
  • 网络Service Management;service manager;ITSM
  1. 作为一种新的IT管理模式,IT服务管理在国外得到了广泛的应用并产生了显著的效益,在我国也已受到越来越多的关注。

    As a new IT management approach , ITSM has been widely used and produce significant benefits in foreign countries , and also has been more and more attentioned in China .

  2. 微软也添加了一个服务管理模型(ServiceManagementmodel)。

    Microsoft is also adding a Service Management model .

  3. ContentAdministration,用于调度查询服务管理任务

    Content Administration for scheduling Query service administration tasks

  4. 一个Web服务管理框架设计方案

    A Web Services Management Framework Design Scheme

  5. Web石油化工信息服务管理系统的研究

    Web-based Petrochemical Information Service Administration System

  6. EntityClasses:被业务服务管理使用的数据模型

    Entity Classes : Data model managed and used by business services

  7. 介绍一种基于Web的集成化网络服务管理系统。

    This paper introduces a Web-based integrate network service management system , which combines Web technology and network management technology to create an organic structural model .

  8. 医院IT服务管理的ISO规范

    Hospital IT Serves Management Base on ISO Criterion

  9. 临床路径(ClinicalPathway)是一种诊疗过程标准化管理的先进医疗服务管理模式,在我国一些大型医院开始尝试使用。

    Clinical pathway ( CP ) is an advanced medical service management model , in China , some large hospitals are trying to apply it .

  10. 服务管理器是与客户机进行交互的servlet。

    The services manager is the servlet , which interacts with the client .

  11. runit包是使用服务管理的init方案的一个替代程序。

    The runit package is a replacement init scheme with service supervision .

  12. 本文首先研究了国外三大主流服务管理平台:IBM、SUN、BEA,提出这些服务管理平台的优点及共同存在的问题。

    Firstly , this paper studies the three major foreign service management platform : IBM 、 SUN 、 BEA , presents the advantages of these services management platform and common problems .

  13. 在需求明确的基础上,运用J2EE、UML、工作流和可视化设计等相关技术选型与技术知识,提出了河南电信IT服务管理系统的系统定位和总体设计方案。

    On the basis of a clear demand , design selection and technical expertise such as J2EE , UML , workflow and related technologies were introduced . IT service management system positioning and system design were proposed . 3 .

  14. 许多公共或私有组织将它们运维中的经验和知识贡献出来形成了IT服务管理框架和ITIL(IT基础设施库)。

    Many public and private organizations contributed their knowledge and experience , in one form or another , to the development of Framework of IT Service Management and ITIL ( IT Infrastructure Library ) .

  15. IT服务管理在政府部门中的应用

    Study on the application of IT service management in government departments

  16. 基于IT服务管理的配置管理数据库平台设计实证研究

    Research of Configuration Management Database Design Based on IT Service Management

  17. 服务管理是一个与很多行业存在着交叉的问题。

    Service management is a concern that cross-cuts a lot of industries .

  18. 现代医院服务管理的绩效评价研究

    Study on Performance Appraisal of the Modern Hospital Service Management

  19. 请关闭所有传真服务管理属性表。

    Please close all Fax Service Management property sheets .

  20. 图书馆网络信息服务管理模式探析

    On the Mode of Library Network Information Service Management

  21. 摩托车销售及售后服务管理系统的设计与开发

    Designing and Development of the Management System for Motorcycle Sale and After-sales Services

  22. 互联网新闻信息服务管理规定

    Rules on the Administration of Internet News Information Services

  23. 菲律宾大气、地球物理及天文服务管理局

    Philippine Atmospheric , Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration

  24. 出境旅游服务管理学的初步探讨

    Discussion about the Service Management of Outbound Tourists

  25. 一种可动态扩充的移动商务服务管理模型

    A dynamically scalable service management model of M-Commerce

  26. 传统的服务管理平台没有考虑服务副本部署。

    Traditional service management platform does not consider the service copy of the deployment .

  27. 即应用各模块、服务管理后台服务模块、文档模块。

    The application of each module , service management background service module , document module .

  28. 社区卫生服务管理制度研究

    Studied on Community Health Service Management System

  29. 它描述了允许服务管理其事件相关订阅的订阅管理器。

    It describes subscription managers that allow a service to manage its subscriptions about events .

  30. 介绍了一种城市110报警服务管理系统。

    This paper introduces a 110-administration system .