
  • 网络Port Economy
  1. J具有发展港航经济的独特地理优势和巨大市场潜力,根据湖北省港口经济发展战略,J市提出了打造J港的战略构想。

    J has unique geographical advantages for developing harbor and navigation economic , and great market potentiality . According to the port economy development strategy of Hubei province , the city government presents the strategic idea on building J Port .

  2. 港口经济是区域经济发展的重要推动力,文章用SWOT模型分析了广西港口经济发展存在的优势和劣势,面临的机会和威胁,并据此提出相应的对策建议。

    The port economy is the important motivation of economic development in district . The article analyzed the port of Guangxi strength , weakness , opportunity and threat of the economic development with the model of SWOT , and put forward the homologous counterplan suggestion .

  3. 以系统动力学(SD)模型为主体,结合投入产出法、乘数法和计量经济学模型,进行了港口经济影响分析。

    Analysis of port ′ s influence on economy is conducted based mainly on system dynamics ( SD ), combining also input-output method , the Mulitplier , and econometrics model .

  4. 全球化时代的世界经济和贸易活动产生了对航运的新需求,特别是加入世贸组织(WTO)后,我国对外开放进一步扩大,对外贸易将会快速增长,港口经济的发展也将面临着更多的机遇。

    The world economy and international trade in globalization time bring new demand to shipping , especially after the World Tourism Organization ( WTO ) accession , with the extending of the open policy , the international trade will increase rapidly .

  5. 基于港口经济特点分析的电力需求预测

    Electricity Demand Forecasts Based on the Analysis of the Port Economy

  6. 2006年长三角地区港口经济运行情况分析。

    Situation analysis on port economy of Yangtze River Delta in2006 .

  7. 我国港口经济发展的战略选择

    How to Choose the Strategy of Developing China Seaport Economy

  8. 港口经济系统演化与优化研究

    Studies on the Evolution and Optimization of Port Economic System

  9. 港口经济对内陆腹地经济的拉动作用及其分析

    The Port Economy 's Pull Effect on the Interior Economy

  10. 当代福建港口经济发展研究

    A Research into the Development of the Contemporary Port Economy of Fujian

  11. 关于发展扬州港口经济的思考

    Ponder on the Development of the Economy of Yangzhou Port

  12. 近年日本港口经济发展的特点、举措及存在的问题

    Recent Development of Japanese Port Economy : Characteristics , Practices and Problems

  13. 港口经济系统演化及其机制分析

    Analysis of the Evolution and Mechanics of Port Economy System

  14. 港口经济是青岛的特色经济。

    Port economy is the distinctive economy of Qingdao .

  15. 关于港口经济区空间发展几个问题的认识

    The Analysis of Spacial Development of Port Economy Area

  16. 重化工港口经济区规划环评技术方法研究

    Study on EIA technique of habour economic region

  17. 宁波港口经济腹地研究前景分析

    Analysis of prospects for Ningbo port economic hinterland

  18. 港口经济发展越快,城市经济也发展越快。

    It promotes the development of port economy .

  19. 基于灰色系统理论的港口经济与城市经济关系研究

    Research on Relationship Between Port Economy and City Economy Based on Gray System Theory

  20. 最后,本文提出了发展港口经济,促进区域经济发展的政策建议。

    At last , the paper put forwards several political suggestions for regional economy development .

  21. 基于系统动力学的港口经济分析

    Port Economy Analysis Based on System Dynamics

  22. 港口经济及其地域空间作用:对鹿特丹港的案例研究

    Port economy and its spatial effects : a case study on Rotterdam port , netherlands

  23. 其次,港口经济可以带动关联行业的发展。

    Secondly , the port associated with the economic development of the industry can bring .

  24. 基于港口经济整合的方略研究

    Strategy on the Port Resource Integration

  25. 沿海区域经济的竞争,实际上是港口经济的竞争。

    The economic competition in coastal regions is basically a kind of competition embodied in port economy .

  26. 因此,港口经济和区域经济之间是一种互相促进、共同发展的关系。

    Therefore , the port and regional economy is a mutual promotion and common development of relations .

  27. 基于数据包络分析的中国沿海省市港口经济相对效率评价

    Relative Efficiency Evaluation of the Port Economy in the Coastal Provinces and Cities Based on DEA Method

  28. 港口经济影响研究

    Port Economic Impact Studies

  29. 航运市场和区域经济的迅猛发展带动了港口经济的高速增长。作为浙江第一大港,宁波港各方面的优势明显,近年来港口快速发展,但目前深水岸线已经难以满足长远发展的需要。

    The rapid development of the shipping market and regional economy have driven the high growth of the port economic .

  30. 反之,港口经济在很大程度上取决于所在区域经济特别是外向型经济发展的规模大小。

    On the contrary , the scale of region economy , especially outside-oriented economy determines the port economy to a great extent .