
ɡù kè fú wù
  • customer service
  1. 把你的收据拿给顾客服务部,他们就会退钱给你.美国是个很重视消费者权益的国家,所以几乎每个商家,都一定会有一个专门的customerservice柜台。

    Bring your receipt to the customer service , and they will refund you .

  2. 向顾客服务代表提供下列安装id。

    Provide the customer service representative with the following installation ID.

  3. 我们的宗旨是始终以高标准为顾客服务。

    We aim to maintain high standards of customer care .

  4. 在顾客服务方面,有时小企业可能优于大企业。

    Sometimes small firms can outdo big business when it comes to customer care .

  5. 只有35名员工,却要为3万多顾客服务。

    There are only 35 staff to serve 30,000-plus customers

  6. Facebook上发布的照片中有一个星巴克的服务员拒绝为一位不戴口罩的顾客服务,人们捐款超40000美元来支持这位小哥。

    People have raised more than $ 40000 to support a Starbucks barista who was shown in a Facebook post declining to serve a customer who didn 't have a mask on .

  7. 圣地亚哥的美国全国广播公司报道称,星巴克所在的圣地亚哥县从5月1日起就要求在公共场所佩戴口罩,商家有权拒绝为任何不戴口罩的顾客服务。

    San Diego County , where the Starbucks is located , has required masks in public since May 1 , according to NBC San Diego , and businesses have the right to refuse service to anyone without one .

  8. 探讨了通过采用BP神经网络技术对库存进行管理的新的理念和方法,以达到消除企业的高库存现象和提高顾客服务水平的目的。

    To eliminate the enterprises ' high inventory and improve the customers ' service , this paper discussed the new idea and method that manage the inventory by using the BP neural networks technology .

  9. 进而讨论了达到良好顾客服务水平的基本策略,如建立SCM系统、施行自有品牌战略等。

    At last the paper discusses the basic tactics of achieving excellent level of serving customers , such as setting up SCM system , performing the strategy of own brand , etc.

  10. 并行工程结合供应链管理及ERP思想,依托现代信息技术,在产品开发和物料供应等环节整合企业资源,为企业提高市场反应能力和顾客服务水平、增强核心竞争力等方面提供强有力的支持。

    For concurrent engineering combining SCM and ERP thought , relying on the modern information technology and management thought , It offers powerful support for the fact that enterprises improve the reaction ability of the market and customer 's service level , strengthen the key competitiveness .

  11. 现阶段SG公司的网络营销策略主要包括网站建设策略、网络营销吸引策略(包括网站推广策略、网络营销促销、顾客服务策略)、网络营销产品策略、网络营销价格策略以及网络营销物流配送策略。

    Nowadays the e-marketing strategies mainly includes that website construction , the internet marketing attraction ( including website promotion , e-marketing and promotion , the service on the consumers ), the products of e-marketing , the price of e-marketing , the delivery of e-marketing .

  12. 充分利用网络技术为顾客服务&网络营销的价值观及其实现

    On the Conception of Value of Online Marketing and Its Realization

  13. 伟桐是电话公司的顾客服务主任。

    Tony was a customer services officer of a telephone company .

  14. 顾客服务中心有人也许能帮你。

    Someone in customer service might be able to help you .

  15. 也许你得和顾客服务中心说说。

    Perhaps you would like to talk to customer service .

  16. 买方市场条件下物流企业顾客服务问题浅议

    A View of Customer Service under the Condition of Buyers ' Market

  17. 建机顾客服务有三个目的。

    Services of customer of construction machinery have three purposes .

  18. 乘客垂询,请致电21318181与顾客服务主任联络。

    For enquiries , please contact customer service officer at21318181 .

  19. 为顾客服务是售货员的职责。

    It 's the shop assistant 's job to serve the customers .

  20. 提升优质服务奖〔公务员顾客服务奖励计划〕

    Quality Service Enhancement Award [ Civil Service Customer Service Award Scheme ]

  21. 前线员工提供热诚周到的顾客服务,并具备丰富的产品知识。

    Ensure superb customer service with front-line staff possessing extensive product knowledge .

  22. 请您把我的话转经您们的顾客服务部好吗?

    Would you please transfer my call to your customer service department ?

  23. 加强网络顾客服务实现网上顾客满意

    Strengthening Network Consumer Service and realizing network Client satisfaction

  24. 最佳顾客服务奖计划〔入境事务处〕

    Best Customer Service Award Scheme [ Immigration Department ]

  25. 采用物流外包能降低成本,提高顾客服务水平。

    Outsourcing logistics can reduce the cost while increase the level of service .

  26. 详情请和顾客服务处联系

    For more information , contact our customer service desk

  27. 解释为什么顾客服务和革新对管理者的工作很重要。

    Explain why customer service and innovation are important to manager 's job .

  28. 要雇佣更多在高峰时期工作的服务人员来改进顾客服务质量。

    To improve customer service I 'll hire more employees for peek hours .

  29. 机器人一天工作24小时,为进店的顾客服务。

    Robots work 24 hours a day serving the customers who come in .

  30. 我们必须全心全意地为顾客服务。

    We must serve our clients heart and soul .