
  • 网络Service Operation;Service Support
  1. 国外银行服务运营管理理论分析作为监管资本的次级债及国外商业银行的实践

    Theoretical Analysis on the Western Service Operation Management Subordinated Debt : Practice in Banks as Supervisory Capital

  2. 国外商业银行如何进行服务运营管理?

    How do foreign commercial banks carry out service operation management ?

  3. 如何利用服务运营平台设计、分配内部IP地址和配置网络安协议来设计智能小区网。

    Server and run plane design , bowels IP address distribution and network security advisement to design Intelligent Residential Area Network are given .

  4. 基于SOX法案的通信企业服务运营管理问题研究

    Researching on Service Management Optimization in Mobile Communication Companies Based on SOX

  5. SaaS模式下,成熟的服务运营商一般采用单实例多租赁(SingleInstanceMulti-Tenancy)的方式,使用同一个实例为不同租户提供服务,即多租户应用。

    Single instance multi-tenancy is the common way adopted by the service providers , by which one instance could serve multiple tenants .

  6. BOSS系统是中国移动从单一的移动电话服务运营商向提供多种电信服务运营商发展所必须的新一代电信业务运营支撑系统。

    Business & Operation Support System ( BOSS ) is a new business support system which is necessary to China Mobile to change itself from single service business supporter to multi-services business supporter .

  7. 就在NexusOne发布和客服代表培训结束不久,他们和美国的服务运营商T-Mobile迅速召开了一场紧急会议。

    The companies , along with service provider T-Mobile USA , held an emergency meeting soon after the Nexus One launch and ended up retraining their customer service representatives .

  8. 对现有业务服务运营进行分析可让您快速找到利用BRMS技术实现现代化的决策操作。

    Analyzing existing business service operations can lead to quickly identifying decision operations that you may want to modernize using BRMS technology .

  9. 无线局域网(WLAN)应用主要是服务运营商在人群密集或流动性大的热点地区为公众提供无线接入因特网或企业内部网的服务。

    Wireless LAN ( WLAN ) application mainly refers to the wireless access Inter-net or enterprise Intranet service that ser-vice operators provide for the public at hotspot area with large population or float-ing population .

  10. 如何防止租户的数据隐私泄露,不被服务运营商非法使用,是SaaS模式亟待解决的问题。本文首先介绍了SaaS模式的相关概念。

    How to prevent the data privacy of the tenants from being disclosed is an urgent problem of the SaaS model . First , this paper introduces the concept of SaaS model .

  11. 另有消息称,所有美国制造的飞机的主要安全监管机构&美国联邦航空管理局(FAA)去年末曾通知航空服务运营商说,波音777存在一个潜在的结构性缺陷,可能导致飞机在空中解体。

    It has also emerged that the US Federal Aviation Authority , the lead safety regulator for all US-built aircraft , had made operators aware late last year of a potential structural weakness in Boeing 777 aircraft that could lead to the aircraft breaking up in mid-air .

  12. 服务运营商可能会收取额外费用。

    Additional charges could apply , depending on carrier service plan .

  13. 基于服务运营开放系统的服务企业柔性管理

    Flexible Management of Service Enterprise Based on Open System of Service Operation

  14. 最后,服务运营必须被治理起来,重点是保持服务的运转。

    Finally service operation has to be governed with focus on keeping services running .

  15. 电信营业窗口服务运营系统改善方案与实施策略研究

    The Research on the Improvement Scheme and Implementation Strategy in the Telecom Service Operation System

  16. 这些问题的明确,为研究公路服务运营的各种现实问题奠定了基础。

    These identifications establish a base for following study of practical problems of road service .

  17. 电子邮件服务运营商无限期地保存用户信函和联系人信息。

    The companies that host e-mail hold copies of their users ' correspondence and contacts indefinitely .

  18. 而租听服务运营商的垄断地位,进一步压缩了唱片公司的谈判空间。

    That the subscription-service operators are a powerful oligopoly further reduces the labels ' bargaining power .

  19. 并以此为依据对旅游服务运营商提出了相应的管理改进建议。

    And as a basis for tourism service providers put forward the corresponding management recommendations for improvement .

  20. 手机实名制实施后,电信增值服务运营商也将面临利润减少的压力。

    Telecom value-added service providers are also expected to see their profits drop after the new system takes effect .

  21. 本课程将介绍生产和服务运营的设计、计划和控制的概念和技巧。

    This course will introduce concepts and techniques for design , planning and control of manufacturing and service operations .

  22. 因此深入研究服务运营管理的相关理论,并用其指导我国服务运营管理实践已成为当务之急。

    Therefore it 's crucially important to research service operation management related theories to guide China 's service operation management practice .

  23. 并结合企业价值链有关内容,构建了基于价值链的制造企业增值服务运营模型。

    And based on the value chain of manufacturing enterprises , the author combines the value-added service model of manufacturing enterprises .

  24. 互联网环境下的在线服务运营管理应该先进行项目风险规划。

    Based on the ant colony optimization , a new algorithm is proposed for the project risk programming of online services enterprise .

  25. 他补充道,已经有一些停车服务运营商表示对他们公司的汽车库存管理系统感兴趣。

    He has been approached by developers interested in using the company 's Automotive Inventory Management System for parking services , he added .

  26. 2000年加入携程,历任携程酒店预订部经理、酒店预订部总监、服务运营高级总监、服务运营副总裁。

    She joined Ctrip in2000.These roles include manager and director of hotel reservations , as well as senior director and VP of customer service .

  27. 目的通过收支情况来分析绍兴县社区卫生服务运营现状,探索社区卫生服务的主要成本和结构。

    Objective To identify the running state of community health service in Shaoxing county and find out the main cost and its structure by analyzing income and expenditure .

  28. 第三个阶段就是创新体制机制,探索高效的综合信息服务运营体系,推动企业转型的健康发展。

    And the third stage is innovation of system mechanism . It mainly included exploring effective integrated information service operating system , and advancing healthy development of corporate transition .

  29. 油猴建立于1978年,是美国、墨西哥及中国第一大独立汽车服务运营商之一。

    Grease Monkey International was founded in1978 and is now one of the largest independently owned and operated automotive service providers in the USA , Mexico and now China .

  30. 这对油猴汽车快修来说是具有历史意义的一步,油猴汽车快修立志成为中国最大的独立汽车服务运营商。

    It was this milestone that put Grease Monkey on the Shandong map and established our desire to be the number one independently owned operator of automotive service centers here in China .