
  • 网络service level;Service Index
  1. 在此基础上,考虑铁路和旅客的经济利益与服务水平,建立列车开行方案的经济指标和服务指标,以此构建旅客列车开行方案的评价指标体系。

    Based on current evaluation index system and taking the economy benefit and service level of railway corporation and passengers into consideration , the economy indexes and service indexes are attached , the index system of passenger train plan is put forward .

  2. 考评医院药学服务指标与数模的探讨

    Examine the study of the hospital pharmacy service index sign and few mold

  3. 高校信息服务指标体系研究

    The Study of Information Service 's Evaluation Indicator System at Universities and Colleges

  4. 聚类技术优选法在铁路客运服务指标分析中的应用

    Application of Clustering Optimum-seeking Method on Analysis of Service Index for Railway Passenger Transportation

  5. 零点调查:2005年度金融服务指标性品牌评选揭晓

    Results of 2005 Financial Service Brands Selection Announced

  6. 非物质性服务指标制度

    System of indicators of non-material services

  7. 景观服务指标的密度分布与离散度呈明显的正相关。

    ⅲ The density distribution and dispersion of the landscape indicators was a significant positive correlation .

  8. 中国部分城乡妇幼卫生服务指标体系研究

    The Study on the Index System of Maternal and Child Health Service in Chinese Urban and Rural Areas

  9. 世行贷款卫生九项目县妇幼卫生服务指标模糊综合评价

    Fuzzy Comprehensive Analysis of the Indicators on the MCH service in Health Nine Project Counties Supported by WB

  10. 非物质性服务指标制度重视标志变异指标对平均指标的支撑作用

    System of indicators of non-material services Attach Importance to the Average Index is Supportted By the Variable Indicant

  11. 尤其在建立档案在线服务指标体系并进行评价方面,为后续研究提供了参考和基础。

    In particular , the establishment of index system of archives online service could provide a reference and a basis for the follow-up study .

  12. 本研究对棉花播种期气象服务指标的把握进而提高棉花气象服务水平具有重要意义。

    The result was of great significance to get meteorological service indexes about cotton 's seeding time and to improve the meteorological service of cotton .

  13. 居民体育消费水平的具体测定(调查)指标有4个:体育消费实物指标,体育消费价值指标,体育消费服务指标和体育消费质量指标。

    Four indexes are index of sports consumption goods , index of sports consumption value , index of sports consumption service and index of sports consumption quality .

  14. 方法对婺源县参合农民,采用多阶段分层整群随机抽样法抽取研究对象,进行纵向对比研究,基线调查和追踪调查均采用入户询问调查,以各项卫生服务指标作为指示指标;

    Methods To the peasants who have taken part in the new-type rural CMS in WuYuan , the multi-phase stratified cluster random sampling has been adopted to select the sample people .

  15. 市场环境下辅助服务指标的量化、辅助服务成本的计算是一个亟待解决的问题,备用及其分配是其中重要的组成部分。

    In power market , the quantization and cost calculation of ancillary service is a problem to be solved , while the study of reserve and its allocation are important constituents of it .

  16. 并在第三章分别简要介绍了商住区模型、道路模型、高层塔楼模型网络指标、服务指标和效益指标的之间关系。

    Respectively , in the third chapter briefly describes the model of commercial and residential areas , road model , high-rise tower model network indicators , performance targets and efficiency indicators of the relationship between .

  17. 顾客感知的物流服务指标一般从顾客服务方面来进行,本论文主要从第三方物流企业的角度,对顾客感知的物流服务予以讨论和阐述。

    The logistics service index that the customer perceives generally goes on from customer service , it is discussed and explained to the logistics service that the customer perceives in terms of Third Part Logistics enterprise mainly .

