
  • 网络Port warehouse;port storage
  1. 大连港新建港口仓库的特点

    Features of Newly Built Storehouses for Port of Dalian

  2. 许多港口仓库都是空置的。

    Lots of port warehouses are empty .

  3. 初步信息显示,在港口仓库存放了六年的硝酸铵可能是造成爆炸的原因。

    Primary information reveals that ammonium nitrate stored in a warehouse at the port for six years may have caused the explosions .

  4. 虽然港口仓库的铁矿石库存已接近纪录高位,且中国总体经济增速正在放缓,但钢铁企业仍在采购铁矿石。

    Steelmakers are buying ore even as inventory at port-side warehouses piles up to near-record levels and a slowdown weighs on the broader Chinese economy .

  5. 利用CDMA1X动态VPDN技术实现港口码头仓库视频监控

    Realizing the Video Monitoring of Wharf Storehouse with CDMA 1X and Dynamic VPDN Technology

  6. 这两个词是指除了有时自民党意味着排斥从目的地港口到仓库的卡车收费门。

    Both terms means charges to door except for that sometimes LDP means the exclusion of the trucking from destination port to warehouse .

  7. 秉承物流一体化的管理思想,运用优化理论建立了件杂货港口的仓库管理和待泊船舶遴选的数学模型;

    Then the mathematical model for the warehouse management and ship selection was established based on the concept of integrated logistics using optimization theory .

  8. 尽管没有官方统计数字,但交易员估计,过去6个月,港口保税仓库在支付进口关税之前,铜可以存放在那里的铜库存翻了一番,达到70万吨左右。

    There are no official statistics , but traders estimate inventories of copper in bonded warehouses at ports – where it can be held before import duties are paid – doubled in the last six months to about 700,000 tonnes .

  9. 对数据仓库及联机分析处理技术进行探讨,研究港口物流数据仓库建立过程,分析基于数据仓库技术的物流预测系统获取数据方法和过程,以解决企业高层决策的数据获取问题。

    It discusses data warehouse and on-line analytical processing technology and building progress , analyzes the method and course of data obtainment in logistics forecast system based on data warehouse , which is used for decision-making .

  10. 港口、机场、仓库等场所为了提高工作效率,也需要一种动态称重系统来代替现有的电子汽车衡。

    Meanwhile , in order to improve work efficiency , the WIM systems are also required to replace the existing electric vehicle weighing apparatus at the domestic locations of harbors , aerodromes , storehouses , etc.