些工会组织提出的确定最低限度工资的要求。

    The government supported the unions in their demand for a minimum wage .

  27. 他们希望达成一项提高工资的协议。

    They were hoping for a better pay deal .

  28. 他越来越难以靠他的工资维持生计了。

    It was becoming more and more difficult to live on his salary .

  29. 工资的增长必须与通货膨胀率一致。

    Wage increases must be in line with inflation .

  30. 消费者将不得不承担增加工资所需的全部费用。

    Consumers will have to bear the full cost of these pay increases .