
  • 网络customer marketing
  1. 提出了商业银行ATM机的改造,商业银行新营业网点的建设和大客户营销、大客户服务手段改进等想法和建议。

    Suggestions on the transformation of commercial bank ATM , new agency construction of commercial bank and big customer marketing , big customer serving means improvement are also proposed .

  2. 基于客户营销战略的客户关系管理(CRM)日臻成熟,它帮助企业为客户制订一对一营销策略,提高客户满意度,提升客户忠诚度。

    CRM based on Customer Marketing Strategy shows to be more and more perfect , which helps the venders making the one-to-one marketing tactic for every individual customer in order to promote the Customer Royalty as well as improve the Customer Satisfaction .

  3. XX地区联通公司政企客户营销策略研究

    The Analysis of Government and Enterprices Customers Marketing Strategies in XX Unicom Company

  4. 论文专门单列一个章节对HB大客户营销体系实施进行了应用验证,提出了体系的实施保障措施。

    A special chapter was separated to test and verify the VIP marketing system of HB company and gave out system guarantee methods .

  5. 本文研究了CD移动公司的集团客户营销战略问题,提出了集团客户市场的营销战略、竞争战略以及实施方案。

    In this paper , I have studied the group client marketing strategy for CD mobile , meanwhile proposed the implementation plan of overall marketing strategy as well as the differentiation competitive strategy point to group client market .

  6. 微软负责Windows产品客户营销的副总裁麦克•希沃特(MikeSievert)表示,Vista的基本理念来自4个方面:更便捷、更安全、更连通、更有趣味性。

    Mike Sievert , vice-president of Windows client marketing , says the underlying concept behind Vista comes down to four things : easer to use , safer , better connected , and more entertaining .

  7. 忠诚客户营销实施与我国商业银行竞争力提升的分析

    The Analysis of Implementing Customer Loyalty Marketing in Chinese Commercial Banks

  8. 关于商业银行公司客户营销战略的初步思考

    Preliminary Thoughts on Client Marketing Strategies of a Commercial Bank

  9. 浦东发展银行济南分行银行大客户营销管理分析

    Pudong Development Bank Jinan Branch Key Account Marketing Management Analysis

  10. 中国电信公众客户营销渠道刍议

    My humble opinion on Public subscribers ' distribution channel of China telecom

  11. 长沙电信公司大客户营销策略研究

    The Research on VIP Customers ' Marketing Strategy of Hunan Telecom Changsha Branch

  12. 商业银行如何实施集团客户营销

    How do commercial banks carry out group customer marketing

  13. 深圳电信大客户营销战略研究

    A Study on the Marketing Strategies to the Key Customers In Shenzhen Telecom

  14. 商业智能在客户营销服务支撑系统中的应用研究

    Application and Research of BI for CMSS

  15. 忠诚客户营销是商业银行营销发展的高级阶段。

    Customer loyalty marketing is the advanced stage in the development process of banking marketing .

  16. 双因素理论在客户营销中的应用

    Motivation-hygiene Theory 's Application in Customer Marketing

  17. 基于知识管理的电信大客户营销预警管理系统研究

    Research on the Marketing Warning System for the Telecommunication Major Customer Based on the Knowledge Management

  18. 电信业重组后吉林移动公司大客户营销策略研究

    Research on Marketing Strategies of Major Customers of Jilin Mobile Communication Corp. after Reorganization of Telecom Sector

  19. 所谓大客户营销,就是针对企业大客户制定的的一系列营销组合方案。

    The so-called big customer marketing is set for enterprise big customers a series of marketing combination scheme .

  20. 在实践上具有较大意义,也为其他银行进行客户营销、有效防控风险提供了一些思路。

    So it is meaningful in practice , and helpful for other banks in customer marketing and risk controlling .

  21. 本论文研究的主题是商业银行的主客户营销管理模式,具体内容涵盖商业银行主客户营销管理模式的理论和应用研究,包括对我国国有商业银行主客户营销管理模式的实践研究。

    The subject of this paper is the marketing management mode of major clients ( MMMMC ) in commercial banks .

  22. 工业品营销中买卖双方关系的发展方向也正是大客户营销所追求的长期合作关系乃至结成产业价值联盟。

    Key account marketing is the inevitable outcome of the development of the focus on customer and the relationship marketing .

  23. 这一趋势对通信业集团客户营销提出了新的需求,为此,传统的集团客户营销组织和方式必将为之发生变化。

    This trend poses new requirements for the great customer marketing team . Therefore , its traditional organizations and ways will change .

  24. 同时,期望本文所建构的方案对于国内其他工程机械企业的大客户营销项目管理具有参考价值。

    Meanwhile , expect the program established in this study for other domestic engineering machinery enterprise customers marketing project management with reference .

  25. 最后,在前面分析基础上提出北京网通大客户营销管理的具体策略。

    Based on these analyses , I put forward some marketing management strategies of key customers of Netcom in Peking in the end .

  26. 而大客户营销正是市场上以客户为中心的思想和关系营销发展的必然结果。

    But the key customer marketing is precisely the inevitable result of taking the customer as the center and development of the relational marketing .

  27. 怎样搞好客户营销特别是集团客户营销就成为企业实现最终目标的关键。

    How to do a good job in customer marketing especially group customer marketing becomes the enterprise to realize the ultimate goal of the key .

  28. 提出内部客户营销的重要性和必要性,进而获得企业服务营销的竞争优势。

    Stress on it is significance and essentiality to market for the interior customer , consequently achieve the advantage in the service marketing competition of enterprises .

  29. 通过多方面的分析和比较,为制定向传统客户营销新产品的策略研究打好了基础。

    Through a wide range of analysis and comparison , it makes a strategy marketing research of the development of new products to the traditional consumer .

  30. 面临着新环境和新挑战,大客户营销应运而生,并受到越来越多企业管理者的重视。

    Facing the new environment and new challenges , the key-account marketing came into being , and has got more and more attention from the business managers .