
  • 网络payroll;Wage Accounting;Payroll Accounting
  1. 介绍一个通用性较强已在企业中推广应用的会计软件。其主要功能包括帐务处理、报表编制、工资核算、固定资产核算等。

    Main functions of the software are account processing , statement drawing , wage accounting and fixed asset accounting etc.

  2. 电子计算机在工资核算中的应用

    The Uses of Electronic Computers in Wage Calculation

  3. 最初管理者为了减轻在工资核算方面大量繁琐的手工操作,往往聘请一些咨询公司或引进一些人力资源管理系统,其水平也只有停留在分散运行的模式上。

    Initial manager consults some management systems of human resource of company or transfer for alleviating the plenty of fussy handwork operations in the aspect of wages accounting and often inviting somewhat , its level also only stay in scatter the pattern of operation on .

  4. 反映到具体的管理工作中即是对货币工资的核算、分类、发放。

    Reflecting in concrete management , it is calculation , classifying and releasing to the money wage .

  5. 方法:(1)通过军医军护工资纳入成本核算,强化个人意识,以此降低成本;午门护军殴打太监案

    Methods : ( 1 ) Bring medicinal staff 's wages into assessment , reduced the cost ; A Case of that the eunuchs were beaten up by the military guards on duty at Wu Men Gate