
  • 网络Wage Payment;payroll
  1. 特定类型的流程(如工资支付、帐单编制或评估)。

    A particular type of process ( such as payroll , billing , or estimation ) .

  2. 工资总额计算公式采用对数函数的形式,既可满足分配曲线必须平滑、连续、不出现拐点的要求,又能维持现有工资支付标准基本不变。

    The gross payroll is calculated with the logarithmic function , both meeting the necessary demand that the distribution curve be smooth , continuous and without " break point ", and keeping the existing standards of salary payment .

  3. 目前,试点涉及公务员工资支付、公共交通支付以及能源供应链支付等领域。

    Currently , the tests include salary payments to civil servants , payment for public transport services and energy and supply chain trading .

  4. 1963年,肯尼迪总统签署了《同酬法案》(EqualPayAct),“在工资支付中禁止性别歧视”,那已经是45年前的事了。

    Forty-five years ago , President Kennedy signed into law the Equal Pay Act of1963 prohibiting'discrimination on account of sex in the payment of wages . '

  5. 我得用部分工资支付租金。

    I have to pay the rent out of my wages .

  6. 自愿存款计划以及病假期间的工资支付。

    The voluntary savings scheme and the payment of wages during sickness .

  7. 土里土气的兔字,你的工资支付我的税钱。

    Uncool rabbit , my tax dollars pay your salary .

  8. 首先应当建立完善的工资支付保障制度。

    First shall establish perfect wage payment security system .

  9. 中国工资支付立法管窥

    A Hole-view on Legislation on Wages Payment in China

  10. 建立建筑业农民工工资支付长效保护机制的思考

    Long-Effective Protection Mechanism on Peasants-workers ′ Payment of Construction Industry in Legal View

  11. 民工工资支付问题立法研究

    On the Legislation of Parent 's Salary Payment

  12. 北京市规范工资支付手段

    Means of Salary Payment Been Regulated in Beijing

  13. 《广东省工资支付条例(征求意见稿)》正在公开征求意见。

    Guangdong has published a draft on salary payment regulations to solicit public opinions .

  14. 劳动者有权查询本人的工资支付记录。

    The laborer shall have the right to inquire about his own wage payment records .

  15. 经济转型期间城镇工资支付结构的变迁

    The Change of Wage Payment Structure of Urban China during Economic Transition : A Quantile Regressional Analysis

  16. 在现收现付方案中,目前的养老金是用当期劳动大军的工资支付的。

    In PAYG plans , today 's pensions are covered by the wages of the current workforce .

  17. 生产率提高带来的好处可以分配给股东,通过降低价格分配给客户,或者通过工资支付给员工。

    Higher productivity can be distributed to shareholders , customers through lower prices , or paid to workers .

  18. 广东省规定发薪日《广东省工资支付条例(征求意见稿)》正在公开征求意见。

    Guangdong to set pay day Guangdong has published a draft on salary payment regulations to solicit public opinions .

  19. 大量报道声称许多公司在面对巨额工资支付和其它花费时不能获得信用。

    Widespread reports say many cannot get credit at a time when they also face pressure from higher wages and other costs .

  20. 论文分析了工资支付保障制度的三种模式,并为构建工资保障机制提供了相关的对策。

    The paper analyzes the three models of wage payment system , and build a wage guarantee system provided a relevant response .

  21. 人力资源部将根据人力管理系统的有关记录,检查员工出勤差异报告,并复核酒店员工的工资支付。

    HR will be responsible for the Monthly Attendance Variance Report based on the record of HRMS , and double check of the employees'payroll .

  22. 劳动保障部门工作人员在工资支付监督检查中滥用职权、徇私舞弊、玩忽职守的,是否追究责任?

    Clerk of labor safeguard department pays the misuse of authority in supervisory examination , practise favouritism in salary fraud , derelict , whether to investigate duty ?

  23. 应当通过整合立法,建立建筑业农民工工资支付的长效保护机制,并通过加强执法将长效机制落到实处。

    So the follow measures should be taken , including legislation conformity , establishment long-effective payment mechanism for peasants-workers , and carrying the former out by powerful execution .

  24. 在终止聘用的情况下,尚未领取的年假的薪酬应根据去年应付工资支付给员工。

    In case of termination of employment , the compensation for days of annual leave not yet taken shall be paid to the worker on the basis of the last wages payable .

  25. 而一般现金的支出,包括工资支付,应付帐款的支付,购买资产,支付各种开销,都记人现金帐目的贷方,减少了资产帐。

    Common types of cash disbursements which are credited to the cash account and decrease the asset account include payment of wages , payment of accounts payable , the purchase of assets , and the payment of various expenses .

  26. 超过一个工资支付周期的,若劳动者提供了正常劳动,则支付给劳动者的劳动报酬不得低于当地的最低工资标准;若劳动者没有提供正常劳动,应按国家有关规定办理。

    A salary pays cycle , if laborer provided normal work , the work reward that pays worker does not get the minimum wage level under place ; if laborer did not provide normal work , answer to be dealt with about the regulation by the country .

  27. 我的工资大多支付房租和各种日常费用了。

    Most of my salary gets swallowed by the rent and bills .

  28. 劳动争议中很大一部分案件涉及的是加班工资的支付。

    A large part of the labor disputes are about overtime wages .

  29. 低于当地最低工资标准支付劳动者工资的;

    It pays a worker the salary that is lower than the local minimum salary ;

  30. 但是你剩下的工资足够支付日常开支吗?

    But do you think the rest of your salary will be enough to cover our daily expenses ?