
  • 网络Historical Comparative Analysis
  1. 多学科视野与历史比较分析方法。

    Multiple subject views and historic comparison analysis method .

  2. 历史比较分析方法在近几十年重新受到社会科学研究者的重视。

    Recent decades have seen a dramatic proliferation of work in comparative historical analysis .

  3. 在研究中采用了制度分析法、政策文本分析法、历史比较分析法、定性与定量相结合法。

    The research is based on the use of systems analysis , policy analysis method , history comparative analysis and qualitative and quantitative analysis .

  4. 新制度经济学的新发展:历史比较制度分析

    Recent developments of new institutional economics : institutional analysis of historical comparison

  5. 本文对我国银行业的人才需求进行了历史比较,分析了我国银行业人才需求的变化趋势,并探讨了银行人才培养模式。

    This paper makes historical comparison with the talent demand in the banking industry , analyses the development trend of banking talents , and discusses the training pattern for them .

  6. 采用历史的比较分析方法,对我国城市农民工人的产生及其特征进行了分析,认为城市农民工人是个自我保障能力很弱的群体。

    By means of historic comparison , this paper analyzes the creation and special features of migrant rural workers in China . The findings show that migrant rural workers in China are a social group with weak self-security abilities .

  7. 第三部分运用历史和比较分析的方法,归纳分析了国外政策性银行调控法律制度的现状及具体内容,力求为完善我国政策性银行调控法律制度提供借鉴。

    Chapter three draws a conclusion to the contexts and the present situation of the foreign policy bank law through the research methods of historical analysis and comparative analysis . It aims to make our policy bank law much better .

  8. 使用的研究方法包括实证分析(事实证明的史学方法)、历史比较和制度分析。

    Research approaches include empirical analysis , historical comparison and institution theory .

  9. 从古典绝对物权到现代相对物权&物权观念变迁的历史考察与比较分析

    From Classical Real Property to the Modern One

  10. 本文综合运用了历史考察、比较分析、经济分析和实证研究等多种研究方法。

    Historical thought , comparison analysis , economic analysis and example analysis also be used in this essay .

  11. 文章在研究方法上主要是采用了实证分析方法,其次采用了历史和比较的分析方法。

    Article on the research method is mainly used empirical analysis , followed by a historical and comparative analysis .

  12. 本文采取系统分析法、定性分析与定量分析法相结合,历史分析与比较分析法相结合。

    The paper adopts the system analysis , qualitative analysis combining with quantitative analysis , historical analysis combining with comparative analysis .

  13. 采用文献法、历史法、比较分析法,回顾了1949~1966年我国体育科技发展历程。

    With documents and history materials , this paper reviewed the development of Chinese sports science and technology in1949 ~ 1966 .

  14. 本文便着眼于此,具体运用实证的、历史的和比较分析的方法以及法经济学理论,对国际反倾销法律制度进行考察。

    With the guide of historic and economic methods the article just lays stress on it and emphases international anti-dumping legal system .

  15. 本文试图运用历史分析、比较分析等方法,对营业质权的基本问题做一系统研究。

    All attempts to use historical analysis , comparative analysis of methods for doing business pledge a systematic study of the basic issues .

  16. 运用历史分析和比较分析的方法,阐述了融资租赁制度产生、发展的过程及其产生的原因。

    By using the methods of historical analysis and comparative analysis it expounds the emergence , the development and the causes of financial lease .

  17. 本部分运用历史分析、比较分析的方法,对个人信息的概念加以梳理、确认。

    This part of the application of historical analysis , comparative analysis , the concept of personal information should be in order , to confirm .

  18. 本文将运用历史分析、比较分析、实证分析等方法对此问题进行研究,以期为我国相关立法提供一些参考。

    This text will use history analysis , comparing , demonstration analysis to study this question , which provides some references for the corresponding legislation in our country .

  19. 以此为切入点,采用文献研究法和历史比较法,分析语文训练观的发展变化。

    Taking this as the breakthrough point , the thesis uses the literature methodology and the historical comparison method , and analyzes the change of the concept of language training .

  20. 本文第一部分采用历史的观点比较分析了教育集团与传统的教育产业组织形式&单体学校各自的产生背景、类型。

    Part One in the essay compares and analyses respective background , types of educational groups and single schools , a traditional organizational form of education in a historic light .

  21. 本文采用历史分析、比较分析、经济分析等研究方法试图阐述并进一步理清反垄断法的若干基本理论。

    This article tries to further expound some basic theoretic problems and adopts the methods of historic analysis , the methods of comparative analysis , the methods of economic analysis .

  22. 尝试运用历史的和比较分析的方法,介绍了近代中西方学者对法治、法治政府的认识;

    Trying the usage of history and analytical method , introduces the modern scholar of Chinese and western the knowledge for the rule of law and the government of rule of law ;

  23. 本文从经典案例回顾入手,采用了案例分析、历史分析以及比较分析的方法,对场外金融衍生品市场功能型监管这一命题进行研究。

    This thesis begins from the classical cases , using the cases , historical and comparative analyzing ways to research on the topic of the functional regulation on OTC Financial Derivative Market .

  24. 进而运用历史分析和比较分析的方法,指出三种网络型公用事业的市场结构模式,即纵向一体化模式、纵向分离模式和数网竞争模式。

    The method of historical analysis and comparative analysis are used in concluding the Network Public Utilities ' market structures : vertical integration model , vertical segment model and networks competition model .

  25. 该文试图穿越中西方文化比较研究的历史,简略比较分析中西文化的各自特色,意图寻求中西文化比较研究的时代意义。

    This paper tries to go through the exchange history of Chinese & Western culture , analyse the differences between them and hope to find the modern meaning for this comparative research work .

  26. 通过与相同海域以及全球范围内的不同海域的历史资料比较,分析了北部湾底栖多毛类种类组成、栖息密度、生物量和种类分布特征的相似性和独特性。

    Comparing with the history data from the same and world wide research area , it shows that the polychaeta species composition , density and seasonal change was quite different in Beibu Gulf .

  27. 鉴此,本文以历史分析、比较分析和实证分析相结合的方法,仅就法学视野中的公共租赁住房制度进行探讨。

    In view of this , this article takes the historical analysis , comparative analysis and empirical analysis method of combining the law , just the vision of public rental housing system were discussed .

  28. 并总结出本文的研究方法,即文献分析法、理论与实践相结合的方法、历史考察与比较分析相结合的方法、多学科综合研究法。

    In the dissertation , the research methods also are concluded as the approach of literature analysis , of combining theory with practice , of combining historical investigation with comparative analysis and multidisciplinary integrated approach .

  29. 该部分在运用语义分析的方法对案件事实认定概念进行初步界定的基础上,进一步运用历史考察和比较分析的方法,对案件事实认定模式的历史演变及法系差异进行了分析和研究。

    This part , which uses the method of semantic analysis , analyzed the historical development and the difference between law systems about the mode of fact-finding on the basis of preliminary definition of the concept of fact-finding .

  30. 本文分为三部分,采用历史分析、比较分析和实证研究的方法,归纳了国际工程承包相关法律制度,梳理了国际条约与国际惯例、世界上有关国家的国际工程承包法律制度;

    The methods of historical analysis , comparative analysis and eventual research were adopted to conclude concerning laws and regulations of international contracting , comb international treaty , convention and legal system of international contracting in other countries .