
  • 网络customer satisfaction management
  1. 顾客价值管理和顾客满意管理是市场营销的两个重要领域,也是我国铁路客运业面临激烈竞争情况下有待深入探讨的问题。

    Customer value management and customer satisfaction management are two important realms of marketing . They are important to railway that need thorough study .

  2. 顾客满意模型及顾客满意管理研究

    Customer 's Satisfied Model and Study on Customer Satisfaction Management

  3. 而作为以顾客满意管理为核心的CS管理理论,更多的是应用于营销和产品制造行业,对于新兴行业&物业管理来说,CS管理理论的应用研究几乎还是一个盲点。

    Customer satisfaction , as the core of CS management theory , applied more on sales and manufacturing industry . for the new industry , Property Management , the application of CS management theory is seldom adopted .

  4. 运用顾客满意管理系统实现企业持续改进

    Utilizing Customer 's Satisfactory Management System Realizing Enterprise 's Continual Improvement

  5. 谈顾客满意管理在物资供应部门的开展

    Unfolding Customer Satisfying Management in Purchasing Departments

  6. 介绍了“顾客满意管理”这一适应新形势要求的经营管理方式,提出了需要着重抓住推进的几个环节。

    The author introduces the'consumer satisfaction management ? which tones in with the times and puts forth several key parts as well .

  7. 顾客满意管理系统贯穿于质量管理体系的始终,是企业实现持续改进、参与激烈市场竞争的需要。

    Customer 's satisfactory management system is necessary to realize enterprise 's continual improvement and attend stinging competition , running through quality management system .

  8. 过去的顾客满意管理研究主要集中于制造业和一般的服务业领域,就医疗服务行业来说,过去的研究主要是在医疗卫生行业作风评议或医德医风评价方面,界定比较片面并存在逻辑问题。

    For the medical service industry , the research is mainly about the evaluation of medical styles and ethics which had one-side definition and logic problem .

  9. 第四,较为深刻地分析了顾客满意与管理实践起作用的力量(因素)种类和性质,以及它们相互作用的方式。

    Fourthly , profound analysis is made on the type and nature of factors influencing customer satisfaction , customer satisfaction management and the interaction between them .

  10. 通过阐述与运用服务质量与顾客满意的管理理念和原则,对医院医疗服务质量概念、提高医院服务质量认识以及将服务质量作为医院质量发展战略等内容进行了探讨。

    Through the explanation and application of the concepts and principles of service quality and satisfaction of clients , discussions were hold on the concept of medical services quality , significance of improving services quality and hospital 's quality development strategy which service quality acts as a important one .

  11. 基于顾客满意的收入管理优化定价策略研究

    Research of Optimal Revenue Management to Customers ' Satisfaction

  12. 顾客满意理论与管理实践是以需要为基点的价值评判。

    The customer satisfaction and management practice is based on the need of customers .

  13. 根据研究结论文章提出了对于第三方物流企业提升顾客满意的多项管理启示。

    According to the conclusions , the paper proposes a number of managerial implications for third-party logistics enterprises to enhance customer satisfaction .

  14. 高层领导与顾客满意在质量管理中的相关性&以授权和员工满意为中介

    A Study on the Relationship Between Top Management Leadership and Customer Satisfaction in Quality Management & The Mediation of Empowerment and Employees ' Job Satisfaction

  15. 针对企业中普遍存在的对顾客满意测评及管理等方面的困惑和操作上的问题,就建立一个较为科学、合理、可行的顾客满意管理体系进行了探讨。

    The article probes into building a scientific , reasonable , practicable customer satisfaction management system in view of the problems existed in enterprises about customer satisfaction evaluation and management .

  16. 详细探讨了顾客满意与质量管理、质量改进和产品设计等的若干关系,为更好的进行顾客满意度测评提供了理论依据。

    The relations of quality management and quality improvement and product design with customer satisfaction are discussed in detail . These studies give a theory basis for customer satisfaction measuring .

  17. 从以质量文化创造环境氛围、依顾客满意实施质量管理、用质量精神统领企业目标等三个方面,探讨创造卓越的企业质量文化模式。

    This article discusses how to create remarkable quality culture mode of enterprise from three aspects including constructing by quality culture , performing quality management according to consumer 's satisfaction and commanding the aim of enterprise with quality spirit .

  18. 顾客满意与人力资源管理

    Consumer Satisfaction and HRM

  19. 因此,基于顾客满意的员工快乐管理模式对服务行业具有一定的参考价值。

    So employee-happiness management model based on customer satisfaction has a certain reference value for the service industry .

  20. 该特性体系从基本质量特性、顾客满意特性、组织管理特性、综合平衡特性等四个方面为组织级的过程和项目实体提供度量原则。

    Measurement principles are provided against the entities of processes and projects in terms of basic quality features , customer satisfaction features , organization management features and comprehensive equilibrium features .

  21. 多维满意理论是指企业组织在市场经营中做到让顾客满意,在内部管理中做到让员工满意、股东满意,在社会中做到让社会满意。

    The satisfactory theory of many-dimensions is that enterprises make customers satisfactory in the management and marketplace , to make employees and stockholders satisfactory in inner administration and to make the whole society satisfactory in social lives .

  22. 本文围绕国内快餐业的发展趋势,中式快餐企业扩张的内在矛盾,顾客的本质需求及其演变趋势,阐述了顾客满意管理对于促进中式快餐业发展的必要性、作用和意义。

    This article , focusing on development trend of domestic fast-food businesses , inherent contradictions Chinese style fast-food enterprises must address while expanding their businesses , customer demand essential and its evolvement , elaborates the necessity , importance and significance of customer satisfaction management .

  23. 因此,本文以顾客满意为导向,构建了一套供电企业顾客满意度评价体系,并以此为基准面向供电企业营销人员构建一套基于顾客满意的服务绩效管理体系。

    The customer satisfaction-oriented service performance appraisal system will definitely promote the customer satisfaction strategy and hence enable the electricity supply enterprises to enhance the market competitiveness .

  24. 我国商业银行应通过倡导以顾客满意为导向的企业文化、以顾客满意为导向来招聘员工、改变传统的考评方法、开展内部营销活动等途径来实施全面顾客满意管理。

    China 's commercial banks ought to perform overall client satisfaction management through many channels such as advocating of a client oriented firm culture , recruiting staff in client satisfaction oriented way , altering traditional assessment methods , launching internal marketing activity , etc.