
  • 网络Service failure
  1. 许多酒店都导入全面质量管理(TQM),倡导所谓的零缺陷和第一次就把事情做好,但是极少有酒店能不发生服务失误以及顾客抱怨。

    Many hotels are using total quality management ( TQM ), and advocating the so-called " zero defects " and put things right at the first time , but very few hotels can be non-occurrence of service failure and customer complaints .

  2. 因此,有必要针对服务失误与补救加以研究。

    So , it is necessary to study service failure and remedy .

  3. 健全严密的监控系统,跟踪并识别服务失误。结果实施服务补救后,病人满意度和补救成功例数提高,护理服务纠纷减少,分别经过χ2检验,P均0.01,有显著性差异。

    Results After implementation of remediation service , patient 's satisfactory rate and cases of successful remediation increased and nursing disputes decreased , which showed significant difference ( tested by x2 , P0.01 ) .

  4. 汽车4S店服务失误的成因及其解决措施

    Causes and Measures to the Failure of Service at 4s automobile Shop

  5. 图书馆服务失误的分析及其处理

    Analysis on and Treatment of the Library Service Faults

  6. 合肥市快餐企业服务失误与补救策略研究

    The Empirical Study of Service Failure and Recovery Strategy of Hefei Fast-food Enterprises

  7. 服务失误补救:从关系与归因角度分析

    Service Recovery : Analyzing from Relationship and Attribution

  8. 基于感知价值的服务失误补救后顾客满意的实证研究

    An Empirical Research of Customer Satisfaction after Service Failure and Recovery Based on Perceived Value

  9. 医院服务失误与服务补救对患者忠诚度影响的实证研究

    An empirical study on impacts of medical service failure and remedy on patients ' loyalty

  10. 基于顾客知识的服务失误归因模型研究:以航空服务业为例

    The Model of Service Failure Attribution Based on Customer 's Knowledge : A View from Aviation service industry

  11. 本研究中旅游业服务失误的原因分为核心服务抱怨、服务态度抱怨和特殊需求抱怨;

    The complaint about the tourism service failure is divided into kernel service complaint , service attitude complaint and special demand complaint ;

  12. 本研究探讨复合休闲产品之服务失误与补偿期待一致性之关系。

    Although the relationship between services failure and recovery strategies are well researched , the characteristic of compound leisure function are little considered .

  13. 第三,归因和顾客不满、关系质量能够显著影响顾客遭遇服务失误后的行为倾向;

    The third , the attribution , relation quality and the level of dissatisfaction significantly influence the satisfaction of customer on service recovery ;

  14. 然而,在网络购物中服务失误频频发生,成为制约网络购物发展的重要因素。

    However , during shopping online service failure occurs frequently , and which becomes an important factor to hinder development of online shopping .

  15. 除了关注度,女性还非常重视酒店是否采纳其对服务失误的建议。

    Besides customer attention , women also attaches great importance to that whether the hotel adopts the recommendations of them after the service failure .

  16. 服务失误不但造成资源的浪费,给消费者带来负面影响,而且严重损害企业的利益。

    Service failure not only causes resources waste , negative effect on consumers , but also seriously harms the interests of the catering enterprises .

  17. 但是,学者已证明情绪等心理变量在服务失误场景中对抱怨行为的影响要远大于经济效益评估变量的影响。

    However , scholars have proven emotional and other psychological variables in the service failure scenarios explain more complaint behavior than the economic variables .

  18. 企业通过提供补救,能够在一定程度上缓解服务失误造成的负面影响,甚至重建消费者信心和忠诚。

    Enterprises can decrease the negative impact of service failure to a certain extent and even rebuild consumers ' confidence and loyalty by remedial measures .

  19. 大部分企业对服务失误和顾客抱怨处理抱着敷衍了事的心态,不愿意甚至排斥服务补救。

    The majority of enterprises have perfunctory attitude toward service failure and customers ' complaints , even are not willing to recover service or exclude it .

  20. 研究表明,服务失误的类型、不满程度、抱怨价值、抱怨求偿成功可能性和游客自身的个性特征均影响着游客不同的抱怨行为反应方式。

    The study shows that complaining about the possibility of successful claim and visitor 's own personality traits affect different ways responding to tourists complaining behaviors .

  21. 网络就好比一个高度放大镜,凭借着它病毒式的传播能力,将企业的服务失误和缺陷暴露无遗。

    Network functioning like a highly magnifying glass , by virtue of its powerful dissemination ability , and the enterprise service failures and shortcomings are exposed .

  22. 对在服务失误的情况下,如何进行服务补救进行了归纳,并对信息技术在售后服务中的应用前景进行了展望。

    It summed up service recovery measures with the situation of service mistakes , and looked into the applying prospect of information technology on the after-sales service .

  23. 为扭转服务失误造成的客户流失和企业利润下降的后果,服务补救便成为企业不可或缺的策略选择。

    To reverse the service failure caused by customer churn , and the consequences of decline in corporate profits , service recovery has become an indispensable strategic choices .

  24. 重要的研究结论包括:第一,顾客向企业员工或管理层抱怨的比例非常低,顾客在遭遇服务失误后的流失率非常高;

    The important conclusions include : the first , the rate of complaining to employee or manager is very low and the rate of customer defection is very high after service failure ;

  25. 随着顾客忠诚正成为提高商业银行收益和竞争力的重要因素,服务失误也成为影响顾客忠诚度的重要因素之一。

    As customer loyalty is becoming an important factor which can increase commercial banks ' earnings and improve competitiveness , service failure also becomes one of the important influencing factors of customer loyalty .

  26. 服务失误、服务补救前后,顾客感知价值、服务质量、顾客满意有显著的变化,而顾客的行为意向没有显著变化。

    When service failure and before and after service recovery , customer perceptive value 、 service quality and customer satisfaction have prominent change , but the customer 's behavior does not have prominent change .

  27. 进一步地,通过研究顾客遭遇服务失误后的行为决策与接触型员工补救的行为基础,作者分别提出基于顾客和接触型员工的服务补救策略。

    Moreover , on the basis of studying the action decision-making of customers suffering from service failures and the recovery actions made by employees , it offered customer-based and contacting employees-based service recovery strategies , respectively .

  28. 研究表明,感知价值对顾客补救后满意有较强的解释作用,同时还证明了服务失误内容和补救服务属性之间的交互作用,确实对顾客感知价值有显著的影响。

    The research implies that customer perceived value is a good variable for explaining customer satisfaction after service recovery , and that the interaction of service failure and service recovery can influence customer perceived value significantly .

  29. 研究表明,服务失误并不一定会导致顾客流失,有效的服务补救有利于企业重新创造顾客满意和忠诚,形成正向的口碑传播,提高企业形象。

    Studies have shown that service failure do not necessarily lead to customer defection , successful recovery will help the enterprises recreate customer satisfaction and loyalty , positive word of mouth , and improve the corporate image .

  30. 从分析图书馆服务失误原因入手,提出了处理服务失误的基本原则,以及建立处理服务失误常规机制的设想。

    Starting from the causes of the library service faults , this paper puts forward some basic principles to handle the library service faults and suggestions of establishing a conventional mechanism for treating the library service faults .