
  • 网络Customer complaint;complaint
  1. 工厂是否建立了顾客投诉体系及产品召回程序。

    Factory has documented customer complaint system and documented recall program .

  2. 顾客投诉及其管理研究

    Research on the Customer Complaint and its Management

  3. 用8D方法解决顾客投诉问题

    Solving customer ′ s complaint with 8D work method

  4. 然后结合LC酒店投诉管理的现状分析了顾客投诉管理问题的成因主要集中在酒店服务总体服务意识薄弱,管理水平偏低,员工素质及培训有待加强。

    From the status of LC hotel customer complaints management , we found the problem lies in that the hotel overall service awareness is weak , the management method is poor and staff quality and training needs to be strengthened . Thus the customer complaints management measures is introduced .

  5. 比如,由于有顾客投诉称,包装容量太大以致茶香流失,Teabox现在只出售100克真空包装的茶叶。

    For example , Teabox now sells tea only in 100-gram vacuum packs after complaints that tea in larger packs lost aroma .

  6. 我们店设有专门负责处理顾客投诉的部门。

    Our store has a special department to handle customer complaints .

  7. 饭店应对顾客投诉的策略研究

    Study on strategies in hotel 's dealing with customer 's complaints

  8. 正确对待顾客投诉提高医疗服务质量

    Correctly Treated Request of Customer and Raising Serving Quality of Medical Treatment

  9. 酒店顾客投诉处理对顾客满意度的影响研究

    Research on the Influence of Response to Complaints at Hotel on Customer Satisfaction

  10. 珍:我们最近接到不少顾客投诉?

    Jean : We 've been having quite a lot of customer complaints lately ?

  11. 组织如何处理顾客投诉?

    HOW do you manage CUSTOMER complaints ?

  12. 顾客投诉迫使公司改进其产品及服务。

    Customer complaints put great pressure on the company to improve their products and services .

  13. 顾客投诉了。

    The customers filed a complaint .

  14. 顾客投诉与服务补救效果的关联研究

    Customer complaints and service recovery effects

  15. 这家零售商同意采取新政策,更好的培训员工,并调查顾客投诉。

    The retailers agreed to adopt new policies , train employees better and investigate customer complaints .

  16. 违反这一总体服务要求,造成顾客投诉,均需向顾客赔礼道歉。

    Violates this overallservice request , creates the customer to sue , must apologize theapology to the customer .

  17. 顾客投诉分析

    Analysis of Customer Complaint

  18. 男人没好气地答:「不是的。其实我是避孕套工厂的员工,他们到都是顾客投诉的证物啦。」

    The man replies sarcastically , 'No , I work in a condom factory and these are customer complaints .

  19. 处理顾客投诉事件。试图找出解决问题的方法。安排协助。

    After-sales Service : Deal with an angry customer . Attempt to find solutions to their problems . Arrange assistance .

  20. 旨在充实顾客投诉研究,为企业的投诉管理和渠道建设提供一定的指导和建议。

    The study enriches the consumer complaining behavior research , and provides suggestions on complaint management and channel building for enterprises .

  21. 参考借鉴了故障树分析和因果图,对顾客投诉根本原因分析方法提出了整体设计。

    Fault tree analysis and cause-effect diagram as reference , the root cause analysis method on the customer complaint is designed .

  22. 面向顾客投诉:服务补救和组织学习新的管理组织将保证为顾客提供最优质的服务。

    Toward Customer Complaints : Service Recovery and Organizational Learning ; The new management is assuring its patron of its best effort and hospitality .

  23. 到此我们关于零售业是如何……零售经理处理顾客投诉的方法就讲完了。

    And that wraps up our discussion of how the retail sector , uh , ways in which retail managers deal with customer complaints .

  24. 薯片是由纽约萨拉托加斯普林斯一位厨师发明的,当时一位顾客投诉他的炸土豆条不够薄。

    Potato chips were invented by a chef in Saratoga Springs , New York , when a customer complained that his fried potatoes weren " t thin enough !

  25. 本文分析了顾客投诉对企业的意义、顾客投诉的行为及心理特点,以及管理顾客投诉的方法。

    In this article , we will analyze on the significances , the behaviors and psychology characteristics of customer complaint to the company , and the way to how to manage customer complaint .

  26. 目的:及时、妥善处理顾客投诉,做好善后处理工作,借此改进产品质量和经营服务水准。

    Objective : to handle the customer complaints timely and appropriately and to well settle the problems arising thereafter so as to improve the product quality and the levels of the operation and service .

  27. 我是埃琳娜……抱歉在第一天休息日就打扰你,我想订一下你昨天说过的那个软件--你知道的,那个处理顾客投诉的软件?

    It 's Elena ... Sorry to bother you on your first day off but I 'm trying to order that software you were talking about yesterday - you know , for processing customer complaints ?

  28. 证实问题出在软件,并告知用户苹果公司正在积极致力于修复事宜,或可以暂时平息顾客投诉。

    The confirmation that the problem is due to an issue with the software , as well as the knowledge that Apple is actively working on a fix , will likely quell customers ' complaints for the time being .

  29. 另外,京东商城还有一个“100分钟政策”,如果顾客投诉一款产品,那么快递人员会在收到投诉后的1小时40分钟内返回顾客的门前。

    Further , the company has a " 100-minute policy " : if a customer has any complaints about a product , a delivery person will be back at his doorstep within an hour and 40 minutes after the complaint is lodged .

  30. 分析服务失误的积极方面的意义;阐述了服务失误情况下,鼓励顾客投诉的机制;阐述了识别服务失误的策略。再次,构建饭店服务补救反应系统。

    Analysis service fault positive way significance . In the service fault situation , elaborated the mechanism which encourages the customer sues , elaborated the strategy of how to recognize the service fault . Thirdly , constructs the hotel service recovery reaction system .