
  • 网络WAGE;pay level
  1. 工资水平取决于生产量的多寡。

    Wage rates depend on levels of productivity .

  2. 在工资水平问题上的僵局阻碍了协议的达成。

    Deadlock over wage levels has prevented an agreement being reached .

  3. 即使这样的安排也不能使工资水平跟上日益上涨的生活费用。

    Even this arrangement did not keep wages abreast of the rising living cost .

  4. 但是,由于工资水平仍然相对稳定,富裕阶层和长期失业者之间的经济差距越来越大,更多的人担心相反的情况,即通货紧缩会加剧经济问题。

    But with wages still relatively flat and the economy increasingly divided between the well-off and the long ¬ - term unemployed , more people worry about the opposite , deflation that would aggravate the economy 's problems .

  5. 摩尔多瓦看护人科约赫鲁希望获得永久居留权,这样她就能将两个孩子带到意大利生活;孩子们和她的姐姐生活在摩尔多瓦,那里的工资水平是欧洲最低的。

    Cojochru , the Moldovan caregiver , hoped obtaining permanent residence would help her bring her two children to Italy ; they live with her sister in Moldova , where salaries are among the lowest in Europe .

  6. 最后,本文就目前山东省的FDI利用状况和工资水平现状,分别从产业层面和区域层面提出了几点建议。

    Finally , this article puts forward some suggestions respectively from the industry level and regional level .

  7. 在欧盟(EU)的20个国家里,英国的最低工资水平排名第三,几乎是美国最低工资水平的两倍。

    Britain 's minimum wage is the third highest out of 20 European Union nations and almost twice the US federal level .

  8. 东部、中部地区FDI对工资水平的影响为非线性但其趋势却相反,而西部地区的影响则不存在显著的非线性。

    In the eastern and central region , the nonlinear influence has existed between FDI and wage inequity , but the trend is opposite .

  9. 结果表明,FDI存量对我国实际工资水平产生了明显的溢出效应,且其影响程度自东向西逐渐减小。

    The result indicated that FDI has caused an obvious spillover effect on real wage level , and the effect decreased from East to West .

  10. 依据工业集聚率和地域工资水平,可将日本的工业集聚地划分为A、B、C、D4大类。

    According to the industrial conglomeration rate and wage level , the industrial conglomerate regions are divided into four groups marked A , B , C and D.

  11. 《纽约时报》(NewYorkTimes)去年的调查显示,如果苹果(Apple)按照美国的工资水平来生产iPhone,每台手机的成本将增加65美元。

    According to an investigation by The New York Times last year , if Apple paid American wages to produce its iPhones , it would add $ 65 to the cost of each unit .

  12. 三是提高了RD人才的实际工资水平,降低了企业投资RD人力资本的成本支出,从而提高了RD人力资本的供给和需求。

    Third , tax incentive policy stimulates the supply and demand of enterprise 's R D personnel through increasing the actual wage level of R D personnel and reducing the capital cost of enterprise 's R D personnel .

  13. 俱乐部支付薪金总额和运动员平均工资水平表明,NBA俱乐部经济状况总体较好,保证了职业运动员的高收入。

    Clubs pay for total wages and players average wage indicates that economic situation of NBA clubs are generally good , it ensures the high income of professional players .

  14. 尽管富士康(foxconn,苹果的供应商)已经开始将工厂转移到成本较低的中国内陆地区,但该公司今年的工资水平还是增加了四分之一有余。

    In spite of moving manufacturing to lower-cost inland China , Foxconn ( a supplier for Apple ) has increased wages by more than a quarter this year .

  15. 研究结果表明广东在开放水平、市场化水平、集聚经济上占比较优势,江苏在人力资本、平均工资水平、人均GDP增长率上占比较优势。

    The results show that there are advantages on openness 、 the level of marketization and agglomeration economy in Guangdong while there are advantages on human resources 、 average wage and the growth rate of GDP per capita in Jiangsu .

  16. 人力资源顾问公司美世(mercer)的吉尔玛丽拉(jillmalila)表示,在华跨国公司的工资水平已有所提升。

    Jill malila of Mercer , a human resource consultancy , said that wages at multinationals in China were already climbing .

  17. 他说:过去40年中的技术发展(尤其是IT领域的发展),应当已经在很大程度上提高了效率。他指出,在沃尔玛(Walmart)等企业,效率压低了工资水平。

    The technological development of the past 40 years ( with IT in particular ) should have disproportionately increased efficiency , he o b serves , noting that in companies such as Walmart , efficiency has reduced wages .

  18. 尽管不少地方政府正在纷纷提高最低工资水平,但备受媒体关注的较大幅度薪资上涨,来自于外资公司的下属企业,特别是日资(本田(Honda))和台资(鸿海(HonHai))公司。

    While many local governments are raising minimum wages , the larger wage increases , and the one the media have focused are affiliates of foreign companies , especially Japanese ( Honda ) and Taiwanese ( Hon Hai ) companies .

  19. 根据波士顿退休研究中心的艾丽西亚芒奈尔(aliciamunnell)的说法,公共部门的年均养老金仅为两万美元,这远远低于平均工资水平。

    According to Alicia Munnell of the centre for retirement research in Boston , the mean public-sector pension is just $ 20000 a year , well below the average wage .

  20. 根据普华永道(PriceWaterhouseCoopers)的研究报告,印度企业的工资水平较低,这使得他们的视效镜头成本仅为美国公司的四分之一到二分之一。

    Their cheaper wages result in costs for visual effects shots that are about 25 % to 50 % of what they would be in the U.S. , according to a report by PricewaterhouseCoopers .

  21. 幸亏有该法案的出台及最低工资水平的提高,“这里的人们第一次有了一种安全感,”MKSS的成员香卡。辛格说。

    Thanks to the roll-out of the NREGA and a hike in the minimum wage ," People here are feeling a sense of security for the first time ," says Shankar Singh of the MKSS .

  22. 中国农民工工资水平分析与发展趋势判断

    The Wage Level of China Rural Labors : Analyze and Infer

  23. 但目前,中国失业率水平很低,工资水平在上升。

    But unemployment levels in China are low and wages rising .

  24. 我国公务员工资水平现状及调整研究

    The Status and Adjust of Country 's Officer Level of Wages

  25. 未戒烟者的工资水平较低是不是因为吸烟降低了他们的劳动生产率呢?

    Are tobacco users earning less because smoking reduces their productivity ?

  26. 工会正在斗争以使工资水平与通货膨胀持平。

    The unions are fighting to keep wages level with inflation .

  27. 这让工资水平与约旦和叙利亚不相上下。

    This makes rates competitive with those of Jordan and Syria .

  28. 保持工资水平、生产率和税收的关系。

    Maintain a relationship between wage levels , productivity and taxation .

  29. 工资水平和生产率之间有互动促进关系吗?

    Is there a one-to-one relationship between pay levels and productivity ?

  30. 他们的工资水平显失公平。

    It became clear that pay scales were far from fair .