
  • 网络service encounter
  1. 图书馆服务接触分析与服务策略选择

    Library Service Encounter Analysis & Service Strategies Selection

  2. 科技应用于服务接触的主要目的是改进顾客服务,同时也改变了以往单纯的人际互动模式,对于顾客的满意度有一定程度的影响。

    The aim of infusing technology in service encounter is to improve customer service and affect customer satisfaction .

  3. 因此,服务接触被视为服务传递过程中的关键时刻。

    Therefore , the service encounters are critical moments of truth .

  4. 基于服务接触理论的餐饮服务交互模式研究

    Interactive Model of Catering Service based on Service Encounter Theory

  5. 服务接触视角的品牌延伸研究&一个概念性整合分析框架

    Study on Brand Extension in the Perspective of Service Encounter

  6. 试论旅游服务接触质量

    The Promoting of Travel Quality in Service Encounter

  7. 服务接触中的顾客兼容性感知:前因、后果与行业比较

    Customer Compatibility Perception in Service Encounters : Causes , Consequences and Comparisons between Industries

  8. 电信行业服务接触对顾客关系的影响研究

    An Empirical Study of Service Encounter 's Effect on Customer Relationship in Telecommunication Industry

  9. 基于顾客满意的服务接触链优化策略探讨

    To Discuss on the Optimal Strategies of Service Encounter Cascade Based on Customers Satisfaction

  10. 高校后勤工作中的服务接触

    Logistic Service Contact in Higher Educational Institutes

  11. 通信业中服务接触对顾客转换意愿的影响研究

    The Empirical Research of Service Encounter 's Effect on Customer Switch Intention in Communication Industry

  12. 本文探讨了服务接触过程冲突的可能起因,提出了相关的管理对策。

    This paper discusses the possible fac-tors of conflicts in service , and puts forwards the management policy .

  13. 从一线员工角度探讨服务接触中顾客满意与不满的原因

    Exploring the causes of customer satisfaction and dissatisfaction in the context of service encounters : An employee 's viewpoint

  14. 然而,在服务接触中,服务质量不是由服务提供者单方面决定的,而更多的是顾客基于主观认识加以衡量和评判。

    However , in service encounters , service providers are not unilateral effect , customer ' subject evaluation and judge is more important .

  15. 本文主要研究在顾客忠诚的前置因素研究中,由服务接触产生的体验价值对于顾客忠诚的影响机理。

    This research mainly studies prepositive variables of customer loyalty , the influence mechanism of consumption experience value in service encounter on customer loyalty .

  16. 服务接触中所有的因子无显著直接影响顾客忠诚,均通过感知价值的中介作用影响顾客忠诚。

    All factors of services encounter have no significantly effect on customer loyalty , but affect customer loyalty through the intermediary role of perceived value .

  17. 而顾客对于科技型服务接触的满意度会影响其对新科技的使用意向、饭店的印象以及推荐意愿。

    Furthermore , the customer satisfaction of technology-based service encounter will affect the intention to use new technology , the hotel 's image and commendation .

  18. 然后根据对各服务接触点的分析,设计了问卷,采用问卷调查的方式,实施调研,并对调研结果进行探索分析及假设检验,提取出了高校教学服务质量影响因子。

    Using these questionnaires , the dissertation implements the investigation . Then the investigation results are analyzed and test through using factor analysis . According this , the dissertation extracts teaching quality factors .

  19. 企业一方面可以通过服务接触水平的提高降低顾客流失,另一方面也可以通过顾客满意、顾客信任间接的影响来降低顾客转换的可能性。

    Enterprise can reduce customer churn through raising the level of service encounter , they also can raise customer satisfaction and customer trust to prevent the possibility of customers converting in an indirect way .

  20. 文化是影响顾客期望、感知和行为的重要因素,来自不同文化背景的顾客对服务接触的感知、评价与反应都呈现出不同的文化特征。

    Culture is generally accepted as being one of the underlying determinants of the expectation , perception and behavior of customers . Customers from different cultures form different perceptions and assessments of service encounters , and have different responses .

  21. 论文首先对高校教学的特性进行分析,结合服务接触系统理论,建立了高校教学服务接触系统。

    This research provides new ideas for college teaching quality evaluation . Firstly , the dissertation analyzes the characteristics of college teaching . It establishes the system of college teaching service encounter , which combings the service encounter system theory .

  22. 国内外研究表明,顾客通过一系列的服务接触行为涉入到服务传递过程中,这会影响其对服务经历的满意度和信任度,进而影响其购后行为倾向。

    Domestic and foreign research shows that customers are involved in the service delivery process through a series of behaviors , it will affect their satisfaction and trust towards service experience , and it will further affect their post-purchase behavior .

  23. 他们住在小农村社区在这里很容易找到服务和接触。

    They are housed in small rural communities where it is easy to find services and make contacts .

  24. 武装冲突也带来卫生危机,由于饱经蹂躏和流离失所的人群失去了与医疗服务的接触,他们遭受着增多的患病风险和损伤。

    Conflict too brings health crises , as devastated and displaced populations lose contact with medical services and experience increased vulnerability and trauma .

  25. 短短一个小时内从伦敦市中心,这家温馨的历史故事书撤退承诺与魅力和亲切的,直观的服务四季接触。

    Just an hour from central London , this intimate , historic retreat promises the Four Seasons touch with storybook charm and gracious , intuitive service .

  26. 作为直接与最终服务用户接触的最后环节,该系统为现有应用服务提供了良好的展示平台,并通过开放,实现了服务资源使用价值的最大化。

    As the last link of the direct contact with the end service user , the system provides a display platform , maximize the use value of service resources .

  27. 居住条件拥挤、缺乏足够的水分和卫生服务及接触家附近的眼飞蝇及苍蝇滋生地是沙眼的多种危险因素。

    Crowded living conditions , lack of sufficient water and sanitation services , and contact with eye-seeking flies and fly-breeding sites near the homes are some of the many risk factors for trachoma .

  28. 然后在情节价值层次和关系价值层次上分别对服务品牌接触点进行信息设计,并引进关系对话机制构建了服务品牌接触点沟通模型。

    Then it designs the communication information on the arrangement of episode value and relationship value separately , builds up the model of service brand contact points communication through adopting the idea of relationship dialogue , and concludes the principles of the points communication .

  29. InfoQ:您觉得我们现在对于mashups及数据服务仅仅是接触到了一点皮毛呢,还是说我们已经可以预见到了即将到来的更趋于流程和事件驱动的服务新浪潮?

    InfoQ : Are we just scratching the surface today with mashups and data services or do you see already the next wave of services which could be more process and event driven ?

  30. 在医疗卫生行业,服务提供商定期接触患有慢性病的成员以评估他们的健康状况和潜在风险。

    In the health care industry , service providers periodically approach members who have chronic diseases to evaluate their health status and potential risks .