
  • 网络Service marketing
  1. 运用服务营销学最新理论成果,针对服务业营销管理及营销环境诸多要素,建立了综合评价指标体系;

    In this paper , the authors apply the latest achievement of service marketing , aiming at the elements of service marketing management and marketing environment , establish the indices system of synthetical evaluation .

  2. 顾客忠诚管理是服务营销学的重要内容,在第一产业、第二产业、尤其是第三产业的发展中起着日益重要的作用。

    The service quality of customer loyalty is the important content of service marketing , playing an increasingly important role in the development of primary industry , the secondary industry , especially the tertiary industry .

  3. CSTP理论以市场营销、消费者行为学和服务营销学为基础,希望能总结出一套既科学又切实可行的房地产营销策划框架,为房地产开发企业提供有益的帮助。

    CSTP theory bases on market marketing , consumers behavior and services marketing , expects to summarize a correct and feasible frame of real estate marketing planning to help developers .

  4. 第三步、针对主要影响因素,结合服务营销学的观点和理念,提出成都市出租汽车服务质量改进的措施。

    Thirdly , in allusion to the major influence factor , combine the opinion and theory of marketing service , putting forward the improving measure of taxicab service in Chengdu .

  5. 金融市场服务特征的营销学研究

    On The Service Characteristic of The Financial Market

  6. 海运物流企业的服务营销是物流学界研究的重要课题之一。

    Service marketing of shipping logistics enterprises is the important subject in logistics studies .

  7. 本文的创新之处在于,运用服务营销和管理学理论,分析写字楼的租赁与管理,提出了在合理定位的基础上,如何做到以顾客为中心,提高服务质量,加强服务管理。

    When studying how to level the service , using the service marketing and management theory .

  8. 随着服务业的蓬勃兴起,服务营销学的广泛传播和运用将是市场营销发展的必然趋势。

    With the prosperous growth of the service industry , the wide-spread and application of service marketing is the inevitable trend of marketing development .

  9. 文章从高等教育服务营销理念的内涵及其内容出发,分析了高校引入服务营销理念的意义,从服务营销学理论方面提出了提升高校竞争力的策略。

    From the service marketing theory of higher education and the theory 's connotation , this paper analyzes the significance of universities ' introducing the service marketing theory , and proposes a strategy to promote the university competitiveness from the aspect the service marketing theory .