
  • 网络service policy;service strategy
  1. 基于分区结构的P2P目录服务策略

    P2P Directory Service Strategy Based on Partitioned Organization

  2. VOD服务策略和数据布局方案设计是紧密相关的。

    The VOD data layout is tightly correlated with the service strategy .

  3. Web服务策略包括基于通用的标准化策略语法的策略描述文档。

    Web services policies include policy description documents based on common , standardized policy grammars .

  4. 最明显的是,WebSphereVirtualEnterprise允许您为您的应用程序定义服务策略指出运行时性能目标。

    Most notably , WebSphere Virtual Enterprise lets you define service policies for your applications that indicate run time performance goals .

  5. 假设一个系统定义了三个服务策略:gold、silver和bronze。

    Suppose we have a system with three service policies defined : Gold , Silver , and Bronze .

  6. 事务类(TransactionClass)–这种对象用于把一组工作类分组在一起,然后把它们与一个服务策略关联起来。

    Transaction Class – An object which is used to group a set of work classes together and then associate them with a service policy .

  7. 一个服务策略中的所有事务类应该具有相似的响应时间和CPU消耗量模式。

    All transaction classes in a service policy should have similar response time and CPU consumption patterns .

  8. 一种新型的VOD系统流服务策略及允许控制算法

    A Novel Service Policy for VOD System Flow and Permitted Control Algorithms

  9. 热服务策略具有在服务区域之间不均衡地分配HTTP会话的可能。

    The hot servant strategy has the potential to lead to an unequal distribution of HTTP sessions among the servant regions .

  10. 这包括在OnDemandRouter上的队列中花费的时间,针对服务策略目标度量这个值。

    This does include time spent in a queue on the On Demand Router and is the value which is measured against the service policy goal .

  11. 您可以将策略集添加到EAR文件,以应用由WSFEP引入的新的Web服务策略。

    You can add policy sets to the EAR files to apply the new Web services policies introduced by WSFEP .

  12. 基于服务策略的Parlay网关过载控制仿真研究

    Simulation of Parlay overload control based on service policy

  13. 首先讨论了在采用FIFO(FirstinFirstout)服务策略且缓存趋于无限大时,满足一定溢出概率要求的统计复用带宽要求,然后对这种情况进行了仿真分析。

    First , with the FIFO ( First In First Out ) service discipline and pre-determined buffer overflow probability , the requirement of multiplexing bandwidth is obtained under the condition of asymptotic infinite buffer .

  14. 服务策略成为服务描述的关键部分,用非功能的服务行为陈述增加了基本的WSDL功能描述。

    Service policies become a critical part of service descriptions , augmenting the basic WSDL functional description with a statement of nonfunctional service behaviors .

  15. 根据服务策略和该系统的当前状态,WebSphereVirtualEnterprise将在动态集群中自动缩放应用程序实例规模,来确保您策略目标的实现。

    According to service policies and the current state of the system , WebSphere Virtual Enterprise will automatically scale application instances within the dynamic cluster to ensure the fulfillment of the goals expressed in your policies .

  16. 协同物流商务是一种新的软件和服务策略,它将上述信息单元集成在一起,并且利用Internet技术将物流企业的市场、服务、客户等统一在了一个全球知识网中。

    Collaborative Logistics Commerce is a new strategy of software and service . It integrates all kinds of independence systems , and using Internet , it can unify the market , customer , and service into a global knowledge net .

  17. 本文研究了UT斯达康转型期的售后服务策略。

    In this paper , we study after-sale service strategy of UTStarcom , which is in its phase of transform .

  18. 在这种情况下,一个服务策略中的请求需要过多CPU资源,这会导致过载,进而导致另一个策略或这两个策略的服务目标被破坏。

    In this case , requests from one service policy which demand excessive CPU and lead to overload could result in breached service goals for the other policy or for both policies .

  19. ARFM根据与请求相关联的服务策略从队列中取出请求。

    ARFM enqueues a requests based on the service policy associated with the request .

  20. 这意味着,ARFM假设属于同一服务策略的任意两个请求具有相似的响应时间和CPU需求。

    This means that ARFM assumes that any two requests that fall into the same service policy have similar response times and CPU requirements .

  21. ITILV3的核心是服务策略的概念,其重点是价值的创造。

    At the heart of ITIL V3 is the concept of service strategy , which focuses on value creation .

  22. ARFM根据对每个服务策略中的请求流的观察进行预测和计算。

    ARFM makes predictions and calculations based on the observations of the traffic in each service policy .

  23. 随后进行了市场细分,并确定了目标市场,提出了竞争策略,提出了S公司的4P组合策略以及CI策略、服务策略。

    Then the thesis puts forward competitive strategy focusing on target market and marketing combination strategy in4Ps of Company S as well as service strategy , CI strategy .

  24. 本文给出了一种VOD系统流服务策略-SVTR策略,及该策略下的调度算法和允许控制条件。

    This paper presents a service policy for VOD system flow , which is called the SVTR policy , and introduces the scheduling algorithms and permitted control conditions under the policy .

  25. 然而,ARFM确保低优先级的服务策略的违背程度总是大于高优先级的服务策略的违背程度。

    However , ARFM ensures that lower priority service policies are breached by a greater extent than higher priority ones .

  26. 如果还没有为系统配置适当的服务策略定义,应该考虑禁用ARFM的请求排队功能。

    Until a system is properly configured with appropriate service policy definitions , consider disabling the traffic queuing function of ARFM .

  27. 然而,在一些出现峰值负载的场景中,ARFM无法满足服务策略目标以及避免节点超载。

    However , there are peak load scenarios where ARFM cannot meet the service policy goals and avoid overloading the nodes .

  28. 但是,如果明确地知道某些请求类型之间的差异,就应该把这些请求分组到单独的服务策略中,让ARFM可以有效地管理它们。

    However , if there are known disparities between particular request types , those requests should be divided into independent service policies so that ARFM can manage each of them effectively .

  29. 在为每个服务策略计算并发分配时,ARFM会尽可能减小排队对系统总体响应性的影响,避免违反服务目标。

    Allocations of concurrency are given to each service policy in such a way as to minimize the impact of queuing on the overall responsiveness of the system and to avoid breaching service goals .

  30. 本文正是基于这种背景,对P2P-MDN的接入控制步骤、接入控制策略和服务策略进行研究。

    Our work is just developed based on this background . We study the admission steps , admission strategy and service strategies in P2P-MDN .