
  • 网络service globalization
  1. Web服务全球化模型

    Web services globalization model

  2. 最近几年,服务全球化和服务外包发展迅速,已经日益成为全球化的主导力量和重要内容。

    In recent years , global services and outsourcing have developed rapidly and become the leading forces and the most important contents in globalization .

  3. 根据计算出的服务全球化指标建立了其对经济发展影响的回归模型,并按照回归模型的结果提出通过服务全球化促进本国经济发展的建议。

    Establishing the regression model to regress the impact between the indicators and the economic development . Suggesting how to promote nations ' economy throw the globalization of service , in accordance with the results of the regression model .

  4. 与此同时,世界航空公司的大型化、跨国化,航空市场区域一体化和服务全球化,对我国民航的主体&航空运输企业造成了巨大的冲击。

    Meanwhile , the maximization and the transnational of the airline of the world integrates and serves globalization of the area of aviation market , and this has the enormous impact on subject - transport enterprise of aviation in our country .

  5. 本文仅说明了Web服务中全球化的基础。

    This article documents only the foundation for globalization in web services .

  6. 全球经济的一体化使得服务外包全球化成为现实。

    The integration of world economy make outsourcing globalization a reality .

  7. 现代服务业全球化成因分析

    An Analysis of the Causes of the Globalization of Modern Service Trades

  8. 物流服务、全球化制造业及城市结构的变化&新加坡案例

    Logistics Service , Internationalized Manufacturing and Urban Structure Transition : ? The case of Singapore

  9. 教育服务的全球化贸易以及教育资源的全球化争夺是推动教育全球化的两个重要支柱。

    The global trade of education service and global contention of education resource are the two important elements of globalization of education .

  10. 在服务经济全球化的背景下,传统的服务业生产经营方式受到挑战,服务外包逐渐形成。

    Under the background of service globalization , the traditional service industry production management way is challenged , service outsourcing gradually formed .

  11. 随着律师服务的全球化,这一制度亟待完善。

    With the globalization process of the lawyer 's business , it is of great urgency to make the system a perfect one .

  12. 通过本地化服务和全球化网络影响,我们帮助客户将他们的主要精力用于核心商业活动之中。

    By leveraging our local service and global network , we enable our customers to dedicate their primary energies to their core business activities .

  13. 后端数据系统建立在一个语言环境模型的基础上-即一个根据“服务于全球化应用程序的语言环境信息”分类的数据系统。

    The back-end data system is built on a locale model base & that is , a data system categorized by locale information that serves globalized applications .

  14. 伴随着中国民用航空市场大众化和民航运输服务贸易全球化,中国民航客舱服务对象文化背景多元化趋势日益明显。

    With the popularization of China 's civil aviation market and the globalization of trade in air transport services , the diversified cultural background trend of passengers is increasingly evident .

  15. 近年来,在信息和通信技术的推动下,服务业全球化趋势日益加快,成为推动经济一体化的重要力量。

    In recent years , with the development of information and communication technology , the service globalization has been growing in an accelerating trend and become an important part of economic integration .

  16. 中国入世承诺和WTO协定使得中国法学教育和法律服务进入法律全球化领域和服务贸易内容。

    The promises of China 's Accessing to WTO and WTO agreement make the legal education and legal service of China enter into the field of law globalization and the content of legal service .

  17. 服务营销的全球化与本土化

    The Globalization and Localization of Service Marketing

  18. 在服务经济不断全球化的经济大背景下,生产性服务业的经济黏合剂作用已经得到广泛的认可。

    In service economy globalizing economic backdrop , the " glue " role of producer services has been widely recognized .

  19. 服务业的全球化发展带动了国际服务贸易规模的持续扩大,国际服务贸易已成为当今国际贸易中发展最为迅速的领域。

    Globalization of the service industry leads to an expansion of international service business therefore makes it the fastest growing area in international business .

  20. 随着金融服务一体化和全球化趋势的不断加强,银行、保险公司以及其它金融机构之间的界限已逐渐淡化,为银行保险的产生提供了环境。

    With the trend of financial global and integrated strengthened , regulatory barriers of banking and insurance and other financial services have diminished , and the climate has been created increasingly friendly to bancassurance .

  21. 服务利益的全球化已经成为经济利益全球化重要组成部分。它不仅彰显人类共同利益的去向,而且对利益公平及构建新的利益秩序具有重要意义和影响。

    It has become an important part of economic globalization which shows the tendency of the common interest of human beings and impacts the interest justice and the establishment of new interest order to a great degree .

  22. 面对服务利益的全球化,要积极创造服务利益开放的有利环境,将内外条件结合起来,共同提升我国服务利益在国际范围内的地位与实力。

    Facing the globalization of service interest , our country should better the environment of open economy for service interest and improve its status and strength in the international scope through combining internal conditions with external ones .

  23. 数字图书馆的产生是图书馆发展史上的里程碑,数字图书馆具有信息资源丰富,系统管理可靠和信息资源数字化、传递网络化和远程化,以及信息服务现代化和全球化特点。

    The creation of digital library shaped a milestone in the history of library development . A digital library is featured with richness of information resources , reliability of system management , digitalization of information resources , network-based remote transmission , and modernization and globalization of information service .

  24. 客户服务:面对当今全球化市场日益激烈的竞争,员工把握和满足顾客的需求是极为关键的。

    Customer service : increased competition in today 's global marketplace makes it critical that employees understand and meet the needs of customers .

  25. 服务外包作为经济全球化的新标志和国际产业转移的一种新兴方式,同时受到了学术界的广泛关注。

    As the new sign of economic globalization and the new form of international industrial transfer , service outsourcing received extensive attention of the academia .

  26. 中国在利用发达国家的加工、制造业外包来发展自己经济的同时,也要参与服务业经济的全球化。

    As to china , in the mean time of developing its own economy by using the process and the outsourcing in manufacture of the developed countries , it should participate in the globalization in service economy .

  27. 服务可迁移性、交互性与服务全球化潜力的关系&以243家服务企业的实证检验为例

    The Research of the Relationship between the Transferability and Interactivity of Service and the Global Potential & An Empirical Study of 243 Service Enterprises

  28. 服务是管理的本质,服务行政已成为全球化的趋势。

    Direct service is the essence of government administration .

  29. 当前经济全球化正在进入新的发展阶段,全球经济结构的调整和产业的重组使得全球产业从制造业向服务业转移,服务业外包成为服务业全球化发展的重要趋势。

    At present , the economic globalization is entering a new development stage , the worldwide adjustment of economic structure and industrial restructuring result in the global industry shifting from manufacturing to service and service outsourcing has become the important trend of service globalization .

  30. 我国既面临通过承接国际服务业转移加快发展的历史性机遇,同时也面临现代服务业全球化更加激烈的竞争和挑战。

    China not only faces the historical opportunity which through to undertake international services transfer to speed up the development , but also faces more intense competition and the challenge in the modern service industry globalization .