
  1. 提高技能型人才的工资指导价位;

    Raise the level of salary of well-skilled technical talents ;

  2. 深圳市劳动与社会保障局近日发布了今年人力资源市场工资指导价位。

    The Shenzhen Municipal Labor and Social Security Bureau recently issued guidelines on wage levels for the current labor market .

  3. 沈阳市人力资源和社会保障局表示,人力资源市场工资指导价位,是以国家统计局颁布的工资总额口径为标准,指企业直接支付给各岗位职工的劳动报酬总额。

    The bureau said the guideline shows total payment that companies pay workers at all positions according to the payment standard issued by the National Bureau of Statistics .

  4. 健全最低工资制度,全面推行工资指导线和劳动力市场工资指导价位制度。

    The minimum wage system shall be improved and the wage guidelines and the guidance price level system for the labor market be enforced across-the-board .