
  • 网络wage indexation;wages and salaries indexation
  1. 虽然某些工资指数化方案已被撤销,但是劳力市场的改革一直缓慢。

    Although some wage indexation schemes have been dismantled , the reform of labor markets has been slow .

  2. 这样就会缔造出一个新的政团,会禁止工资指数化,会对财政政策实行严格的控制。

    It establishes a new policy regime , bans wage indexation , establishes tight controls on fiscal policy .

  3. 此时,它建立一种新的政策体制,禁止工资指数化,并对财政政策建立严格控制。

    It establishes a newpolicyregime , bans wageindexation , establishes tightcontrols on fiscal policy .

  4. 这种工资指数化传递出的理念就是,7美元在1900年是很大一笔钱,而在今天7美元的购买力就相当有限了。

    The idea of such indexation is that $ 7 was a lot of money in 1900 and it buys very little today .

  5. 比利时不想放弃工资指数化;爱尔兰认为放弃企业所得税低税率无异于自杀。

    Belgium does not want to give up wage indexation ; Ireland thinks it would be suicide to abandon its low corporate tax rates .

  6. 工资指数化使实际工资不能很快地根据贸易条件的变化得到调整,并且使通货膨胀更加难以压低。

    Wage indexation has slowed the adjustment of real wages to changes in the terms of trade and has made it harder to reduce inflation .