  18. 结合冻害调查和有关研究成果确定了大棚蔬菜冻害等级指标及相应的气象预报服务指标:轻度低温冻害预报指标为-8~-11.9℃;

    It unioned frozen injury investigation with interrelated research results to determine the Greenhouse vegetables , and ascertain frozen injury rank index with corresponding weather forecast service index : light frozen injury index : - 8 ~ - 11.9 ℃;

  19. 物流作业指标为物流企业的持续发展提供了前提条件,而由作业指标中的交互指标过渡来的顾客感知的物流服务指标为物流企业同顾客、供应商建立良好的合作关系奠定了基础。

    The homework index of the logistics has offered the precondition for sustainable development of logistics enterprises , by homework mutual index for logistics enterprise and customer logistics service index that perceive that transition come of index , the supplier has established good cooperation and established the foundation .

  20. 提出在铁路客运服务指标分析中,采用聚类效果测度系数方法,并将结果与基于列联表的公共信息方法相互印证,评价并优选聚类技术。

    The essay suggests that the method of estimating coefficient by clustering effect shall be applied in the analysis on service index of railway passenger traffic , then the results and the public information method based on contingency table shall be mutually confirmed to estimates and optimizes the clustering technology .

  21. 支持业务过程管理的Web服务选择指标体系

    Index System of Web Service Selection for Supporting Business Process Management

  22. 给出业务分层和SLA服务性能指标的对应关系。

    Thirdly , the corresponding relationship between the business layering and the SLA service performance parameters is analyzed .

  23. 提出了面向用户的GIS服务评价指标体系,以及具有分层结构的GIS服务链评价模型。

    User-oriented GIS Services evaluation indexes are brought forward for service selection . With reference workflow evaluation model , a hierarchical model is discussed for GIS Services chain evaluation .

  24. 设立客户服务kpi指标,将服务指标与员工个人业绩相挂钩,激励员工的工作积极性。

    Establish customer satisfaction kpi , which is linked with employee 's individual performance to motivate their enthusiasm .

  25. 卫生服务投入指标有:每千人口医生数、每千人口医院床位数、卫生总费用占GDP比例、卫生事业费占财政支出比例;

    Index for health care input are the number of doctor per thousand people , beds per thousand people , percentage of total health expenditure to GDP and percentage of health recurrent expenditure to financial expenditure .

  26. 通过对PZB模型和卡诺模型的讨论,指出了物流服务评估指标体系的不足和改进方向,提出了与服务质量属性评估有关的指标老化和指标过渡的问题。

    Furthermore , the problem of index aging and transiting relevant to service quality is analysed and discussed .

  27. 就如何在无线网络资源配置中体现多业务混合和服务质量指标提出一些个人观点和方法(如多维爱尔兰方法、Campbell方法、ErlangC模型和M/G/R-PS模型等)。

    Author 's viewpoint and methods on how to incarnate multi-service mixed and service quality requirements in network resource ration are proposed . The methods are Multi-Dimensional Erlang , Campbell theorem , Erlang-C model and M / G / R-PS model .

  28. 通过改善Ricardo模型,在供应链层次上建立四种供应链结构模型,利用各节点的成本和客户服务水平指标来衡量其性能。

    Based on the improvements of Ricardo model , a new model about four supply chain structures was set up on the supply-chain-level and then was evaluated by the criteria of cost and customer service .

  29. 在单小区OFDMA系统中,常用的调度算法,如最大吞吐量算法和比例公平算法,在调度时并未考虑用户时延这一重要的服务质量指标。

    Consider two conventional scheduling algorithms , i.e. , the maximum throughput algorithm and the proportional fair algorithm , in single cell OFDMA systems . Neither of them considers the packet delay , which is an important quality of service ( QoS ) index in the scheduling process .

  30. 邮政通信服务质量指标跟踪、监控管理系统(PQCS)是利用先进的信息技术整合邮政生产中的数据流,所搭建的对相关指标进行、有效跟踪和监控管理的运行系统。

    Postal communications service quality indicators tracking , monitoring management system ( PQCS ) is the use of advanced information technologies , integrating post production data flows and effectively operating the tracking and monitoring system .