
  • 网络customer equity management
  1. 顾客资产管理最关键部分就是对顾客资产的量化评估。

    The most important part of customer equity management is its evaluation .

  2. 论顾客资产管理的实施模型

    The Applied Model of Customer Equity Management

  3. 旅游企业顾客资产管理初探

    A Study on the Customer Assets Management in the Tourist Enterprises

  4. 第三、顾客资产管理的核心在于有效经营不同的顾客资产,对不同类的顾客实施不同的经营策略。

    Thirdly , The core of CEM is implementing different management strategy to different customers .

  5. 顾客资产管理理论产生于20世纪末。

    Customer equity management theory was brought forward in the end of the 20th century .

  6. 第二、顾客资产管理的前提是要确定顾客的价值,建立顾客资产评估机制;

    Secondly , The premise of CEM is identifying the customer 's value and building customer equity 's evaluation system .

  7. 第四、顾客资产管理的目标是对顾客资产进行投资和运营、实现顾客资产的保值增值。

    Fourthly , The goal of CEM is carrying on customer equity management to realize it 's preserving and increment .

  8. 研究结果将为企业跨文化顾客资产管理提供一定的理论依据,为后续的深入研究奠定一定的基础。

    This achievement will provide theoretical basis for cross-culture customer equity management and it will lay a foundation for further study .

  9. 顾客资产管理的前提是对其进行测量,但是目前关于商业银行顾客资产测量的研究却尚属空白。

    But customer equity measurement , which has not been applied in the bank , is just the premise of customer equity management .

  10. 但是现有的顾客资产管理体系不足以提供企业进行顾客资产管理的理论和方法。

    But the current customer equity management system cannot able to provide the theories and methods of preceding the customer equity management to business enterprise .

  11. 关系营销与管理的深入发展和顾客资产管理学派的兴起,为企业更有效地管理顾客忠诚提供了新的思路。

    The rapid development of theories and practices of relationship marketing and management and the rising of customer equity management inevitably provide new insights about how to manage more effectively customer loyalty .

  12. 基于金字塔模型的顾客关系资产管理

    Management of Relationship Equity based on Customer Pyramid Model

  13. 基于顾客细分的顾客资产管理研究

    The Study on Customer Equity Management Based on Customer Segmentation

  14. 对顾客资产进行测量和管理的目的是提升顾客资产。

    The ultimate goal of customer equity measurement and management is to promote the company 's customer equity .

  15. 成本控制要从企业价值链出发,既关注企业内部产品开发与设计与生产过程,还要重视与上游供应商的联系,及对下游顾客资产的计量与管理,获取竞争优势。

    To obtaining the competition advantage , the cost control should pay attention to the production design and product process , the relation with the upstream vendor , and the accounting and management of the downstream customer equity .

  16. 品牌资产,特别是基于顾客的品牌权益,对顾客资产管理贡献巨大。

    The brand equity , specially the brand rights and interests that is based on customer , has made contribution to the customer equity management .

  17. 本文就顾客资产价值的度量研究和顾客资产管理研究进行了回顾,并指出了目前研究中存在的问题和未来的研究方向。

    Customer assets is a new research field in marketing study while customer assets calculation is a basis for other studies in this area .

  18. 因此,论文紧紧围绕以下四个问题进行:(1)如何以顾客忠诚作为切入点,对顾客资产进行管理?

    Therefore , this dissertation is organized centered on the followed four questions : ( 1 ) How to manage customer equity through using customer loyalty as a point cut ?

  19. 银行纷纷尝试将顾客作为一种资源(即顾客资产)进行管理和经营。在激烈的竞争下,对顾客资产管理和经营的状况决定了银行的可持续发展。

    Then all banks tried to manage customers as a kind of resource ( customer equity ) to maintain sustainable development in such competitive situations .

  20. 随着“以顾客为中心”的营销理念的深入人心,顾客资产管理悄然兴起。

    With the marketing theory " regarding customer as the center " deepened in the hearts of the people , customer equity management develops quickly .

  21. 综上所述,本文关于文化对顾客资产驱动要素影响的研究在跨文化顾客资产管理方面具有重要的理论和现实意义。

    In sum , study on the influence of CE driving factors affected by culture is of great theoretical and practical meaning in cross-culture customer equity management . Firstly , this paper has combed the domestic and foreign concerned CE and culture theories .

  22. 新经济的到来,市场竞争空前加剧,顾客被赋予了前所未有的力量,客户关系管理正步入一个新的阶段&顾客资产管理阶段。

    With the new economy era 's coming , The competition became more fierce than ever and the customers are endowed with powerful strength which they never had before . Customer relationship management are walking into a new stage : CEM stage .

  23. 一场强调通过高赢利顾客识别、通过提升顾客忠诚度和对不同的顾客进行不同的管理方式以提升顾客资产管理绩效的风潮正在兴起,顾客资产管理的能力将成为企业获取竞争优势的重要手段。

    A trend is rising which emphasize upgrading CEM performance by the way of distinguishing high profitable customer , improving customer 's loyalty and carrying on different management mode to different customers . The ability of CEM will become the important means of enterprises gaining competitive advantage .

  24. 基于实物期权理论的电信运营企业顾客资产测量研究在国内尚未深入,本研究也仅仅是进行了一些初步的探索,从实物期权视角对企业顾客资产测量与管理做进一步研究有着广阔的前景。

    The study in this thesis is only carried out some preliminary exploration , and there is a broad prospect exploiting the real options theory in the field of customer equity measurement and management in the future .