
  • 网络Customer Economy
  1. 在客户经济时代中,需求是一切市场行为的出发点和根本归宿。

    In the customer economy , the demand is the starting point of all market behavior and the fundamental end .

  2. 在客户经济时代,企业面临着越来越紧迫的顾客压力、竞争压力和来自变化的压力,很多企业开始纷纷从管理变革中寻找出口。

    In the customer economy period , the enterprises are facing increasing pressure from customer , competition and the changing .

  3. 新经济下客户经济竞争战略探究

    The Study of the Customer Economic Competition Strategy under the New Economy

  4. 客户经济损失将由信用卡公司补偿。

    Any financial losses to customers will be covered by the credit card firms .

  5. “以人为本”是现代过剩经济、客户经济、知识经济条件下企业经营管理思想及实践的必然选择。

    It is an inevitable choice for business management and operation under the current conditions of surplus economy , customer economy and knowledge economy .

  6. 随着互联网的迅猛发展、普及和客户经济时代的来临,世界范围内的企业都在经历一场深刻的变革。

    With the rapid development and popularity of Internet and the approach of customer economy era , enterprises all over the world are experiencing a profound transformation .

  7. 并在产品生命周期成本和客户经济价值分析的基础上,给出价格定制的成本数量关系式。

    On the basis of the analysis of product life cycle cost and customer economic value , the dissertation raises the cost quantity relationship formula of price customization .

  8. 把客户经济引入对中药产业的研究,并明确提出以客户价值(包括消费者价值)作为驱动中药产业链演化和发展的动力源,在国内文献中还是第一次。

    It introduced Customer-oriented Economy into TCM industrial research and clearly proposed the concept of customer value to be the motivation of the evolvement and development of TCM industrial chain , which is inventive in domestic as well .

  9. 本文遵循现代软件工程的相关思想,在对现有客户经济资本测算方法的基础上,结合银行信贷业务及风险管理的实际需要,提出新的经济资本回报率的需求,并展开详细需求分析。

    This dissertation follows the modern software engineering-related ideas in the economic capital for existing customers calculation methods based on the combination of business and risk management of bank credit to the actual needs , proposes new economic return on capital requirements and commences the detailed analysis .

  10. 他们疯狂的投机毁掉了股东,客户和经济。

    Their speculative frenzies ruined shareholders , customers , and the economy .

  11. 德国的西门子公司计划为其资金紧张的客户提供经济援助。

    Germany 's Siemens plans to provide finance for customers that are strapped for cash .

  12. 但这些小额贷款公司及其客户对经济形势的变化最为敏感。

    But such businesses and their clients are among the most sensitive to changing economic conditions .

  13. 原因在于,人们对全球尤其是中国(它们最大的客户)经济放缓的担忧越来越强。

    The reason is growing fears about slowing world growth especially in China , their biggest customer .

  14. 购买德尔塔航空公司预售票的客户的经济利益在德尔塔航空公司是否会继续营业。

    Customers who purchase advance tickets on Delta Air Lines have an economic interest in whether Delta will continue in business .

  15. 这意味着对重要客户的经济依赖影响了审计师执业的基石&独立性。

    It means the economic dependence between the client and the accounting firm hurts the audit quality from affecting the independence of auditors .

  16. 中燕公司讲求信誉,以精益的管理、精良的技术,优质的服务,为客户的经济发展做出更大的贡献。

    With the best credit , wise management and superior technology in this field , Zhongyan provides all customers with excellent products and service wholeheartedly .

  17. 当经济繁荣时,客户对经济形势形成良好预期,此时银行资产和负债是良性循环的,总之,诸多因素共同构成了经济繁荣时银行的低流动性风险。

    Customers have good expectations of overall economic situation when the economy is prosperous . And the bank assets and liabilities are in a virtuous circle .

  18. 会计部位案件、事故频发,严重威胁着银行和客户的经济利益,阻碍了商业银行的改革发展。

    Frequent crimes and accidents arising from accounting gravely threaten the interests of banks and clients , and hold back the reform and development of commercial banks .

  19. 杰瑞科公司热忱欢迎海内外广大客户开展经济技术交流与合作,共图事业的兴旺发达。

    Jerico company corporation zeal welcome Vast customer develops economy technology exchanging and cooperates outside within the four seas , and altogether picture cause prosperous develops flourish .

  20. 2009年9月,拜伦加入黑石,担任高级顾问,为公司及其客户分析经济、政治、市场与社会趋势。

    Byron joined Blackstone ( BX ) in September 2009 as a senior advisor to both the firm and its clients in analyzing economic , political , market and social trends .

  21. 我们为制药,糖果,食品与非食品行业的客户提供经济安全与技术进步,以此为我们寻求创新的解决方案,发展合作伙伴关系奠定良好基础。

    To our customers in the pharmaceutical , confectionery , food and non-food industry we offer financial security and technical progress and thus lay the foundations for development partnerships in search for innovative solutions .

  22. 通过提供端到端的解决方案和增值服务,我们为您提供完美的INTERNET解决方案,帮助客户在新经济时代增强其业务发展。

    By providing end-to-end solution and value-added services , we are the premier E-Commerce Solutions Enabler to help our customers enhance their business in the new Economy .

  23. 必和必拓(bhpbilliton)昨日表示,截至今年9月的3个月间,其最为重要的客户中国的经济增速已“放缓”,并警告称,“波动性和不确定性”将在短期内持续。

    BHP Billiton said yesterday that growth in China , its most important customer , had " softened " during the three months ended September and warned " volatility and uncertainty " would continue in the short term .

  24. 我们帮助客户跟上全球经济发展的步伐。

    We help our clients keep pace with globally company .

  25. 从而为客户提供更加经济的注塑机变频器控制方案。

    So providing customers with more economical injection molding machine drive control scheme .

  26. 但温德姆集团反击称,据他们的了解,没有客户因此蒙受经济损失。

    Wyndham countered that it knows of no customers who suffered a financial loss .

  27. 要使银行体系符合股东、客户和英国经济的利益,而不是银行家的利益,这些变革是最起码的要求。

    These changes are the minimum needed for a banking system run in the interests of shareholders , customers and the economy , not bankers .

  28. 结构性改革的目的是让金融机构在倒闭时不会对纳税人、零售客户和全球经济造成重大损失。

    The purpose of structural reform is to allow financial institutions to fail without imposing large costs on taxpayers , retail customers and the global economy .

  29. 我们的目标是帮助客户用最经济的资金、最短的生产运作时间和最低的成本生产高质量的产品。

    Our purpose is to help customer to product high-quality products with the most economical investment , the shortest production startup time and the lowest maintenance cost .

  30. 如果要让银行业体系的运营符合股东、客户和整体经济(而不是银行家自身)的利益,我们还需要更加努力。

    More still needs to be done if the system is to be run in the interests of shareholders , customers and the economy rather than bankers themselves .