
  1. 要克服前面提到的挑战,应该为您的面向服务环境设计并使用一个隔离策略。

    To overcome the challenges mentioned above , you should design and utilize an isolation strategy for your service-oriented environments .

  2. 论信息时代公共图书馆服务环境的设计

    On Design of Public Library Service Environment in the Information Age

  3. commandfacade模式是这两个模式的联合产物,是为了基于服务的环境而特别设计的。

    The command facade pattern is a combination of these two designed specifically for a service-oriented environment .

  4. 本文简要讨论如何定义为面向服务的体系架构环境设计的云账单服务模块。

    This article provides a quick guide that looks at how to define a cloud billing service module designed for a service oriented architecture environment .

  5. 社会经济快速发展对医院门诊部的设计与环境,提出了更高的要求,包括计算机科学、信息技术在内的先进技术对医疗服务体系及医疗环境设计也带来了重大影响。

    The rapid development of social economy required a lot of hospital outpatient department and environment design , including computer science , information technology in advanced technology also has great influence in medical environment design and medical service .

  6. 本文从我国老龄居住环境现状入手,从老年住宅建设、社区服务开展和户外环境设计等方面探讨了老龄居住环境的营造和开发问题。

    Under the current situation of old peoples living environment , the issues that how to set up and develop the old peoples living environment are discussed in this paper in several aspects such as old peoples residential construction , community service and outdoor environmental designing , and so on .

  7. 最重要的原因是担心敏感数据被云服务提供商(CloudServiceProvider,CSP)泄露。本文将CSP视为潜在的攻击者,面向多用户共享云计算服务环境设计安全方案和协议。

    The main reason is that they worry about their sensitive data will be leaked by the cloud service provider ( CSP ) . This thesis designs secure protocols and secure schemes for the multi-user sharing cloud computing services environment .