
  • 网络Standard;SLA;service standard;golden-geneal serve standard
  1. 一个示例就是Web服务标准。

    An example is the Web services standard .

  2. WSDL是一个Web服务标准,它可以用来描述Web服务。

    WSDL is a Web service standard that can be used to describe Web services .

  3. 他们制订了严格的客户服务标准。

    They set high standards of customer service .

  4. 意见提出,深入推进公共文化服务标准化和数字化建设、完善基层公共文化服务网络、创新拓展城乡公共文化空间。

    Jointly the primary-level networks that provide public cultural services and expand public cultural spaces in rural and urban areas .

  5. 为集成网格和Web服务标准而设计的一套规范。

    A set of specifications designed to integrate grid and Web services standards .

  6. 语义Web和Web服务标准集成的研究

    Research on Integrating Semantic Web with Web Services Standards

  7. 任何人都可根据其构建基于Web服务标准的pub/sub实现。

    It allows anyone to build a Web services standards-based pub / sub implementation .

  8. 很多Web服务标准中都使用了XML。

    It is used in many Web services standards .

  9. 目前实现这些特性的主要方式就是使用大量的Web服务标准。

    The primary way to implement these features today is using the plethora of Web services standards .

  10. 互操作性一直是厂商出于Web服务标准的需要而推动的一个关键性因素。

    Interoperability has always been one of the key factors pushed by vendors for the need for Web Services standards .

  11. 基于XML的Web服务标准使人想到了基于组件的编程模型的某些方面。

    The Web services standards , based on XML , already suggest aspects of a component-based programming model .

  12. 您可以利用Web服务标准和通过一些组合方法和技术应用创新方法(如GOOD)来实现这一目标。

    You can achieve this by exploiting Web services standards and applying novel methods through methods and techniques for composition , such as GOOD .

  13. 另外,还涵盖了JSR172WSA中用到的核心Web服务标准、典型结构以及调用模型。

    In addition , I covered the core Web services standards and the typical architecture and invocation model used in JSR172 WSA .

  14. WebSphereESB基于SCA,并且支持关键的J2EE和Web服务标准。

    WebSphere ESB is based on SCA and supports key J2EE and Web services standards .

  15. 然而,和许多与安全相关的Web服务标准不同,处理Web服务对话的新标准和相关供应商技术还没有得到广泛使用。

    Nevertheless , unlike many security-related Web services standards , new standards and related vendor technologies to address Web service conversations have not been widely used .

  16. Web服务标准也受到复杂性恶魔的威胁,但是称作REST的替代策略承诺了更简单的方式。

    Web services standards too are threatened by the complexity bogeyman , but an alternative strategy known as REST promises a more straightforward approach .

  17. SOA是一个设计模式,通过Web服务标准由松散耦合的、可发现的、可重用的、可互操作的平台无关的服务组成。

    SOA is a design pattern composed of loosely coupled , discoverable , reusable , inter-operable , platform-agnostic services via web services standards .

  18. 随着Web服务标准的完善和支持Web服务平台的逐步成熟,网络上的可用的服务越来越多,基于Web服务的应用也越来越多。

    With the development of the specifications and platforms for Web service , more and more web services can be accessed easily as well as the applications based on web service .

  19. Web服务标准和支持Web服务的企业级的软件平台不断成熟,各大企业纷纷将自己的业务功能和组件包装成标准的Web服务发布出去。

    Web services standards and enterprise-class software platform which support Web services continue to mature , major companies have published their business functions and components packaged into a standard Web service .

  20. ContentManagementInteroperabilityServices(CMIS)是一种Web服务标准,允许支持内容的应用程序与实现它的任何应用程序进行无缝交互。

    Content Management Interoperability Services ( CMIS ) is a Web services standard that allows content-enabled applications to interact seamlessly with any application that has implemented it .

  21. 如果您选择使用Java平台,您会发现有许多优秀的Web服务标准的实现可供选择。

    If you choose to use the Java platform , you will find that it has a large number of excellent implementations of the Web service standards to choose from .

  22. 您也应该理解可以在什么地方提供超出正式的运行时支持的应用程序扩展来支持新兴的Web服务标准,例如Web服务寻址(WS-Addressing)。

    You should also have an understanding of where application extensions are provided in advance of formal runtime support for emerging Web services standards such as WS-Addressing .

  23. 虽然从某种意义上说,至少应该考虑将其移植到Web服务标准,但这种方法是向完全开放标准的SOA基础架构发展的一个重要步骤。

    While migration to web services standards is likely to be at least a consideration at some point , this approach can represent a significant step towards a fully open-standard SOA infrastructure .

  24. JavaWSDP并不是一个产品,而更倾向于是Web服务标准的参考实现,它是一个方便的、易于安装的包。

    The Java WSDP is not a product , but rather a reference implementation of web services standards in a convenient , easy-to-install package .

  25. SOAP节点组合了消息传输和SOAP语义,以支持一致的SOAP域逻辑树格式和下一代Web服务标准WS-Security和WS-Addressing。

    They combine message transport and SOAP semantics to support a consistent SOAP domain logical tree format and the next-generation Web services standards WS-Security and WS-Addressing .

  26. 通过使用Web服务标准,如WS-ReliableMessaging和WS-Security,您可以使用Synapse以确保应用程序之间安全的、可靠的连接。

    By using Web services standards , such as WS-ReliableMessaging and WS-Security , you can use Synapse to enable secure , reliable connections between applications .

  27. 在解决方案体系结构中,将使用J2EE编程模型和连接器体系结构以及新兴的一组Web服务标准来构建ISV的集成网关。

    In the solution architecture , the ISV 's integration gateway will be built using the J2EE programming model and connector architecture , together with the emerging set of web services standards .

  28. 国际航空运输协会(IATA)是国际航空公司自发组织的协会,负责设定线路,制定票价,和其它服务标准。

    The International Air Transport Association ( IATA ) is a voluntary association of international airlines that sets routes , fares and other standards of service .

  29. 根据Skytrax(英国在航空公司评估方面的专家)统计,南非航空公司在产品提供和服务标准方面是最佳航空公司之一。

    According to Skytrax , the British experts on aviation rankings , SAA is one of the best international airlines regarding product offer and service standards .

  30. 信息设备资源共享协同服务标准(IGRS)是为了实现信息设备智能互联、资源共享、协同服务而制订的。IGRS采用了开放性的体系结构。

    The Intelligent Grouping and Resource Sharing ( IGRS ) standard is made to enable intelligent grouping , resource sharing and service collaboration among information devices , consumer electronics and communication devices .