
  1. 企业应建立顾客抱怨管理体系

    Enterprises Should Establish Customers ' Complaint Management System

  2. 开展顾客抱怨管理的基础工作

    Basic Work on the Management of Customer Complaints

  3. 所以,企业在开展顾客抱怨管理、追求顾客满意目标的时候,绝对不能忽视支持顾客抱怨管理体系的这些重要的基础工作。

    These fundamental aspects showed never be neglected in achieving the target of customer satisfaction .

  4. 该系统主要由投诉型抱怨管理子系统、非投诉型抱怨调查子系统、顾客抱怨管理的信息支持子系统构成。

    This system consists of voicing management sub-system , no voicing survey sub-system and information support sub-system .

  5. 本文认为,有效的顾客抱怨管理对于化解顾客不满情绪,持续改进服务设计和提高服务质量,建立和维持与顾客的长期关系具有十分重要的意义。

    Effectively managing customer complaint is important for enhancing customer satisfaction , improving service design and service quality , and establishing and maintaining long-term customer relationships .

  6. 而顾客抱怨管理工作能否取得成效,还有赖于企业建立健全的顾客抱怨管理体系,包括良好的企业文化、组织结构和高素质的员工队伍建设等基础工作。

    Its success largely depends on the establishment of a sound managerial system , including enterprise culture , organization structure and high quality of staff mem - bers .

  7. 随着市场竞争不断加剧,越来越多的企业意识到顾客抱怨管理的诸多益处,以及其在提高顾客满意度上的重要性。

    With the market competition is increasingly intensifying , more and more enterprises realize the influence of customer complaint on customer satisfaction , loyalty and the importance of customer complaints management .

  8. 文章的结尾部分,涉及到恶意投诉的表现形式、处理流程和处理恶意投诉的商业伦理,并结合案例分析了顾客抱怨管理子系统的建立。

    The finality part of this article involve the acquit formation , the disposal flow and business ethic of hostility complaint , and analyze the building of customer complaint management subsystem with a real case .

  9. 酒店行业对顾客抱怨的管理

    Management of Customer Complaint in Hotel Industry

  10. 顾客满意导向的服务企业顾客抱怨管理体系分析

    A Study on Customer Complaint Management Systems in Customer Satisfaction-Oriented Service Firms

  11. 为提高顾客满意度,企业应建立顾客抱怨管理体系,以正确处理顾客抱怨和利用顾客抱怨信息,推动企业持续改进。

    In order to improve the customer 's satisfaction degree , enterprises should establish a reasonable management system . In this way , customer 's complaints can be correctly dealt with and utilized . And at last enterprises can get continuous improvement .

  12. 顾客主动忠诚管理包括提高顾客满意度、提高服务质量、顾客抱怨管理、服务补救、加强客户关系管理、培养员工忠诚。

    The former includes improving customer satisfaction , enhancing service quality , customer complaints management , service remedy , customer relationship management and training staff loyalty .