
  1. 个人理财业务是指商业银行为个人客户提供的财务分析、财务规划、投资顾问、资产管理等专业化服务的活动。

    Personal financing service which includes many exclusive and professional aspects plays an important role in Commercial banks , such as financial analysis , financial planning , investment advisory and asset management .

  2. 决策支持系统主要应用于销售支持、客户分析、财务分析、企业分析和市场研究等方面,对企业决策至关重要。

    The policy-support system mainly applies on aspect of sale , customer analysis , financial analysis , enterprise analysis and market research and so on . It is very important to the enterprise decision .

  3. 在财务领域,我们有客户将产品给财务分析人员使用,以一种综合的语言来进行定价和制定业务规则。

    In Finance , we have customers used by financial analysts to define pricing and business rules in a comprehensive language .