
  • 网络Service design;Web Service Design
  1. 总而言之,在考虑Web服务设计时,需要恰当考虑模式的构造方式。

    In summary , a schema needs to be constructed properly when considering a Web service design .

  2. 设置Web服务设计元素的名称,比如Math。

    Set the name of the Web Service Design element , such as Math .

  3. 个人技术的确比以往任何时候更具有吸引力,毋庸置疑,科技公司在不断把他们的产品和服务设计的更加具有竞争力和吸引力。

    Personal technology is indeed more engaging than ever , and there 's no doubt companies are engineering their products and services to be more compelling and attractive .

  4. Web服务设计元素将保存WSDL文档和代码。

    The Web service design element saves the WSDL document and the code .

  5. 该Web服务设计用来在SqlServer数据库上实现一个Charge操作。

    The web service is designed to implement a Charge operation on the SQL Server database .

  6. 和当前的Web服务设计不同,进行电子商务对话的Web服务不能单独为一个合作伙伴进行设计。

    Unlike the current Web services design , a Web service for conducting e-business dialogues cannot be designed for one partner alone .

  7. 基于WS-Security安全规范的Web服务设计

    Design of Web services security based on WS-Security Specification

  8. 在使用JAX-RPC值类型时需要考虑的移动Web服务设计事项,包括

    Design considerations for mobile Web services when using the JAX-RPC value type , including

  9. 来自Modeler的输出将被作为服务设计和规范输入RationalSoftwareArchitect。

    The outputs from modeler are used as input into Rational Software Architect for service design and specification .

  10. 开发人员应该就Web服务设计中使用什么建模技术和优化方案的问题与业务分析人员团队进行沟通。

    The developers should communicate with a team of business analysts on the issues of what modeling techniques and optimization schemes to use in designing web services .

  11. 基于WiFi的智能手机P2P服务设计与实现

    P2P Services Design and Implementation Based on WiFi Smartphones

  12. 本系列之前的文章已经解释了在SOA服务设计期间分析数据质量的重要性,以及实现方法。

    Previous articles in this series have explained the importance of analyzing data quality during SOA service design and approaches to doing so .

  13. 分析了当前很多基于J2EE的Web应用服务设计中的不完整性后,说明对于一个成熟的Web实现方案来说,开发Servlet实现控制器功能是很必要的。

    Analyzing the design of Web application services based on J2EE , and their imperfection indicates it is necessary to implement controller function by Servlet .

  14. 本文假设您是一个有经验的LotusNotes和Domino应用程序开发人员,熟悉新的DominoWeb服务设计元素。

    This article assumes that you are an experienced Lotus Notes and Domino application developer familiar with the new Domino Web service design element .

  15. QFD与航空运输服务设计

    QFD and Design of Aerial Transport Service

  16. 一本IBM红皮书,它描述了详细的服务设计方法,12个有用的架构级SOA最佳实践方法,以及服务模型结构的有效指南;

    An IBM Redbook , which provided the detailed approach for service design , 12 useful architecture-level SOA best practices , and effective guidance on service model structure ;

  17. SIG框架下的空间数据中心注册服务设计

    Design for the Registration Service of Spatial Data Center Based on SIG Framework

  18. 图书馆FAQ服务设计思考

    Thinking of the design of FAQ service in library

  19. 服务设计过程通过显式地扩展红皮书的过程来创建具体的架构级SoaML结构。

    The service design process explicitly extends the Redbook 's process to create specific architecture-level SoaML constructs .

  20. 本文说明了如何为Web服务设计恰当的构造模式,以使其同时符合W3CWSDL规范(WSDLv1.1)和Web服务基本概要(WS-IBasicProfile,BPv1.1)。

    This article describes how to construct a schema properly for a Web service design to conform with both W3C WSDL specifications ( WSDL v1.1 ) and WS-I Basic Profile ( BP v1.1 ) .

  21. 作为一个以顾客需求为基础、并将这种需求转化为不同阶段各种技术要求的系统,质量功能展开(QFD)在服务设计中起着越来越重要的作用。

    As a system based on customer demands and changing the demands into technical requirements at various stages , Quality Function Deployment ( QFD ) is now playing a more and more important role in the service design .

  22. 这四部分内容着重阐述了服务设计和体系结构设计。

    The four parts focuses on the service design and architecture design .

  23. 基于中间件的分布式数据服务设计与研究

    Design and Research of Distributed Data Service Based on Middleware

  24. 服务设计必须能体现业务和信息双方面的需求。

    Service designs must incorporate both business and information requirements .

  25. 张小龙以对精良服务设计的完美主义追求而著称。

    Mr. Zhang is famous for his perfectionist pursuit of a well-designed service .

  26. 工程机械产品服务设计

    Planning of Product Service for Construction Machinery

  27. 即使服务设计是级联的,部署都是从顶级注册中心发起的。

    Even though service design is federated , deployment is initiated from the top-level registry .

  28. 基于短消息服务设计与实现实时参考咨询系统的技术研究

    Design and Implementation of Real - time Reference Services System Based on Short Message Service

  29. 实时事件服务设计与实现

    Real-time Event Service Design and Implementation

  30. 服务设计与质量功能展开

    Service Design and Quality Function Deployment