
ɡōnɡ zī zhì dù
  • wage system
  1. 这一理论对我国加入WTO后,我国企业特别是国有企业的工资制度改革及激励机制的建设具有重要的借鉴意义。

    The theory will be of significance to the reform of wage system and building of the incentive mechanism of our country 's enterprises especially national enterprises after joining WTO .

  2. 解读我国公务员工资制度

    A Research on Civil Servants ' Wage System of Our Country

  3. NS证券公司投资银行总部的绩效工资制度

    The Performance Wage System of Investment Banking Headquarters of NS Securities

  4. 在薪酬理论和激励理论的指导下,结合公司原工资制度的分析研究,本文着重对DC公司的薪酬体系进行了再设计。

    Under the salary theory and the motivation theory , it researches and analysis the old wages system in Company DC . Then it emphasizes to reform the salary system of company .

  5. 即在第二章现状分析的基础上,首先指出既有的人事工资制度已不能适应CD所的发展需要,实施全面薪酬管理势在必然;

    Based on the analysis of current status in Chapter Two , this chapter first points out that the existing salary system can not meet the development requirement of CD institutes and it necessary to implement overall reward management .

  6. 他们着手改革大学里的不合理的工资制度。

    They started to reform the unfair salary structure in colleges .

  7. 实行义务教育阶段教师绩效工资制度。

    We implemented a performance-based pay system for compulsory education teachers .

  8. 北京市阳光工资制度改革的调查与分析

    Investigation and Analysis of the Sunshine Wage System Reform of Beijing

  9. 现行事业单位工资制度中津贴的激励机制与现实效用

    Excitation Mechanism and Practical Effectiveness of Subsidies in Salary System

  10. 第三方面是公务员工资制度。

    The third aspect is the civil servant salary system .

  11. 浅谈国有企业工资制度改革的必要性

    The necessity of the reform of state owned enterprises ' salary system

  12. 最终建立科学的、合理的公务员工资制度体系。

    Finally establishes the science , the reasonable official wage payment system .

  13. 试论事业单位现行工资制度存在问题及对策

    The Existing Problems in Current Wages System and Some Countermeasures

  14. 下周将检讨公司的工资制度。

    The company 's wage system is coming under review next week .

  15. 船体建造中的劳动工资制度改革

    Reforming the labour and wage system used for hull construction

  16. 国有企业工资制度研究

    A Study on the Salary System of the State-owned Enterprise

  17. 现代企业工资制度比较分析与合理选择

    Comparative Analysis and Rational Choices of Modern Enterprise Pay Systems

  18. 最低工资制度保护的是低端劳动力的利益。

    Minimum wage system protects the low - grade laborers ' benefit .

  19. 铁路工程施工企业工资制度改革实践

    Reform and Practice of Wage System for Railway Construction Enterprise

  20. 关于改进企业工人工资制度的一点设想

    An tentative idea of modifying the wage system for workers in Enterprises

  21. 高校工资制度执行现状与岗位分配不公研究

    An Unfair Between Salary System and Post Assignment in Colleges and Universities

  22. 高校现行工资制度运行情况分析及对策思考

    An Analysis on Present University Wage System and Reflections on its Countermeasures

  23. 改革工资制度开发人力资源

    Reform of Wage System and Development of Human Resources

  24. 如何改革完善建筑业劳动工资制度

    Reform and improvement of labor wage system in architecture

  25. 广东省公益类事业单位工资制度改革研究

    The Research of the Wage System Reform in Public Institutions of Guangdong Province

  26. 个人教育投资回报与企业工资制度

    Return of Education Investment of the Staff and Wage System in a Company

  27. 中国高校工资制度改革探索与思考

    Reflections on Reforming the Wage Systems in China 's Institutions of Higher Learning

  28. 日本企业工资制度刍议

    A Discussion of the Payment System of Japanese Businesses

  29. 军官工资制度改革的心理学分析

    The psychological analysis of officers ' wage system reform

  30. 事业单位岗位绩效工资制度改革的思考

    A Consideration on Reform of Post-Performance-Wage System of Institutions