
  • 网络Sharing economy;Share economy
  1. 分享经济的商业模式来自于我们人类最古老的本能——合作、共享、慷慨、个人选择以及灵活多变。具体模式包括租赁、易物、借贷、赠送、交换以及合作组织等所有权共享形式。

    Sharing economy business models emerge from our oldest instincts as humans - – cooperation , sharing , generosity and forms of shared ownership such as cooperative structures .

  2. 你可能尝试过或有意避免Uber这样的“分享经济”服务;

    you 've either tried or consciously avoided " sharing economy " services like Uber ;

  3. 以UberPop是分享经济的一部分为由绕过规则,不仅对出租车司机不公平,也不是稳妥的政策。

    Pretending that Uber Pop is part of the sharing economy and should be allowed to skirt the rules is neither fair to taxi-drivers nor sound policy .

  4. 以UberPop是“分享经济”的一部分为由绕过规则,不仅对出租车司机不公平,也不是稳妥的政策。

    Pretending that Uber Pop is part of the " sharing economy " and should be allowed to skirt the rules is neither fair to taxi-drivers nor sound policy .

  5. 一提起分享经济,两大品牌的名字便会在人们脑海中浮现:拼车公司Uber以及租房公司Airbnb。

    Two big names come to mind when thinking of the sharing economy : ridesharing company Uber and lodging rental company Airbnb .

  6. 合理分享经济资源积极营造和谐社会

    Reasonably Allocate Economic Resources to Build Up a Harmony Society

  7. 我们的目标是让全体人民分享经济增长的成果。

    Our goal is for all Singaporeans to enjoy the fruits of growth .

  8. 所有权已经是一个过时的概念了,已经被分享经济所取代。

    Ownership is becoming an antiquated concept , replaced by the shared economy .

  9. 中国特色社会主义分享经济理论述要

    References to Socialist Sharing Economic Theory with Chinese Characteristics

  10. 福利经济学对农民均衡分享经济发展成果诠释

    Illustration of Welfare Economics for the Farmer Sharing the Economic Development Achievement for Balance

  11. 分享经济的崛起给公司经理们提出了新的挑战。

    The rise of the sharing economy presents a new challenge to corporate managers .

  12. 对于空中食宿的“分享经济”业务模式来说,古巴或将是一个绝佳的运营环境。

    Airbnb 's " sharing economy " business model makes Cuba a potential sweet spot .

  13. 劳者有其股只不过是劳动者分享经济剩余的形式之一。

    Laborer with his own share is only one forms of the laborer sharing the surplus .

  14. 经济改革三十年来分享经济实践形式的发展及其启示

    The Development of Sharing the Practice Forms of Economy in Thirty-year Economic Reform and Its Enlightenment

  15. 分享经济的比较与思考

    Comparative Study of Share Economy

  16. 印度极少与周边邻国分享经济活力和新近取得的繁荣。

    It has shared shockingly little of its economic dynamism and new-found prosperity with those around it .

  17. 可以分享经济增长的成果

    can share in economic growth

  18. 在中国,穷人这意味着多数人没有充分分享经济增长带来的好处。

    Poor Chinese and that means most of them simply have not shared fully in economic growth .

  19. 最令人吃惊的统计数字,是股东和工人去年分享经济果实的情况。

    The most startling statistic is how last year 's bounty was shared between shareholders and workers .

  20. 提高基本养老保险待遇水平问题探究&基于分享经济发展成果的理念

    THE RESEARCH FOR IMPROVING BENEFITS OF BASIC PENSION & in View of the Idea of Sharing Economical Developmental Achievements

  21. 那些低收入者能够从分享经济中获利的方式就是出租物品。

    Renting out items is a way in which those with lower income can benefit from the sharing economy .

  22. 既然“分享经济”能在汽车租赁和度假公寓上大行其道,那为什么不能用于Wi-Fi呢?

    The " sharing economy " seems to be working for cars and vacation rentals , so why not Wi-Fi ?

  23. 社保基金只有投资资本市场才能分享经济发展的成果。

    Only when social security funds are invested in the capital market will they share in the achievements of economic development .

  24. 平等分享经济资源和经济发展的成果是妇女生存发展的重要条件。

    Equitable distribution of economic resources and wealth of economic development is an important condition for women 's existence and development .

  25. 公有制分享经济观:中国经济体制改革新思维

    The View of the Participation Economy of the Public-owned System : a New Thought about the Reform of Economy System in China

  26. 未来10年,结构性因素将让全体国民广泛分享经济增长变得更不可能。

    During the next decade , structural factors will make it even less likely that growth will be broadly shared among the population .

  27. 分享经济是没有边界的,现在有一款新的应用登场了,它可以让你和陌生人分享剩饭剩菜。

    Proving that the sharing economy has no boundaries , a new app will soon let users share their leftover dinner with strangers .

  28. 从世界经济的发展趋势看,要分享经济全球化的好处,很重要的一条就是要建立现代化的城市。

    According to the trend of world economic development , building a modern city is one way to share the benefit of economic globalization .

  29. 维护农民工的合法权益,使其充分分享经济发展成果。

    Finally , we should protect peasant workers ' lawful rights and make them share the achievements brought by the development in our economy .

  30. 中国当地的风险投资家将向这家总部位于旧金山的“分享经济”应用公司提供咨询,告诉它如何调整自身、以适应中国旅游市场。

    The San Francisco-based ' sharing economy " app will be advised by local venture capitalists on how to adapt to sell to Chinese travellers .