
  • 网络serviceability;Service capability;service quality;service orientation
  1. 这便于直接从您的服务能力工作台为几个IBM产品打开服务请求。

    This is convenient for opening service requests for several IBM products directly from your serviceability workbench .

  2. WebSphereApplicationServerV6.1还为IBM软件组合提供了更紧密的集成,并且提供了附加的服务能力和自助增强功能。

    WebSphere Application Server V6.1 also offers tighter integration across the IBM software portfolio , and offers additional serviceability and self-help enhancements .

  3. 加强新型城镇化建设,大力提升县城公共设施和服务能力,新开工改造城镇老旧小区3.9万个

    Strengthen the development of a new type of urbanization , improving public facilities and services in county seats and beginning the renovation communities .

  4. 加快实施传染病医院、疾控中心标准化建设,提高城乡社区医疗服务能力。增加高品质公共服务供给。

    The central region should accelerate the standardization of hospitals for infectious diseases and centers for disease control and prevention , and improve the ability of urban and rural communities to provide medical services .

  5. 第五章以UPS为例总结了国外先进物流企业的服务能力;

    Chapter 6 explains the service abilities of advanced foreign logistics companies such as UPS .

  6. 随着医疗信息系统(hospitalinformationsystem,HIS)技术的发展,电子病历、健康档案等应用极大地提升了医疗服务能力和医疗信息的综合利用能力。

    With the development of Hospital Information System ( HIS ) technology , The Application such as Electronic Medical Record , Health Record have greatly improved the capability of Medical Services and the utility of Medical Information .

  7. 由于当前的P2P点播缓存管理机制多采用集中式或层次树形的缓存管理,以及基于访问热度的淘汰算法,不能高效地利用用户节点缓存资源和提高点播系统服务能力。

    Adopting centralized and hierarchical tree and replacement algorithms based on visiting rate , current cache management proposals cannot efficiently utilize cached video segments in user end-systems and increase system service capacity .

  8. 接口节点通过NFS、CIFS和FTP协议连接组织的以太网IP网络,从而提供文件服务能力。

    The interface nodes provides file serving capabilities by connecting to the organization 's ethernet IP network via NFS , CIFS and FTP protocols .

  9. 本论文的研究,对于加强甘肃邮政EMS品牌管理,提升企业管理水平、服务能力、市场拓展能力和市场占有率将起到帮助和指导作用。

    By the research , the strategies help to direct strengthening the management of Gansu EMS brand and promoting business management level , service capacity , market development capacity and market share .

  10. 本文提出了一种有资源适应性的transcoding代理缓存机制,统一考虑CPU和网络的资源需求,以提高系统的服务能力。

    In this paper , a resource-adaptive transcoding proxy caching mechanism is proposed , which deals with network and CPU demand in an integrated fashion and aims to improve the system 's capability potentially .

  11. 模拟实验表明,JRT能够灵活适应网络业务状况,同时提供较好的服务能力和节能效率。

    Simulation results show that JRT is adaptive to network traffic , and yields better network capacity and energy conservation .

  12. 借鉴自然生态的V-O-R模型,建立了以基况、自然活力、自然结构、生态恢复能力和生态服务能力(CVORS)为准则的区域生态可持续评价指标体系。

    Using V-O-R model for reference , this paper establishes evaluation index system including condition , vigor , organization , resilience and service ( CVORS ) .

  13. 公共服务能力建设要点分析

    An Analysis on the Essential Factors of Public Service Capacity Building

  14. 陕西省基层政府公共服务能力的财政角度分析

    Financial analysis on the public service capacity of Shaanxi basal government

  15. 提升政府服务能力的着力点分析

    The Analysis the KeyA Point of Improving Government Service Capability

  16. 科学利用文献提高图书馆的服务能力

    Enhance the Library Service Ability by Scientifically Using the Literature

  17. 民族地区公共服务能力解释结构模型研究

    On the Interpretative Structural Model of Public Service Ability in Ethnic Regions

  18. 提高政府公共服务能力的财政思考

    The Public Financial Thinking of Improving the Government 's Public Service Ability

  19. 增强地市高校农村社会服务能力的对策与思路

    Study on Strengthening the Ability of Local Universities ' Rural Social Service

  20. 图书馆知识服务能力体系结构及关键影响因素分析

    Research on Capability Structure and Key Factors of Knowledge Services in Library

  21. 中介服务能力不足;加强农村金融服务提高农业综合生产能力

    Strengthening the Rural Finance Service and Improving the Agricultural Comprehensive Productive Forces

  22. 基层卫生机构层面:提高基层卫生机构服务能力。

    Grass-roots health institutions level : Improve the grassroots health institutions service ability .

  23. 依托网络优势提升信息服务能力

    Depend on the Network Superiority to Promote Information Service

  24. 独立的存储容量和文件服务能力扩展

    Independent storage capacity and file serving capability scaling

  25. 供方服务能力与服务质量对住院分娩利用也存在影响。

    The service ability and quality also have influence on the hospital delivery utilization .

  26. 客户的服务能力被郭杰和他领导下的沃天体育视为另一大核心竞争力。

    Guo Jie and Worldteam Sports regard customer service capacity as another core competitiveness .

  27. 区级妇幼保健机构保健服务能力和对策分析

    The service capability and Development Countermeasures of the district-classed women and children healthcare organization

  28. 有限服务能力的损失制排队系统M/M/1分析

    Analysis of finite ability queuing system m / m / 1 with missed customers

  29. 这对充分利用集群服务器计算资源、提高网格节点的服务能力有着重要意义。

    It is important to make the best of cluster servers ' computing resources .

  30. 流媒体服务器服务能力基准实验与性能模型

    Streaming Media Server Capacity Benchmarks and Performance Model