
  • 网络Historical performance;Performance History
  1. 该机构代表捐赠人进行尽职调查,向捐赠人提供投资前报告,详细列明该慈善机构的财务状况、管理行为及历史绩效,并在捐赠后监督该非营利组织的进展情况。

    The group conducts due diligence on behalf of the donor , presents him with a pre-investment report detailing the charity 's finances , management practices and performance history , and monitors progress at the non-profits after donations have been made .

  2. 结合TA分公司的实际情况,对公司绩效管理的现状进行评价,特别针对公司历史绩效考核数据,利用数据分析工具进行了定量分析,得出公司现存绩效考核体系的不足和缺陷。

    Combined with the concrete conditions of China life insurance company TA branch , the current situations of performance management was analyzed . In particular , historical data of performance evaluation was analyzed by the means of quantitative analysis and pointed out the limitations of performance management in the company .

  3. 历史绩效与企业并购行业模式因果关联的研究

    Research on Causal Relationship between Industrial Mode of Acquisitions and Prior Performance

  4. 基金投资者一般根据历史绩效来选择基金进行投资,这种投资策略有效的前提是基金绩效显著且具有持续性,历史绩效能对基金未来业绩进行预测。

    Generally the investors choose the fund based on the historical performance . The presupposition of such investment strategy is that funds ' performance is significantly and persistently , and historical performance can predict the future performance .

  5. 在此基础上又对中国证券市场的发展历史和基金绩效评价体系两个方面对中国的证券市场进行了考察。

    Based on that , the paper provides the comprehensive study of Chinese funds performance , using both the history of China fund market and performance standard in China .

  6. 本文以我国大型国有企业经营者绩效管理与报酬体系设计问题为研究对象,简要追溯了绩效管理思想的演变历史,介绍绩效管理的流程与方法。

    This paper studies on the problem of performance management and reward system of large state-owned enterprise in China , introduces the history of methods on performance management , and then shows the procedure and approaches of it .

  7. 检验结果表明,消费者关系价值和品牌绩效之间有影响关系,消费者推荐价值比消费者历史价值对品牌绩效更具影响力。

    Test results showed that there is association between brand performance and consumer relationship value , consumer recommended value has more influence than consumer lifetime value to the brand performance .

  8. 首先评析改革开放以来我国创新政策的历史演变和政策绩效,然后提出我国创新政策的未来构想。

    The last chapter of this thesis commented the evolution and performance of innovation policy from the time of the reformation and opening in my country , then brought forward the prospect of our innovation policy .

  9. 为了考察和改进中国的知识产权制度的绩效,有必要对知识产品的历史产出和消费绩效的演化轨迹与同期知识产品制度变迁进行比较分析。

    To survey and improve the performance of China 's intellectual property , it is necessary to compare and analyze the evolution route of historical output and consumption performance of intellectual products and the transformation of intellectual product system during the same period .