
  • 网络salary management;payroll
  1. 除了工资管理部门外,是否保留完整的人事档案?

    Are complete personnel records maintained outside the payroll section ?

  2. 最后,文章给出了柔性开发框架的一个应用实例&柔性工资管理系统。

    Finally , the paper gives a flexible application development framework - Flexible Payroll System .

  3. 利用VISUALBASIC5.0高级语言,采用面向对象编程技术,开发工资管理系统,介绍系统的开发方法和经验。

    Using object orientation programming techniques , salary management system is exploited with Visual Basic 5.0 , and the exploiting methods and experiences are discussed .

  4. 银行网上工资管理系统中的PKI技术实现

    Implementing PKI Technology in Banking Network Wage Management System

  5. 因此,基于SOA的国企薪酬管理系统在油田工资管理领域中具有良好的推广应用前景。

    So the state-owned enterprise salary system at the basis of SOA has good application and dissemination prospect in oilfield salary management area .

  6. FoxPro环境下通用型工资管理软件的研制

    Development of a Common Software for Wage for Wage Management on the Platform of FoxPro

  7. 本人事工资管理系统是采用JSP技术,使用JAVA语言编写的一套财务类软件。

    The system of managing personnel-matters and wage that is written in Java by the JSP - technology is a kind of financial affair-software .

  8. 基于对PKI的学习,提出了江西省中行网上工资管理系统的PKI技术实现方案。

    On the basis of studying the theory of PKI , a PKI 's application scenario of network wage management system is advanced for Jiangxi Branch , Bank of China .

  9. 国有林场人事工资管理系统

    The Management System of Personnel and Wages of National Forest Farms

  10. 工资管理是公司管理的一个重要内容。

    Enterprise 's wages management is a corporate management important content .

  11. 人事工资管理是一项涉及人、财、物管理的重要工作。

    Personnel-wage management is an important work on personnel and property .

  12. 高校工资管理是一项既重要又困难的工作。

    Salary management in university is an important and hard job .

  13. 本系统为人事工资管理系统。

    This system is a salary administrative system of the personnel .

  14. 计价电子秤在计件工资管理中的运用

    Meter Valence Electrons Scale and the Piece Rate Management Application

  15. 人事和工资管理软件的改进

    Personnel Modification of the Software Used for Human Affairs and Wages Management

  16. 基于Delphi7.0企业工资管理系统的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Corporation Wage Management System Based on Delphi 7.0

  17. 工资管理系统中一种动态工资报表打印功能的实现

    Realization of Dynamic Payroll Print Function in Payroll Management System

  18. 高校工资管理是财务管理重要组成部分。

    The university salary management is the important part of financial management .

  19. 浅谈人事与工资管理系统在工作中的运用

    Application of the Human Resource and Salary Management System to Actual Work

  20. Powerbuilder6.0开发的通用工资管理系统

    A Universal Wages Management System Developed By Powerbuilder 6.0

  21. 计算机工资管理系统软件设计

    The software design of wage management system in computer

  22. 这些优点可以极大的提高企业对工资管理的效率。

    These advantages can greatly improve the efficiency of enterprise management on wages .

  23. 人事工资管理是企事业单位都需要进行的一项工作。

    Personnel-wage management is a work of enterprises and institutions need to be .

  24. 针织厂计件工资管理系统

    Piecework Wage Management System of a Knitted Sweater Plant

  25. 高等院校工资管理信息系统的统计与实现

    The Design and Implement of Salary Management Information System in Colleges and Universities

  26. 机械制造业集成化工资管理系统的研究

    Research on Integrated Wage Management in the Mechanical Manufacture

  27. 电器商场人事工资管理系统的设计与实现

    The Designation and Achievement of Personnel Salary-mange System in Electrical Equipment Department Store

  28. 宏指令在工资管理系统中的使用

    The use of MACAO-INSTRUCTION in the wage management system

  29. 工资管理软件的二次开发利用

    Second development and utilization on salary management software

  30. 计算机在工资管理中的应用

    The Application of the Computer in Wages Management