
  • service capacity
  1. 服务容量是动态的且具有无限性。

    The service capacity is dynamic , it is limitless .

  2. 通过利用这一信息,架构师能以主动方式管理服务容量和做出关于服务退役的决策。

    This information allows architects to proactively manage service capacity and make decisions for service retirement .

  3. 葡萄加强酒的标准服务容量是多少?

    What is the standard serving portion for an aperitif wine ?

  4. 批量服务容量有限的多队列循环系统

    Multi queue Cyclic System of Batch Service and Finite Capacity

  5. 在当前网络中,用户业务的种类和数据量都出现了急剧的增长,这就要求网络提供更高的服务容量和较强的可扩展性。

    As the types and data traffic of services increase sharply , network should provide services with better capability and scalability .

  6. 智能天线技术可以在提高移动通信服务容量和质量的同时而不占用更多的频谱资源。

    Smart antenna technology gave a solution for the increasing capacity and quality demands for mobile communication services without a corresponding increase in RF spectrum allocation .

  7. 本文的研究为保险企业客户服务容量规划提供了一种量化分析方法,对保险公司客户服务资源容量规划和决策具有一定的指导意义。

    The research in the paper gives a quantitative method to analyze the problem of insurance customer service resource planning which has certain instructive significance to insurance firms to planning and decision of insurance customer service resource capacity .

  8. Evolv希望开发出性能更高的机场安全扫描技术。Kymeta最近宣布与Intelsat公司合作,共同设计一种安装在地面和卫星上的智能天线,可以大大提高下一代卫星互联网服务的容量和速度。

    Evolv is pursuing higher-performance airport-security-scanning technology , and Kymeta recently announced a partnership with Intelsat to design land-based and satellite-based intelligent antennas that would greatly increase the capacity and speed of next-generation satellite Internet services .

  9. 服务业容量设计的数学模型

    Mathematical Pattern of the Capacity ′ s Design in Service Trades

  10. 结果显示,特需医疗服务市场容量大,并且持续增长;

    Market capacity of special medical care is enormous and it continue growing ;

  11. 实例的最大数量是可配置的,这样就可以控制缓存服务的容量上限。

    The maximum number of instances is configurable so that the capacity of the caching service can be capped .

  12. 运用概率与数理统计的方法对服务业容量设计问题进行了探讨

    This paper inquired into the capacity ′ s design in service trades by means of probability and mathematical statistics

  13. 这么做可以帮助对服务进行容量规划、计费和计量,例如存储即服务,大量数据存储在基础架构中的服务器上。

    Doing so helps in capacity planning , billing , and metering for services such as storage as a service , where data is stored in larger amounts on servers across the infrastructure .

  14. 西安市服务业就业容量研究

    The Study of Xi'an 's Service Industry Employment Capability

  15. 本文提出一种无须驶入率参数、更加贴近实际停车需求的服务设施停车容量计算模型。

    A forecasting model of service area parking capacity is put forward to calculate the size without parking rate but meeting the parking demand .

  16. 进一步假定,系统只有一个服务台,容量为无穷大,顾客先到先服务。

    Taking further assumptions , there is only one service station , and the capacity of the system is infinite . The customer first arrived , first be serviced .

  17. 服务运营的容量管理应采取获得生产效率的策略,隔离核心技术和最小化服务生产系统,并对整个系统进行生产线管理。

    Management of service operation should adopt the tactics which can obtained the production efficiency , isolate key technology and minimization service production system , and make the production line management to the whole system .

  18. 您的IBM客户团队可以访问IBMTechline服务来获得初始容量计划方面的帮助。

    Your IBM account team has access to the IBM Techline service to help with initial capacity planning .

  19. 在公众CDMA蜂窝移动通信网中,导频污染是影响网络服务质量和系统容量的一个重要原因。

    Pilot pollution is one of the key problems in public CDMA mobile network , which affects the service quality and capacity of network .

  20. 其次,对BR公司的、服务级别管理、容量管理、IT服务连续性管理、可用性管理、等流程进行定义和内容设计。

    Meanwhile , service level management , capacity management , IT service continuity management , availability management , and others have been definition and design .

  21. 随着人们对移动通信服务质量和系统容量需求的提升,在频谱资源不足的情况下,CDMA系统采用扩频通信技术解决了频谱匮乏这一问题。

    With the increasing of the QoS and capacity required for the mobile communication , CDMA system adopts a spread spectrum communication technology to solve the problem of spectrum scarcity in the absence of sufficient spectrum resources .

  22. 详细地阐述了各种辅助服务:AGC、容量备用(旋转备用、非旋转备用、替代备用)、无功及电压支持和黑启动在电力系统中的功能、特点、实现方法及其补偿方法。

    The function , characteristics , implement measures and compensation means of AS in power system , such as AGC , Reserve Capacity ( Spinning Reserves , Non-spinning Reserves , Replacement Reserves ), Reactive Voltage Support , Restore Black Start , are detailedly introduced .

  23. 公路服务设施的停车容量预测模型研究

    Forecasting Model for Parking Capacity of Service Area

  24. 宽带码分多址系统中的业务速率、服务质量与系统容量

    Information Rate , Service Quality and System Capacity of Wideband Code Division Multiple Access Systems

  25. 随着因特网、高速数据和多媒体业务的发展,许多服务提供商将面临容量危机。

    The rapid growth of Internet , high-speed data and multimedia services creats a capacity crisis for many service providers .

  26. 预指配适配管理群体的目标是从服务层提供链路容量给客户层。

    The objective of pre-provisioned adaptation management community is to provide link capacity to client-layer ( s ) from a server layer .

  27. 在异构无线网的融合网络间通信时,切换技术起着重要的作用,关系着网络的服务质量和系统容量。

    When the users mobile are working in the integrated heterogeneous wireless networks , handoff technology plays an important role to improve the quality of network service and system capacity .

  28. 在无线网络中,能量和带宽的稀缺严重地限制了服务质量和信道容量的显著提高,而这些是通信的基本资源。

    The dramatic increase of service quality and channel capacity in wireless networks is severely limited by the scarcity of energy and bandwidth , which are the two fundamental resources for communications .

  29. 陆侧容量分析主要指标有最大吞吐量、服务水平、服务量、容量分析区间。

    The main target of analyzing landside capacity is the maximum throughout , serving level , serving flow , and section of capacity analyzing .

  30. 本文研究了Poisson随机流输入、一般分布服务时间、成批服务且有最大服务容量的随机系统模型。

    This paper discusses the queuing model of a serving system with Poisson input stream , general distribution of service time and maximum serving capacity .