
  • 网络distribution economics
  1. 收入分配是经济学研究的重要领域之一,是一个理论性与实践性都很强的研究课题,同时也是一个与国家发展战略和百姓经济生活息息相关的研究课题。

    Income distribution is one of the important areas of economics .

  2. 代际利他下资源分配的经济学分析

    Economic Analysis of Resources Allocation Within the Framework of Intergenerational Altruism

  3. 公平分配:经济学的最难题

    Fair Distribution : the Most Difficult Problem in Economics

  4. 经济增长与收入分配是经济学研究的两个重要问题。

    Economic growth and income distribution are two main issues of economy research .

  5. 第三部分论述证明责任分配的经济学逻辑。

    Part III discusses the economics logic of the Distribution of Burden of Proof .

  6. 按资本贡献分配的经济学分析

    Economic Analysis of Capital-based Distribution System

  7. 收入分配是经济学研究中的重要问题之一:国民收入中的初次分配决定了劳动收入的基本格局。

    Economics of income distribution is a core research question : the initial distribution determined the basic pattern of labor income .

  8. 收入分配是经济学中的一个永恒的主题,也是关系民生的一个重要问题,历来为党和政府所重视。

    Income distribution is not only an " eternal theme " in the economics , but also an important issue relate to the wellbeing of the people , which is thought highly by the Party and government .

  9. 职务发明收益分配比例的经济学分析

    Economic analysis on percentage of income distribution of service invention

  10. 图书馆服务的价值分析及其分配方式的经济学思考

    The Value Analysis of Library Services and the Economic Thinking on Its Distribution Pattern

  11. 经济适用房分配制度的经济学分析

    Economic Analysis of the Affordable Housing Distribution System

  12. 交通分配模型的经济学含义及模型的扩展

    The implications and extentions of traffic assignment models

  13. 重要信息提示分配问题是经济学研究的一个重点和社会稳定的关键因素之一。

    Allotment is an important topic of economics and a key factor for society steadying .

  14. 收入分配问题是经济学最早纳入研究范围的问题之一,也是经济系统中一个非常重要的子系统。

    Income distribution is one of the earliest questions of economic research and an important subsystem of economics .

  15. 财富分配问题是经济学中的一个非常热门且经典的问题,至今已有一百多年的历史,得到了经济学家的广泛关注。

    The wealth distribution problem which has nearly one hundred histories is one of the most popular problems in economics .

  16. 经济增长和收入分配实际上是经济学永恒的主题,就好像爱与死是文学的永恒主题一样。

    Actually economic growth and income distribution are the theme of economics forever , just as love and death for literary .

  17. “社会价值、市场效率与收入分配”,经济学(季刊),第2卷第3期,2003。

    " Social Value , Market Efficiency , and Income Distribution ", China Economic Quarterly , 2 ( 3 ), 2003 .

  18. 创造财富和分配财富是经济学研究的两大重要领域,也是人类经济发展的主题。

    Creation and distribution of wealth is the two major areas of the economics research , and also the theme of human economic development .

  19. 第二部分阐明了医疗损害赔偿诉讼中不同类型的证明责任分配制度及其经济学评析;

    Part two analyzes different distribution systems and evolutions of them in economic theory of the burden of proof in compensation accusation of medical injure .

  20. 广义上讲,经济美学是指研究经济活动(生产、消费、交换、分配)与经济学思想中的美的学科。

    Broadly speaking , economic aesthetics is the study of economic activity ( production , consumption , exchange , distribution ) and the discipline of economic thought in the beauty .

  21. 全文共分四章:第一章是金融发展对收入分配影响的经济学分析。

    It includes four chapters in this paper , and their main contents are as follow : The first chapter is about economic analysis of financial development and income distribution .

  22. 本文系“两会”后政府重点研究问题,文章侧重收入分配问题的经济学探讨,分析了我国收入分配问题的矛盾构成机理,揭示了问题解决的渠道和途径。

    The authors pay much attention to the economic analysis of income distribution , analyze its contradicted composition in principle , and post some suggestions and ways for solving the problems .

  23. 效率与公平分配关系的政治经济学分析

    A Political Economy Analysis on the Relationship between Efficiency and Fair Distribution

  24. 收入分配问题历来是经济学理论中一个至关重要的方面。

    Income distribution has always been an important aspect of the economic theory .

  25. 波长与路由分配的一种经济学模型

    An Economic Model for Routing and Wavelength Assignment

  26. 区域要素流动是区域经济这个中观经济问题的一个微观基础,它涉及微观经济中的要素流动与分配理论和区域经济学中的非均衡发展理论。

    The regional transfer of production elements is the foundation of regional economy , which is connected with non-balance-development theory .

  27. 收入分配问题一直是经济学界关注的一个重大理论和实践问题。

    Income distribution is always regarded as an important theoretical and practical issue which attracts more and more attentions from the economic circle .

  28. 收入分配差距一直是经济学关注的问题之一,谋求平等公平发展是经济学所追求的目标之一。

    The Income gap has been one of the concerns of economics , for quality and equitable development is one of the objectives pursued by economics .

  29. 边际生产力分配理论在西方经济学中占有非常重要的地位,在现代经济学中已经成为微观经济学分配理论的支柱,并被广泛使用。

    Marginal productivity theory of distribution in western economics plays a very important role , in modern economics , microcosmic economics allocates theory has become the pillar , and widely used .

  30. 与此同时,大量的经济理论研究已经证明,在众多没有或者很少中央指导的情况下,市场机制能够获得近似最优化的资源分配结果,使用经济学方法进行网格资源管理能够很好地解决以上问题。

    At the same time , a great deal of economic theory studies have proved that , under many circumstances of little central guidance or without central guidance , market mechanism could be able to acquire the optimized resource allocation results by using economic methods to manage grid resource .