
  • 网络Services Value Chain;service profit chain
  1. 本文运用服务价值链和市场营销学的相关知识,来分析和探讨某移动公司集团客户方案支持发展策略。

    This thesis discusses and analyzes the group customer solution support tactic , by using services value chain and marketing theories .

  2. 随着人力资源管理和人文化管理的发展,员工满意度管理在企业管理中成为一个关键要素,也成为企业从服务价值链中获取长效收益的重要决定因素。

    With the development of the HR and humanistic management , the degree of employee satisfaction has become the key determinant factor for making profits in the Service Profit Chain study . And it has become one of the big concerns in the management field .

  3. 在SOA的核心地区,是服务价值链的构造,该价值链将用户需要与配套的提供商功能联系起来。

    At the heart of SOA is the construction of service value chains that connect user needs with compatible provider capabilities .

  4. 它提供了SOA的抽象,以关注描述参与者的需要和功能,并将他们联系在服务价值链中。

    It provides an abstraction of SOA that focuses on describing the needs and capabilities of participants and connecting them in service value chains .

  5. Manufacturer参与者是联系在服务价值链中其他参与者的引用。

    The Manufacturer participant is an assembly of references to instances of other participants that are connected in a service value chain .

  6. 本文在坚持Heskett,J.I,.Sasser,W.E.服务价值链分析的基础上,对现有的服务创新的理论与模型进行了整合,提出了基于盈利成长的服务创新体系。

    Based on the service value chain theory of Heskett , J. I and Sasser , w. E. , this book integrates the theory and model of service innovation , and puts forward a model of profit-oriented service innovation .

  7. 基于服务价值链管理的医院文化构建与实践

    Set up the Hospital Culture According to the Service Value Chain Manage with Practice

  8. 其中的各项活动之间的联系包括服务价值链内部联系和服务价值链的纵向联系。

    In which the linkages between the activities of the value chain , including service connections and service within the vertical value chain linkages .

  9. 中国家电企业,应该趁此机会,进入全球家电行业的生产、销售、服务价值链,成为真正意义上的国际化企业。

    China household appliances enterprises should take advantage of this opportunity and enter into the global household appliances industry 's value chain of production , sales and services in order to become the multinational companies .

  10. 扶持优质中小企业是当地商业银行的重要社会责任,也是其改善客户结构,延伸服务价值链,增进效益的有效途径。

    It is a significant responsibility for local commercial banks to give support to medium-sized and small enterprises of high quality , which is also an effective way to improve client structure , extend value chain and increase economic returns .

  11. 通过有效整合服务价值链、提高服务质量,能为企业创造更多价值、提升企业核心竞争力、促进企业成长。

    Through the effective integration of service value chain , it can improve the quality of service for enterprises to create more value , it can enhance the core competitiveness of enterprises , it can promote the growth of enterprises .

  12. 在理论分析的基础上,对一家国内制造企业――GT公司的由产品到服务的价值链延伸策略进行分析研究,提出了发展对策。

    On the base of theory analysis , studies and analyzes the from-product-to-service tactic of the value chain extension of an internal manufacturing enterprise & GT Company , and brings forward relevant countermeasure for development .

  13. 培训服务产业价值链浅析

    Briefly on the value chain of training service industry

  14. 从面向产品的价值链到面向服务的价值链

    Turning in the Direction from Value Chain of Production Toward Value Chain of Service

  15. 问题是,史泰博的服务在价值链上爬得不够高,还不能给公司带来太多的利润。

    The problem is that the services it offers do not climb far enough up the value chain to generate substantial margin .

  16. 论文首先对电信服务、价值链管理及市场营销的相关理论进行了概述。

    In this thesis , a general account is given about the relative theory of telecom services , value chain management and marketing at first .

  17. 针对市场的发展趋势,企业应当以面向服务的价值链引导企业经营,体现实现客户价值的理念,实现企业经营的目标。

    According to the trend of market development , companies should operate their business under the guide of service - oriented value chain , from which they will be capable to realize customer value and reach their business goal .

  18. 科技中介;创新服务链;价值链;创新链;

    Technology intermediary ; innovation service chain ; value chain ; innovation chain ;

  19. 药学服务中的价值链管理思维

    Thinking of value chain management of pharmaceutical care

  20. 介绍了进行门诊服务流程的价值链分析,确定最合理的门诊医疗资源配置,以实现医院门诊医疗的最佳效益的思路、系统优化模型及方法。

    The authors also introduce how to analyze value chain of outpatient services , define suitable medical resource and the optimizing-system model for outpatient services in order to receive best benefit .

  21. 提出了ASP适用的两类应用服务方向和相关价值链构成。

    Two categories of application service and their related value chains are provided .

  22. 基于知识的服务外包协作制造价值链优化模型

    An Optimization Model on the Value Chain for Outsourcing Knowledge-Based Services and Collaborative Manufacturing

  23. 形成的外在条件在于其产品或服务具有较长的价值链,拥有知识导向的区域和全球化的市场及完善的辅助性机构。

    The external factors of forming are as follows : its products or services have longer value chain , the garden have knowledge-orientated region , global market and perfect assistant organization .

  24. 基于服务科学的现代物流服务价值链增值研究中国跨国企业法务部的增值服务

    Research on the Modern Logistic Service Value Chain 's Added Based on Service Science Management and Engineer

  25. 并以培训服务满意度为落脚点,基于价值链和服务满意度基本理论,通过分析培训服务价值链各环节影响培训服务满意度的各种因素及影响程度,探讨提高培训服务满意度的途径。

    Basing on the value-chain and service satisfactory theory , aiming at training service satisfactory , analyzing the varied factors in value-chain segments and impact degree , seeking out the way to improve the training service satisfactory .

  26. 作为新的服务模式,IDC重新创造了因特网服务的价值链,形成了不同分工的因特网服务提供商。

    As a new serve mode , IDC has recreated the value chain of Internet services and formed various ISPs .

  27. 研究表明,高新技术产业与现代服务业的耦合能够延长和增容服务业的价值链,提高社会生产率和福利水平;

    The study shows that the coupling of high and new technology industry with modem services can extend the length of value chain of services and increase productivity and welfare .

  28. 随着短信增值业务的不断增多,移动短信增值业务用户群不断发展壮大,由电信运营商与服务提供商等合作伙伴共同打造的短信增值服务价值链为用户提供越来越多、越来越丰富的服务。

    With the growing number of SMS value-added services , more and more user who use the value-added SMS services are increased , more and more rich value-added SMS services are provided by the telecom operators on the value chain .

  29. 重点在于在区分处在松散参与者之间的服务以及请求,并将其组合成一个服务价值链。

    The point is to partition services and requests among loosely coupled participants assembled in a service value chain .

  30. 本文运用客户需求模型设计的理念,对目前的汽车服务流程进行了再造,形成了新的汽车服务价值增值链模式。

    Using customer requirement model design to regenerate automobile service process and build up new automobile service value-added chain model .