
  • 网络customer perception
  1. 同时围绕QoS关键指标提升的目标进行系统设计,基于使用者的实际操作流程设计系统流程和系统接口,提升客户感知和系统针对性。

    Meanwhile , the system analysis is conducted according to the objectives around the QoS key indicators , in that the system process and system interface are designed on the basis of the actual operation of users , which can enhance customer perception and system pertinence .

  2. 外部客户感知服务质量研究主要采用RATER指数模型和调查问卷方法进行研究,发现了客户最关心的反应度指数的客户评价最差。

    External customer perception of service quality study used RATER index model and the questionnaire method , and found that customers are most concerned about the reaction index of the worst customer evaluation .

  3. 辽宁移动采用固态硬盘,主要是为了提高CRM系统的运行效率,提高客户感知。

    Liaoning Mobile adopts SSD mainly in the hope of improving the running efficiency of CRM system and raising the customer 's perception .

  4. 提高客户感知价值。

    Advancing customer perceptive value .

  5. 对提高融合后新北京联通的客户感知度和客户体验具有极其深远的意义。

    To improve the fusion after new Beijing Unicom customer perception and customer experience is extremely far-reaching significance .

  6. 强调售前、售中和售后服务,提高客户感知,为客户提供一单清服务。

    Stress pre-sale and after-sales services , enhance customer awareness , provide customers with a single clear service .

  7. 根据实际情况和研究需要,本文选择客户感知的信用风险作为研究对象。

    According to the actual situation and research need , this paper chose customer-oriented perceived credit risks as object of study .

  8. 完善业务服务体制,提高客服能力是改善客户感知度的有效途径。

    Improving the business service system and the ability of customer service is the effective way to improve the perceptions of customer .

  9. 实验结果表明,在能够命中缓存前缀的情况下,带宽利用率和客户感知的启动延迟将极大地减少。

    The experiment shows that the bandwidth utilization and the reduction of user perceived VOD startup delays in the case of prefix cache hit .

  10. 结果表明,实现了在实时和并发条件下的多客户感知对象的一致性,提高了低网速用户协同操作的成功率。

    A test running proves that it realizes the objects consistence between different users and enhances the success rate of operations of users who have lower speed of access to the network .

  11. 在展会的各项指标中,参展环境、国内外参展商(专业观众)、展会规模、展会整体质量和现场服务水平是影响专业客户感知的主要因素。

    Among the satisfaction indexes of travel fair , the attendance environment , the quality of exhibitors and professional visitors home and abroad , the scale , overall quality and on-site service are the main factors for the professional customer perception .

  12. 通过营销能力的提升,可以壮大企业品牌、改善客户感知、提高渠道能力、提升服务水平,同时结合德州联通自身优势,推动企业走出一条全业务经营、多业务融合的健康发展之路。

    Through marketing capacity upgrade , It can strengthen corporate brand , improve customer perception , Increase channel capacity , improve service levels , and combined with their own advantages , operating out of a total healthy multi-business way , and propose the relative measures .

  13. 在产品日益同质化的情况下,企业不仅要提供高质量的产品,更要通过改善服务等工作来提高附加价值,进而提高客户感知价值,获得客户忠诚,建立起差异化的竞争优势。

    While products trending to homogeneity , it is unnecessary to provide high quality products . Firms must improve other works , such as service so as to raise additive value , and then provide higher customer perceptive value , obtain customer loyalty , build competitive advantage .

  14. 中国联通石家庄市分公司近期启动亮品牌、树形象(以下简称亮树)行动,着力把握影响客户感知的关键环节和直接面对客户的关键接触点,全面提升宽带服务质量。

    Shijiazhuang Branch of China Unicom recently launched " Liang Pin Pai , Shu Xing Xiang "( hereinafter referred to as " Liang Shu ") action , aiming to grasp the key aspects influencing customer perception and key point of contact facing customer , to enhance broadband service quality .

