
  1. 西部大开发须不断强化地方政府服务竞争力

    Western development continuously strengthens competitive in local government service

  2. 唯一可靠的战略是顾客满意,只有创新顾客价值才是提升服务竞争力的有效方法。

    The only reliable strategy is customer satisfaction , and only creating customer value is the effective method to enhance service competitiveness .

  3. 企业的战略竞争力可以用核心能力加以说明,它包括:核心竞争力、产品和服务竞争力、核心业务竞争力三个层面。

    Strategic competitiveness of an enterprise may be illustrated by its core ability that consists of core competitiveness , product and service competitiveness and core business competitiveness .

  4. 教育服务竞争力主要概括为教育服务的市场、教育服务的质量、教育服务的产品和教育服务的发展等四个方面。

    The competitive ability of education service mainly includes four aspects : the market of education service , the quality of education service , the product of education service and the development of education service .

  5. 然而,当顾客对交货期和对价格敏感度之比超过特定值时,供应链系统应在服务竞争力和最大期望利润间进行权衡来选择供应链交货期的决策权。

    However , when the ratio of delivery date and price sensitivity of customer exceeds a certain value , supply chain system should trade off between the service competitiveness and the maximum expected profit to select the decision-making power of delivery date .

  6. 你们的产品和服务有竞争力吗?营销又怎么样呢?

    Are your products and services competitive ? How about marketing ?

  7. CEPA引导下未来珠江三角洲服务业竞争力提升研究

    The Research of Improving the Future Service Competitive Capacity in Pearl River Delta under the Agreement of CEPA

  8. 可是目前中国只是旅游大国还并非一个国际旅游强国,旅游服务贸易竞争力并不强,特别是在中国加入WTO之后,中国旅游产业更受到前所未有的挑战。

    But we realize that from now on china has not great power in competitiveness of tourism service trade , especially after taking part in WTO , the industry of tourism in china faces a challenge that has never met .

  9. 在对航运服务集群竞争力的分析中,作者结合运用GEM模型和影响航运服务集群竞争力的一系列指标,对香港、新加坡、高雄、釜山和上海等五大航运服务集群的竞争力进行了比较和评判。

    GEM model and a series of indexes are used to compare the competitiveness of five shipping service industry clusters ( Hong Kong , Singapore , Pusan , Kaohsiung , and Shanghai ) .

  10. 进一步,文章基于波特的钻石模型分析了BOP统计下和FATS统计下金融服务贸易竞争力的不同的影响因素。

    Furthermore , based on Porter ' diamond model analysis , the paper analyzes the different influencing factors of competitiveness of financial service trade under both statistical methods .

  11. 接着,对无锡地区3家电信运营商竞争力状况进行调查,并运用SPSS软件对调研数据进行探索性因子分析,确定了电信服务业竞争力模型的结构。

    Then , I performed a survey about the competitiveness conditions of three telecom operators in Wuxi . With help of the SPSS software , I studied on the survey data using the method of exploratory factor analysis , and worked out the structure of competitiveness model of telecommunications industry .

  12. 我国金融服务贸易竞争力和开放度的关系研究

    The Relation Research of Financial Competitive Power and Openness in China

  13. 80年代以来中国服务出口竞争力的国际比较&与主要经济发达国家及印度的比较分析

    A Comparative Study of China 's Services Export Competitiveness since 1980s

  14. 六种意识与医疗服务市场竞争力

    Six kinds of sense and competitiveness in the medical service market

  15. 自由化下我国服务贸易竞争力分析

    Analysis of Our Competitive Power of Service Trade under the Liberalization

  16. 河北省信息服务产业竞争力影响因素研究

    Influencing Factors Study on Information Service Industry Competitiveness of Hebei

  17. 建立先进的电讯基建设施,收费相宜,服务具竞争力。

    Establish an advanced telecommunications infrastructure with strong price and service competition .

  18. 提升金华旅游服务贸易竞争力的对策

    Strategies of Improving Jinhua Competitiveness of Trade in Tourism Service

  19. 徐州市服务业竞争力分析与对策研究

    Competitiveness of Service Industry in Xuzhou City : an Analysis and Countermeasures

  20. 中国服务贸易竞争力的影响因素研究

    Research on the Influencing Factors of Competitiveness of Service Trade in China

  21. 服务贸易竞争力:影响因素与模型

    The Competence of Service Trade : Influence and Model

  22. 我国运输服务贸易竞争力的国际比较

    International Comparison of the Transportation Service Trade of China

  23. 中国和东盟五国服务贸易竞争力比较分析

    The Comparison of Competitiveness of Services Trade between China and 5 ASEAN Countries

  24. 产业内贸易与服务贸易竞争力关系理论综述

    Intra-industry trade and service trade relations theory competitiveness survey

  25. 不同的企业通过建立伙伴关系,整合各自的核心能力,才能最大限度地提高产品与服务的竞争力。

    Partnership between firms can integrate core competence and greatly increase the competitive strength .

  26. 区域服务业竞争力的模糊综合评价模型的构建

    Fuzzy Synthetically Evaluation on Regional Service Industry Competence

  27. 我国服务贸易竞争力影响因素的实证分析

    Positive Analysis on Factors that Have Impact on Competitiveness of China 's Service Trade

  28. 最后提出了提升武汉现代服务业竞争力的对策和建议。

    Finally , we put forward countermeasures to promote the modern service industry competitiveness of Wuhan .

  29. 文献检索表明,对服务企业竞争力的评价,目前尚未见定量

    QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS OF THE LITERATURE ON PREPARATING LAUROCAPRAM Literature searches show that there is no quantitative

  30. 服务企业竞争力研究

    A Study of Service Enterprise Competitiveness