
  1. 基于线索利用理论的顾客购买感知价值判断及决策研究

    Research on Customer Perceived Value and Purchase Decision Based on Cue Utilization Theory

  2. 这项服务目前收费3.95英镑(约6.50美元),顾客最多可以购买价值300英镑(500美元)的比特币。

    Fees for the service are currently £ 3.95 ( about $ 6.50 ) , with a maximum £ 300.00 ( $ 500 ) worth of bitcoin purchased .

  3. 判断商品实用价值的唯一被公认的标准是该商品能否找到顾客。基于线索利用理论的顾客购买感知价值判断及决策研究

    The only admitted test of utility in wares was the finding of buyers for them . Research on Customer Perceived Value and Purchase Decision Based on Cue Utilization Theory