  15. LotusSametime即时消息感知集成与Notes客户机感知特性更紧密地结合在一起。

    Lotus Sametime instant messaging awareness integration now more closely matched the Notes client awareness features .

  16. 改善网站导航,提高客户的感知您的商品选择。

    Improve site navigation to enhance customers'perception of your merchandise selection .

  17. 基于客户价值感知的移动商务价值链角色模型

    MC Value Chain Role Model Based on Customer Value Perceived

  18. 展览会主题定位与终端客户效益感知&以东莞两个典型展览会定性分析为例

    A Study on Exhibition Theme Positioning and Benefit Perceptions of End-Customers : A Qualitative Analysis of Two Typical Trade Shows at Dongguan City

  19. 网络的兴起,也为企业提升服务质量,提高客户满意度感知提供了便利条件。

    The rise of the network , but also for enterprises to improve service quality , improve customer satisfaction , perception provides the convenience .

  20. 本文主要介绍诺基亚西门子通信载波分层技术对改善客户上网感知方面的技术进行分析,也对其技术应用情况进行了介绍。

    In this paper , the Siemens carrier layering technology to improve customer perception of access GPRS for application of the technology was introduced .

  21. 在电子商务系统的设计上,配合企业策略并强化各服务主要价值驱动力能提升客户的感知价值与使用成效。

    The ECS should be developed to fit the corporate strategy and to reinforce the specific value drivers of delivered services for increasing the customer 's perceived value .

  22. 价值主张(valueproposition)是企业宣称其产品和服务能为消费者带来的独特价值,是客户所能感知到的一系列既得利益的总和。

    The value proposition is a special statement that a firm claiming its product or services can attribute to its customers , and it 's total gain that customers can perceive from their interation with value providers .

  23. 要找到客户期望与感知SERVQUAL模型之间的差距已从不同的维度应用。

    To find the gap between customer expectation and perception SERVQUAL model has been applied from a different dimension .

  24. 基于在线客户情绪能量感知的商品推荐算法

    E-Commerce Recommendation Algorithm Based on On-line Client Emotion Energy Sensory Extensions

  25. 创意图文设计是意念的产生,是向着客户对品牌感知的方向,对目标客户如何感知品牌的理解和期望。

    Creative graphic design means the generation of ideas and directions from customer perception of their brand , and their understanding and desire on how their target customers perceive the brand .

  26. 本文首先借助于前人的研究成果,通过对于国内外相关研究的回顾,阐明了客户满意,客户忠诚,客户感知价值,服务质量,和公司利润率间的关系;

    By virtue of the former research achievements , this thesis reviews related research works and illuminates the relationships between customer satisfaction , customer loyalty , customer perceived value , service qualification and enterprise profit rate .

  27. 考虑到平衡计分卡(BSC)的优点,本文建立了一个基于BSC的CRM有效性评价模型,该模型包含四个视角:客户知识、客户交互、客户价值、客户感知价值。

    In this paper , we propose a customer-oriented evaluation model for evaluating the effectiveness of CRM based on balanced scorecard . The model involves four perspectives : customer knowledge , customer inactive , customer value and customer perceived value .

  28. 其次,在前向客户的经营模式上关键是话务经营,即前向客户的感知的提升。

    Second , voice operation is the key element of front customer operation model , which improves front customer perception .

  29. 同时,有效开展了客户维系挽留等工作,全面提高服务水平,提高了客户服务感知质量。

    In addition , the company has effectively begun its effort to maintain client relationships by comprehensively enhancing the quality of the service and the customer 's perception .

  30. 本文提出了一种实用的、基于客户价值的产品竞争力分析方法,该方法通过产品量化的客户感知价值和客户感知成本的组合比较,确定了产品的相对竞争力。

    The paper gives a practical analysis method of the competitive power of products , which is based on the customer value . By the comparison combined with the numerical perceptible vale and cost of customers , The relative competitive power of products can be determined .