
  • 网络work motivation
  1. 在非物质激励方面,SSP公司应加强企业文化建设、实施工作激励、积极进行员工培训,同时充分考虑员工个人职业生涯发展等。

    In non-material motivation , the company Ssp should build up the enterprise culture , supply work motivation , give the personnel more training chance , think about the personnel ' career growth .

  2. 探讨组织环境因素对员工创造性成绩的影响是工作激励研究领域中的新动向。

    It is a new tend within the realm of researches on work motivation .

  3. 她的慈善工作激励着我们大家。

    Her charity work is an inspiration to us all .

  4. 卫生人员工作激励影响因素的调查与分析

    The Investigation of Stimulation Influent Factor of Health Administrator 's Working

  5. 即岗位聘任制,业绩考核制和工作激励制。

    Namely engaging system , performance system and bestirring work system .

  6. 企业政治思想工作激励功能探讨

    Probe in the Inspiring Function of Enterprises ' Ideological Work

  7. 目标设置理论在企业员工工作激励中的应用

    The Application of Goal-Setting Theory in the Motivation of Employees

  8. 浅谈对医师的系统性工作激励

    Discussion on Systematic Work Incentive to Doctors

  9. 第二,完善教师工作激励机制,提高教师工作积极性。

    Second , improve theteachers ' work motivation mechanism , improve the enthusiasm of teachers .

  10. 这些激励措施包括工作激励、组织激励、报酬激励、文化激励以及学习与知识共享等五大激励措施。

    They are humanized work , self-management team , reasonable reward , and knowledge share .

  11. 浅论知识型员工的工作激励

    On the Work Encouragement of Knowledge Workers

  12. 工作激励理论研究综述

    On the theory of work motivation

  13. 建立健全德育工作激励竞争机制是德育工作的动力保障;

    Incentive and competitive mechanism ;

  14. 论个性与工作激励

    Discussion on Individuals and Encouragement

  15. 分配公平性、晋升与培训以及工作激励与成就感对工作满意度具有显著正向影响。

    Distributive justice , promotion training and job motivation sense of achievement have significant positive impact on job satisfaction .

  16. 同时描述了激励在安全管理中的常用方式:工作激励、成果激励、批评激励以及培训教育激励。

    Motivation in safety management are common described as work motivation , reward motivation , criticize motivation and training education motivation .

  17. 对医师使用系统性工作激励应注意:注重目标的制定过程;

    There were something which should be paid attention when using systematic work incentive : focusing on procedure of making target ;

  18. 通过以上分析不难看出工作激励因素还没有帮助美国的福利制度该给取得成功。

    With all these analyses , it is visible that work incentives have not helped the success of American welfare reform .

  19. 工作激励及交易中介工作的不可分性是公司不将交易中介内部化为公司职员的重要原因;

    The incentive effect for transaction intermediary and impartibility of their work is the two important reason for the transaction intermediary not been internalized ;

  20. 内在薪酬体系包括教师的工作激励、教师的成就激励和优秀教师的价值激励。

    The inner salary system is made up of teachers ' work incentive , teachers ' achievement incentive and excellent teachers ' value incentive .

  21. 自2008年金融危机以来,伦敦金融城和华尔街工作激励人们的那种同辈间的羡慕,已被抨击和评判取代。

    Since the 2008 crisis , the envy that a City or Wall Street job once inspired among peers has been replaced with opprobrium and judgment .

  22. 我国高等院校知识生产与知识传播功能冲突主要成因是我国高校对科研工作激励有余,而对教学工作激励不足。

    The paradox of knowledge production and dissemination of China 's higher learning comes from too much incentive for scientific research and too little incentive for teaching .

  23. 本文从微波硫灯的结构、工作激励与特性、微波硫灯系统组成以及其产品开发与发展动态等方面对微波硫灯系统做了综合的介绍。

    This article gives compositive introduction to microwave sulfur lamp system from its composing , configuration , work principle , special qualities , as well as its product researches and developments .

  24. 笔者分析后认为,处于转型期的公司对知识型员工的激励策略应当包括工作激励、组织激励、文化激励、报酬激励四大方面。

    The author analyzes the view that companies in transition to knowledge-based employee incentive strategy should include work motivation , organizational incentives , culture and incentives , pay incentives in four major areas .

  25. 虽然头几年生活比较艰辛,但我一直被自己所从事的工作激励着,因为我喜欢自己的工作。

    Although life was not easy for me in the first few years , I was constantly motivated during this time , as I was able to pursue what I really enjoy doing .

  26. 为了获知如何按照组织设定的责任去激励员工履行职责,工作激励越来越成为人力资源管理理论研究和实践所关注的重要课题。

    In order to motivate employees the take on their responsibilities in their organizations , the work motivation has become an important topic in the theory and practice in the field of human resource management .

  27. 五种激励方式对基层党政干部的重要程度依次是:人际激励和安全激励,物质激励和工作激励,时间激励。

    By the investigation , it proved that the security motivation and the social motivation are the first important , the material motivation and the working motivation are the second important and the time motivation is the least important .

  28. 五是要规范和完善机关名牌的评价确认标准和评价管理体系,建立品牌创建工作激励机制、机关品牌的监督管理机制等,以建立健全一整套的科学规范的机关品牌创建机制。

    To establishment of organs brand building mechanism , and standardize and improve the organs brand recognition standards and the evaluation of management system and establish a brand , build work incentive mechanism , the supervision and management of organ brand mechanism .

  29. 根据催化剂厂现场设备管理现状,从维修管理模式、故障诊断技术、现场管理模式和员工工作激励等方面进行分析,找出问题。

    According to the catalyst factory field apparatus management present situation , from the service management pattern , the failure diagnosis technology , the scene management pattern and the staff works aspects and so on drive to carry on the analysis , discovers the question .

  30. 接着探讨了当前企业知识型员工激励的现状,发现当前激励知识型员工的主要方式及重要程度依次是报酬激励、工作激励、文化激励、组织激励;

    This paper also discusses enterprise knowledge workers ' motivational actuality at present and finds that the major motivation ways to knowledge worker by statistical analysis which their important degree that in proper order are reward motivation , job motivation , culture motivation and organization motivation .