
ɡōnɡ zī jié ɡòu
  • wage structure;wage-and-salary structure
  1. 本章先从工资结构理论和方法入手,扼要介绍人力资本和劳动力市场分割等理论,并梳理了研究方法脉络。

    It first introduces the theories such as human capital and segmented labor market , and common methods for the wage structure research .

  2. 我译成“电脑使用回报率再探:铅笔(机关办事员?)也改变了工资结构?”

    Dinardo , j. , and j.s.pischke . " the returns to computer use revisited : have pencils changed the wage structure too ?"

  3. Vavi上个月警告政府,要是不引入新的工资结构,将会导致“全国范围内不可控制的劳工动荡暴发”。

    Any further delay in introducing the new pay structures , Mr Vavi warned the government last month , could unleash " explosive spates of uncontrollable labour unrest across the country " .

  4. 关于高校工资结构及工资关系的思考

    Exploring the salary structure and salary relations of higher education institutions

  5. 高工资结构通常是根据欧洲生活水平和辛苦补贴所制订的离国服务人员工资级别的残迹。

    High-wage structures are often relics of expatriate remuneration scales based on European levels of living and " hardship " premiums .

  6. 部门职工的工资结构有差异,它考虑雇员的经验及其他因素。

    The Department has a differential salary structure which takes into account an employee 's experience as well as other factors .

  7. 人力资本决定收入分配和工资结构,也是一国经济增长的主要源泉。

    Income distribution and human capital to the wage structure , and also the main source of economic growth in a country .

  8. 但现实的工资结构表明人具有某种程度的专用性,后者的存在使得总量生产函数的概念受到了巨大的挑战。

    But the structure of wage enunciates that men possess certain exclusiveness , the existence of the latter weakens the concept of production function .

  9. 所以尽管有着棒球界最聪明的人,但是奥克兰由于有限的工资结构所以他们现在变得缺乏竞争力。

    So with a limited payroll it 's become very difficult for Oakland to compete despite having some of the most brilliant people in baseball there .

  10. 本文以员工公平感为主要研究对象,探讨企业薪酬制度中工资结构与员工公平感之间的关系。

    This article take staff fair feeling as main object of study , in discussion enterprise salary system between wage structure and staff fair feeling relations .

  11. 工资结构是有效薪酬计划方案里很重要的组成部分,它可以确保支付给各个岗位的工资具有外部竞争力及保持内部公平。

    Salary structures are an important component of effective compensation programs and help ensure that pay levels for groups of jobs are competitive externally and equitable internally .

  12. 提醒人力资源管理部门在运用宽带薪酬模式的同时应当同步设计保障措施以保证宽带工资结构的顺利实施。

    Reminded human resources management in using the broadband pay model , design safeguards should also be synchronized to ensure the smooth implementation of broadband salary structure .

  13. 本研究主要探讨人力资本投资基本同质的大学毕业生的初始工资结构问题,借以寻找当前大学生就业难的根源所在。

    My thesis investigates initial wage structures for the graduates with almost same human capital investments in order to find out more reasons for difficulty of college graduates ' employments .

  14. 帮派内的工资结构竟出奇的平衡,远胜于学者史蒂文•利维特和素德赫•文卡特斯赫2000年所分析过的美国帮派。

    The wage structure within the factions appears to be surprisingly flat , far more so than in the American gang analysed in2000 by two academics , Steven Levitt and Sudhir Venkatesh .

  15. 专业技术类公务员有其岗位和个人特质的特殊性,有必要根据专业技术类公务员的特点设计新型的工资结构。

    Professional and technical civil servants have the particularity of their jobs and personal traits there is necessary to design a new salary structure according to the characteristics of professional and technical civil servants .

  16. 试图通过提供格外有吸引力的家庭休假福利、就业保障、或者平等的工资结构而独树一帜的企业,可能吸引异常多厌恶风险的员工。

    A company that tries to stand out by offering especially attractive family leave benefits , or job security , or egalitarian wage structures faces the prospect of attracting a disproportionately risk-averse work force .

  17. 提出了五项基本措施,包括:构建双轨晋升制、完善绩效考核制度、完善岗位工资结构、制定弹性工作制度、培训体系。

    Five basic measures were proposed , which includes : setting up double track promotion system , perfecting performance check up system , improving post wage structure and making flexible work system and training system .

  18. 本文从工资结构理论入手,进而在分析传统薪酬结构的主要问题的基础上引入宽带型工资结构的概念。

    The idea of this paper if coming from the structure of compensation . Then , on the basis of analyzing the main problems of traditional compensation structure , the paper induces the conception of broadbanding compensation .

  19. 同时认为理想的工资结构组合包括基本工资、岗位工资、年功工资和绩效工资四部分,其中,基本工资占21.0%,岗位工资占47.3%,年功工资占6.5%,绩效工资占25.2%。

    In addition , the ideal wage makeup should comprise the base pay , post pay , longevity pay and bonus , and each part accounted for 21.0 % , 47.3 % , 6.5 % and 25.2 % respectively .

  20. 本文以新经济地理学的空间工资结构理论为指导,运用1997-2004年省级面板数据,着眼于市场潜力、产业外部性和城市外部性三方面来考察现阶段中国地区工资差距的变化趋势。

    In the paper , according to spatial wage structure theory of New economic geography , we use the provincial panel data during 1997-2004 to estimate market potential , localization externalities and urbanization externalities and investigate currently transformation trend of wage inequality .

  21. 在借鉴成功企业案例的基础上,提出工资结构优化要服从于企业战略目标,要基于对公司现存薪酬管理体系优劣的把握,从企业自身的实际需要出发,不断进行自我完善与改进。

    Learning from the successful cases , this paper suggests that optimizing the salary structure should submit to the strategic target of the corporation , know the advantages and disadvantages of the present salary management system and improve constantly from the practical necessity .

  22. 然后本文对研发人员报酬体系设计进行了研究,将报酬体系设计分为物质报酬体系设计和精神报酬体系设计两部分,分别对工资结构、技术等级工资、企业文化建设和职业生涯规划进行了讨论。

    Then the author researches the design of reward system , dividing it into material reward design and spirit reward design . And then the author respectively discusses the problems of salary structure , technology grade salary , construction of enterprise culture and professional career program .

  23. 军人基本工资比例结构分析

    Analysis of the proportion and structure of armyman 's basic wages

  24. 整体机架为工资两结构,钢性好,强度高。

    The whole frame for duplicate structure , good rigidity , high strength .

  25. 经济转型期间城镇工资支付结构的变迁

    The Change of Wage Payment Structure of Urban China during Economic Transition : A Quantile Regressional Analysis

  26. 工资等级结构设计包括三个步骤:工资分级、工资分档、工资标准确定。

    In wage rank structive design there are three steps , wage ranking , wage classification and the confirmation of wage standard .

  27. 为促进大学生就业,应适当调整工资收入结构;

    To promote the employment of university students , following measures should be taken : to adjust appropriately the structure of income ;

  28. 激励性薪酬设计包括三个方面:岗位工资等级结构改进、岗位工资调整方法设计以及绩效奖金设计。

    The next it designs the motivational salary system , which includes three respects : Post wage category structure improve , post salary adjust method design and performance bonus design .

  29. 一种自定义工资项的柔性结构工资管理系统

    A Flexible Structural Salary Management System with Auto-defining Salary Items

  30. 我们得拿出一个更有竞争力的工资标准和工资结构来!

    We need to come up with a competitive wage rate and structure here !