
ɡù kè zhì shànɡ
  • 熟语customer first
  1. 始终按照以人为本,顾客至上的方针路线来要求所有公司员工。

    Always follow the people-oriented , customer first approach routes to require all employees .

  2. 服务第一、顾客至上,是本旅店的经营原则。

    " Service first , customer first " is the Business principle of this hotel .

  3. 主要探讨CS战略的核心思想&顾客至上,揭示CS的核心价值。

    The paper mainly discusses the core idea of CS Stratagem ," The customer is God ", and reveals its core value .

  4. QQ小丑从不夸大虚伪,始终贯信誉为先,顾客至上的原则。

    The clown never exaggerated false , QQ , always sequential prestige is first the principle of customer first .

  5. BPR实施后CH公司将建立起结构形态扁平化、流程关系市场化、运行传导信息化和以顾客至上为中心的流程管理模式。

    After BPR , the new process management mode has the follow characters : flat structure , marketability process relation , information sharing , concentrating on customers .

  6. CS策略的市场内涵包括:树立顾客至上的观念,培养顾客永远是对的意识,造就一切为了顾客的理念。

    The market connotation of CS strategy is consisted of establishing the sence of customer first , training the consciousness of customer correctness and creating the idea of everything for customer .

  7. 顾客至上,质量第一!

    The customer is highest , Put quality in the first !

  8. 本店诚信第一,顾客至上,假一赔十!

    Good Faith First , Customer Foremost , False on Compensate Ten !

  9. 顾客至上是本厂一向的服务宗旨。

    Customers supremacy is the service aim that the plant is always .

  10. 金星公司的企业准则非常简单:顾客至上。

    At Lucky-Goldstar , our corporate formula is simple : customers always come first .

  11. 易安易科技的经营理念:品质第一、顾客至上、市场为导向、客户为核心。

    ENE IT management : quality first , customers first , market-oriented and customer-core .

  12. 员工至上-奢华品牌需要做到员工至上,而不是顾客至上。

    Employees First : Luxury brands need to put employees first , not customers .

  13. 顾客至上,信誉第一

    Customers supreme ( foremost ), prestige first

  14. 营销服务理念:树立顾客至上的服务理念。

    Marketing service ideas : establish the idea of " Customer is above anything else " .

  15. 品质政策:质量第一;持续改善;顾客至上;打造精品。

    Quality and Policy : quality first , sustained improvement in customer first ; build quality .

  16. 要拥有设计理念、信奉顾客至上的理念。

    Have to own a design principle and believe in the principle of the customer supremacy .

  17. 我们奉承的理念是:顾客至上,信誉第一,竭诚服务。

    We flatter the idea is : customer first , reputation first , and meritorious service .

  18. 奉行“顾客至上,信誉第一,以人为本,持续改善”的宗旨。

    Pursuing a " customer first , credit first , people-oriented , continuous improvement ," the purpose .

  19. 公司的质量方针是:顾客至上,诚信经营,科学管理,持续发展。

    Its products have gained trust and acknowledgment of all clients for reliable quality and good credit .

  20. 永创的质量方针:科学管理、质量第一、信誉第一、顾客至上。

    The policy of Crever : scientific management , quality first , reputation first , customer god .

  21. 本公司以质量第一、顾客至上为宗旨,欢迎新老客户洽谈合作。

    Our tenet is quality first , client paramountcy . Welcome to cooperate and develop with us !

  22. 产品新颖、质量第一、顾客至上是本公司的一贯宗旨。

    It has persisted in its tenet of " product novel , quality first and customer paramount " .

  23. 公司奉行信誉第一,顾客至上的原则,竭诚为顾客提供高品质的服务。

    The company pursues credibility first , customer-oriented principle and dedication to provide customers with high quality service .

  24. 公司理念:诚信服务,薄利多销,顾客至上。

    Company 's idea : Sincere service , the small profits and quick turnover , customer the highest .

  25. 公共部门人力资源管理是一种以结果为本的控制,是一种服务和顾客至上的管理机制。

    Public sector human resource management is a results-oriented control , is a service and customer oriented management mechanism .

  26. “大连朝辉贸易”会承持着“顾客至上,信誉第一”的精神服务客户。

    Dalian Zhaohui Trading adheres to the principle of " customer first , credit first " to serve customers ;

  27. 以“顾客至上,信誉第一”为宗旨。热忱欢迎洽谈合作。

    Warmly welcome you make a phone call or pay a visit to our factory and cooperate with us .

  28. 我们坚持诚信为本,顾客至上的原则,竭诚为广大客户提供优质的产品及服务。

    We uphold the integrity-based , customer-oriented principle and dedication to our customers to provide quality products and services .

  29. 公司以“信誉第一,顾客至上”为宗旨,为客户提供优质的服务。

    Based on the principle " Customer first , credit first ", We supply knight service to the customers .

  30. 这既是诺基亚向消费者给出的承诺,也传达了顾客至上的品牌概念。

    People-oriented , this is Nokia 's commitment to consumers , but also conveys the brand concept of being customer-oriented .