
  1. 医疗服务流程再造的现状及发展趋势

    Status and Developing Trend of the Reform of Medical Service Flow

  2. 综合性医院专科化门诊服务流程再造

    Reengineering the service process in specialized clinic of general hospital

  3. 住院服务流程再造探讨

    Discussion on Reforger of Hospital 's Service Flow for Inpatients

  4. 医疗服务流程再造机制和构架

    The reestablished mechanism and structure of medical service flowing chart

  5. 细节管理对护理服务流程再造效果的影响

    Effect of detailed management method on nursing process reengineering

  6. 公共服务流程再造的决定因素:基于行政服务中心的前沿实践

    Power of Business Process Reengineering in Public Service : Front-line Practice of Administration Service Center

  7. 文章就医疗服务流程再造的现状和发展趋势做一综述,以期引起医院管理层的广泛思考。

    This paper reviews the status and developing trend of the reform of medical service flow .

  8. 但是医院在门诊服务流程再造的实施中,对信息技术与门诊服务流程再造之间的关系并不十分清楚。

    But the link of information technology and service process in outpatient department was not clear .

  9. 重庆机场服务流程再造

    Chongqing Airport Service Business Process Reengineering

  10. 其中着重介绍了企业文化的建设、服务流程再造、整合营销传播。

    Among the analysis , we substantively introduce the corporate culture construction , service procedure renovation and sales channels incorporation .

  11. 在售后服务流程再造方案之后,又分析了该方案在实施过程中的可行性、将遇到的困难,并提供了相应的对应之策。

    After the service process is reengineered , the thesis analyzes the feasibility , difficulties will be encountered while providing relevant solution .

  12. 目的:调查分析住院慢性病患者的知晓率、治疗率、控制率,对医院服务流程再造进行探讨。

    Objective : To discuss the reforger of hospital 's service flow for inpatients by investigating and analyzing the awareness rate , cure rate and control rate of inpatients with chronic diseases .

  13. 机场服务流程再造与设计中,论文对机场服务流程提出了具体的再造和改进的方案,包括服务流程中的组织机构设计和信息系统架构以及流程中的信息集成等方面。

    In the airport service process reengineering and design , article proposed and improved scheme in the reengineering and innovation , including organization of service process design with information system build up and information collection of process service .

  14. 本文从业务流程再造理论出发,以Y县国税局当前进行的流程再造为研究对象,对纳税服务流程再造方面作了全面的阐述及系统地分析。

    In this paper , the theory of business process reengineering to the administration of state taxation of Y prefecture office as the ongoing study process reengineering , business process reengineering aspects of tax services , gave a comprehensive exposition and systematic analysis .

  15. 在客户细分和需求分析的基础上,本文研究了基于客户关系管理的电子政务服务流程再造的步骤,并指出客户细分、客户需求分析和客户信息资源整合是电子政务流程再造的重点。

    Based on the customer segmentation and demand analysis , this paper studied the process reengineering steps of e-government public services , and that customer segmentation , customer needs analysis and customer information integration are the main points of e-government public service process reengineering .

  16. 在充分借鉴国际和国内先进管理经验和做法的基础上,进行平台服务流程再造,利用现代化的计算机信息网络系统,尝试建立一个高效、统一协调的公共服务平台,以促进软件及信息产业发展。

    On the basis of fully absorbing advanced international and domestic of management experience , using modernized computer information network system , and try to build an efficient , unified coordination of public service platform , in order to promote the software and information industry development .

  17. 电子服务的流程再造

    Business process reengineering in electronic service delivery

  18. 平战结合的门急诊服务体系流程再造风险管理在门诊手术室护理安全管理中的应用

    Business process reengineering in outpatient department and emergency room of combined with peacetime and wartime The application of the management of risk in the nursing safety management in clinical operation

  19. 北京奥运背景下的体教结合再思考平战结合的门急诊服务体系流程再造

    Study on the Combination of Education and Sports against the Background of the New Olympic Games Business process reengineering in outpatient department and emergency room of combined with peacetime and wartime

  20. 基于J2EE平台技术的企业服务链管理流程再造系统的设计与实现

    Business Process Reengineering System Which Base on the J2EE Techology

  21. 宿迁市供电公司服务营销与流程再造

    Services Marketing and Process Reengineering in Su Qian Power Supply Company

  22. 我国地方服务型政府流程再造研究

    Business Process Reengineering of Public Service Oriented Local Government

  23. 供电企业客户服务系统业务流程再造方案设计

    Scheme Design of Customer Service System Business Process Re-Engineering for Power Supply Utilities

  24. 本文运用客户需求模型设计的理念,对目前的汽车服务流程进行了再造,形成了新的汽车服务价值增值链模式。

    Using customer requirement model design to regenerate automobile service process and build up new automobile service value-added chain model .

  25. 根据预测结果和目标市场的特征,确定了优质服务策略、流程再造策略、电力价格策略、电力促销策略、降损增效策略等营销策略。

    According to the prediction results and the target market characteristics , the high-quality service strategy , BPR strategy , electricity price strategy ,? power promotion strategy , and reducing losses to increase the effectiveness strategy are proposed .

  26. 目的为改进护理服务模式,探讨流程再造,提高医院服务质量。

    Objective To improve nursing service mode , discuss process rebuilding and improve hospital service quality .

  27. 论文工作将软件代理技术应用于自助服务系统的应用流程再造领域,用一种全新的思路来设计和开发实现业务无关性的关键组件&业务流程编辑器,使业务流程的方便编辑和重组成为可能。

    During the work accomplishing , Agent technologies are applied to this field , and a new thought is presented in the designing and developing of the key component & The Operational Flow Editor , which makes the changing and reorganizing of flow possible .

  28. 这一切无不要求医院必须尽快改变现行的以方便管理为出发点、面向内部职能的就诊流程设计,进行以病人为中心、面向服务对象的业务流程再造。

    All of these ask the hospitals to change the present design of diagnosis process that starts from the convenience of management and faces the internal function as soon as possible , and implement Business Process Re-engineering ( BPR ) that is patient-oriented and facing the service target .