
  1. 在黄河小浪底水库移民安置点中,选择6个安置点对移民的认同及顾虑心理进行了实地调查。

    During the resettlement arrangement of the Xiaolangdi Reservoir located on the Yellow River , it selects six host places for field survey of acceptance and mentality of worries of relocatees .

  2. 调查资料显示:小浪底工程征地移民在搬迁安置过程中,对国家的移民政策具有较高的心理认同程度,但是,移民认识的局限和从自身的利益出发,又表现出较强的顾虑心理。

    It is shown by the survey data that the relocatees of the Xiaolangdi Reservoir have higher mental acceptance to the state resettlement policy during the process of relocating , but they also have heavier mentality of worries , because of the limitation of awareness and considering their own benefits .

  3. 这件事让她一度登上世界各大媒体的新闻头条(headline)。如今,这位少年勇者的梦想终于起航。荷兰一家法庭日前拒绝了社会服务机构以顾虑其“社交心理健康为由”继续监管劳拉•德克尔的请求。

    A court in Holland rejected a call by social services to extend Laura Dekker 's supervision order because of fears for her ' social and emotional wellbeing . "

  4. 对于爱囤积东西的人们来说,对丢弃物品的顾虑会触发焦虑心理,所以她为了防止焦虑,她可能会一直保留该物品不丢弃。

    Thinking about discarding an item triggers anxiety in the hoarder , so she hangs on to the item to prevent angst .